Feelings about Indiana's new law?

This is outrageous. Do the lawmakers even have brains?? What kind of human thinks it's okay to discriminate anyone for anything.
We need to fire the majority of our politicians to begin with, they're mind works the way it does because they were raised to be bigoted ****heads. Do that and actually get intellectual people who think logically and rationally and not with their outdated religion and 2000+ year old books and we can get **** done in this country.
I'm glad that every single person who has posted is outraged.

It means good things. (I hope)
People need to stop using religion to justify their ignorant and simple minded behavior, truly disgusting.
that's just horrible. shocking that a law like that can even pass. what really sucks is to think that people voted for it???!!! WTF
religion and business should definitely be kept separate if it causes discrimination. why does religion always justify things that would otherwise be unjustifiable? :/ truly sickening
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Amazing this law can gain enoyugh support so it can pass.

If that happened here in Holland, people would riot in the streets and rightfully so.
further proof that we just kinda need the supreme court to deal with this stuff to make national laws that aren't complete bull****

of course this brings up the obvious problem of if the supreme court themselves makes the bull**** decision, but it's a risk I'm willing to take at this point

- - - Post Merge - - -

Amazing this law can gain enoyugh support so it can pass.

If that happened here in Holland, people would riot in the streets and rightfully so.

America is kind of really ass backwards

its even more hilarious/dumb in how stuff like freedom of religion and speech and etc are basically used as political and social tools for this sort of crap
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Tbh this ****ty law makes sense for a lot of America's ****ty social and cultural behaviours

Good job Merrica'. Land of the free, amirite? I haven't read much on it and I don't feel I need to. The law is stupid as hell. Seriously, what century is this? It seems we're just going backwards as a society. I feel sorry for the people in Indiana who this law will effect, and I wish them the best.
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america is so backwards yet they think they're the best and most 'free' country in the world

I agree.

This law just reflects the people's intolerance and hatred. Bull***t, it is.
In Germany at least we have a law to not discriminate people (Das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz) regardless of religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, race, age etc.

I don't understand how a law that allows not even private individuals, but also companies etc. can be passed in a country that claims to be first world.

In my school the kids from seventh to ninth grade had "no racism, school with courage" (or however their called) projects about two weeks ago and made posters etc. to exhibit in the school.
Now there are "homophobia is gay" posters all over our walls :'D
I think one should sensibilize society, especially young people, for discrimination and racism and make them aware that no, it is neither okay to beat up a gay kid, nor refuse to serve a gay man/woman later in life (or a black woman with two heads or whatever).

So by allowing people to discriminate others, one tells them at the same time that it is okay to do so.
And one can babble all day about how people should be free to act like they want to and bah bah bah, but the message this law delivers remains the same.