Chest exposure


Aug 17, 2013
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What is your opinion on public chest exposure?

Society has more or less decided that for male bodies, it's ok to publicly reveal the entire chest. But female not unless it's for breast feeding a baby.

What do you think about this?

Should everyone be allowed to expose their chest equally? Should nobody be allowed to expose their chest? Is it good the way it is?

Does it depend on where you are? Should everyone be allowed to stay topless on a beach?

Would/do YOU ever expose your chest??
As a male, I don't even like taking my own shirt off in public. I can, but I don't think it'll ever be comfortable with me.

The culture can still suck. I remember when our teacher said that we had to 'man up' and change in front of each other. So no using the stalls in the locker room. Which was the first time I became self conscious. Seeing as everybody looked normal and I felt like a twig.

My point is that getting anything to change as a society is difficult and slow. Even Westerners would be difficult for this. Not to mention the parts of the world in which women are not given any form of equality.

Ultimately, this change in society would make little personal difference to me. I can still sympathize for how one might feel about it being unequal.

As I've experienced, there's a lot still rooted into older ways of thinking.
I don't think it should be a big deal, and idk why so many people think it is a big deal. there's nothing inherently sexual about a woman's/female's chest, society is just dumb lol.

as I am now, I personally wouldn't do it because I have a lot of dysphoria with my chest. but if I ever have top surgery then I might just feel bold enough to go out without a shirt (given my modesty doesn't get in the way hehe).
Yar I expose my chest all the time. Make those pirates jealous.

I have a female chest, so of course, I can’t have mine exposed. I won’t lie, I’m thinking of getting trans tape so I can try it out while swimming. It would allow me to not have a shirt on while swimming.

I’m still debating, but I was always interested in trying it out.
breasts aren't inherently sexual so i don't see the big deal. if men can be topless women should be able to be too, and breastfeeding mothers shouldn't have to worry about some perverted bozo harassing them.
I actually thought about this a lot during the summer, but sometimes I get envious of men being able to go shirtless on a hot day should they want to.

When I go out to the beach or I simply go out into the balcony, I want to do that too, just casually slip out of my shirt and enjoy the nice cool breeze on my skin. I guess there's nothing really stopping me, but not without attracting attention. Regular bra = not okay, but sports bra = yeah that's fine

That's life, I guess lolol
The only way to desexualize breasts (much like how ankles used to be considered sexual in Western society) is to openly allow women to be shirtless if they choose.

It would definitely suck at times and there would be creeps taking advantage of it, but after a few decades (maybe even earlier), it would be fine. Although I personally have no desire to be shirtless, it's a stupid double standard, especially for nursing mothers. Breasts weren't invented for sexual gratification. 🙄
I don't think breasts should be sexualized at all, but I do think it's kinda weird for ANYONE to go around shirtless unless it's like a swimming/beach/pool situation. Like, I wouldn't freak out or get mad about it, but I personally think everyone should wear shirts unless it's an appropriate situation lol

but I completely think that male and female chests should be treated the same
I don't care if someone does. I do think the double standard is dumb though.
Exposure personally, well it happens due to size. The same shirt doesn't fit everyone equally even if it is the appropriate size because it is often about cut. If I could fully choose though, I wouldn't because I don't like dealing with the awkwardness others express. Probably one of many reasons why I like regular T-shirts for myself. Unfortunately Tshirts aren't liked by most special occasions.
And Id never go topless unless I didn't have my girls anymore. Mostly cuz they get in the way and just feel inconvenient to me when topless. Maybe I'd feel different if they were smaller? Not sure.
I think whatever rules apply should be equal.

Since getting back into the gym I'm so glad to see they've enforced a shirts on policy for everyone. At my climbing gym, there was some backlash when they also introduced this policy. "I climb better with my shirt off!" No you don't. 😂

There's a swimming pool near me that runs a transgender swim evening once a week in the summer, where topless swimming is permitted for everyone. Of course there is a specific group of cisgender men who consistently try to get in despite being informed every week that they can't come in during that time. :rolleyes:
The rules should be equal for everyone regardless of the shape of their chest/perceived gender. That said though, I wouldn't be comfortable with it and honestly get a little bit jumpscared by men who are just randomly shirtless in public, outside of beach/pool settings where it would make sense/be expected 😭 still shouldn't be a crime or anything but I wish that "please keep your shirt on" was more of an agreed upon general rule under most circumstances asj;gkldf
I don’t think I would expose my chest because I am self-conscious about my abdomen more so than my chest. I do find it interesting that the part of the female chest that is really bothersome for people I think is the nipple. Because I think certainly there are times when women wear revealing clothing that shows off lots of other parts of their chest and it seems to be ok. But if someone is wearing a sheer top and their nipples are exposed it’s suddenly a whole to do. So I’m a fan of nipple equality.
That said, I’m still not ready to expose my own.