do you leave your 3DS on while you do other things?


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2015
June Birthstone (Pearl)
fo ex. while scrolling through the forums, going to eat dinner, etc i personally don't, mainly b/c my activity log would be way off and battery life aha
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If i'm plot resetting like I am now, yeah, I leave it on. Other than that, I usually don't.
I typically try not to unless i fall asleep. Sometimes if i'm waiting to meet up with a friend i do but most of the time if i'm not playing then it's off. The battery life isn't quite there to be running all the time imo.
it's always on and almost always charging
mainly bc i'm too lazy to load up games i'd rather just open my 3ds and bam i'm back to where i was
I have a few times. Sat my mayor down in one of my yellow benches and waited for at least 2 hours hoping one of my villagers would join me. lol
I seldom turn my 3DS off now that I think about it. It's always just on standby. It's become a habit for me to just close the screen and resume later after I save. My 3DS has terrible battery life probably from this bad prolonged habit but then again I've had it since near launch so it's still doing good for its age!
I'm really bad at getting distracted by things especially when playing acnl. I'm 99% sure that the only reason I got my badge for playing over 500 hours is because i just leave my ds on while i'm on the forums or on tumblr or something. xD
I never turn my 3DS off, mainly because if I do, I forget to turn it back on before I leave the house and then curse myself later for missing out on valuable StreetPasses.
Yes, when I'm tanning my characters at the island, or waiting for villagers to ping me.
I try not to, I have problems with charging so Just plugging it in doesnt always work, I have to rearrange the wire so to not waste battery life I dont, plus overcharging can destroy battery life/Capacity so I rather not spend more time charging then needed.
Edit: I should say, I do not know what type of battery my 3ds has, Some batteries have ways to prevent overcharging but ^^ better safe than sorry!.
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I use to leave it on all the time in the home menu, but closed when not playing.

Now I turn it off if I'm not playing it because I don't want the battery to get low. It also makes it more of a hassle to pick up and start playing again, which is good. That way I can focus on other, more important, things and not be as easily tempted.

...I still play it way too much tho :p
I never turn my DS off, I just close it.

If you are referring to leaving it open with the game running I don't do it often, but sometimes if I am playing and have to jump up to do something real quick I just set it down, still open and everything. However, when I did this the other day my cat knocked it off the bed and knocked out the SD card with the game on. So, bye bye town. I may have to rethink this habit.
I leave it on as long as I'm awake and actually playing... I sorta play on and off, but as soon as I'm definitely done, I turn it off. :y
Not off, just standby. I get a few streetpass from neighbours every now and then
If I'm say hanging washing out or washing up I will leave it on if I intend to go back on other wise I turn it off.
It depends a little, if I'm planning on resuming play after done I just leave it open with the sound turned up so I can hear if a villager pings me. Or if I'm waiting for someone to come to my town for a trade I will leave it open and the gates open as well :) But if I don't have any more daily stuff to do and nothing to wait on I usually turn the game off, it's easy enough to load it back up again if I find I want to play more later :)
Usually for tanning, or if I'm doing the diving trick. Sometimes I leave it open if I get an invite or a villager wants to visit me and I have a lot of time until then, so I can do other things.
No, I don't. It only takes a few seconds to turn the game off or on, and I don't feel comfortable leaving my game on if I'm busy.