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are/were you embarrassed of your parents?


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2015
June Birthstone (Pearl)
personally i am bc they're from europe and have no affiliation w social media whatsoever so its rlly embarrassing when they talk to my friends or my friends parents they're way different than my friends parents too and tbh i'm nothing like them
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my mum once asked my friends to use only one square of toilet paper once cause she's really eco. apart from that they're pretty chill
Um all my friends moms are chill with anime/manga and for some reason my mom has a frikin problem with it. Like if it makes me happy, and I'm spending my money that I earned on the manga, then there shouldn't be a problem. .-. It's like she judges me for what I like and if she doesn't like it she calls me a weirdo or whatever -_-
Yes, like yes yes!
Once, my mom facetimed me with this sweet tone of voice that all mothers have and I forgot to change the sound so it was on loud and I was in public lol!
I think it's natural for people to be embarrassed of their parents.

When I was younger, I used to be embarrassed when my dad would talk to my friends because he has a heavy accent and a speech impediment (bony palate defect) and he's really difficult to understand. Now that I'm older, I couldn't care less. Plus my friends didn't care.
I've never brought any friends or partners to my parents (yet), so I can't really say. My father wouldn't, but my mother is another story.
lol yesssssss all the time. like they randomly try to do things that are "cool" for teenagers but fail miserably. but I still love them tho
Oh god YES. My dad is really old-fashioned and kinda cheesy. We had a holiday in Germany back in August and he talked to literally everyone we met, even if they couldn't speak English (we were in one of the really rural areas). I don't know why but he felt the urge to tell everyone where we were from like it was a big deal, super embarrassing.

I also used to hate it when my mum called me "toots" in front of my friends when I was little lol. I was too serious for that back then but I find it really cute now.
My mom was always pretty hands off and I rarely see her these days, but I can vividly recall a situation back in The Stone Age middle school when my grandma was tasked with picking me up during my 7th grade year. I was outside with a huge group of my friends and I was talking to this cute guy I liked, and out of nowhere we heard a car alarm go off and it kept blaring for what seemed like hours. Then, I hear someone repeatedly yelling my name which was somehow audible over the car alarm that was still going off, and it was then that I realized my grandma had set off the car alarm ON PURPOSE in order to "get my attention" and was now standing on front of the school waving her hands in the air while she screamed my name at the top of her lungs. It didn't help that she was dressed in one of her classic outfits: a pair of neon green knee socks and a plaid sweater with embroidered kittens and yarn balls. It was too much for my 12 year old brain to comprehend and I was absolutely mortified at the time.

Now that I'm older, I really appreciate her eccentricities and how unique she was, and I only wish she was still around so we could wear neon mismatched outfits together and be as liberal as possible with our horn and car alarm. She really was such a cool lady.
I used to be super embarrassed about my parents age difference when I was a kid, even though obviously it's no big deal. I also lied about what my dad did for a living because it was so ****ing weird compared to the other normal kids in my super religious school (he was a professional black jack player lmao)
maybe in the past i'd get embarrassed? not much anymore though. my dad tries to be embarrassing in public on purpose sometimes and he's pretty good at it too lmao but other than that my parents are weird but a good, funny weird and i like showing them off
My dad would yell at us in public. He was always yelling about something. It made me laugh when he did it to strangers, but it was so embarrassing when he did it to me.

My mom didn't really embarrass me. At least I can't think of any times that she did.

I can remember a few times that I embarrassed my son when he was a teen. One time I dropped him off at school, and as he was walking away, I remembered that he forgot his lunch money. I stuck my head out the window and hollered " Hey sweetie, you forgot your lunch money". Poor kid. I could see his face turning red. He ignored me and ran in the building. Lol.

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maybe in the past i'd get embarrassed? not much anymore though. my dad tries to be embarrassing in public on purpose sometimes and he's pretty good at it too lmao but other than that my parents are weird but a good, funny weird and i like showing them off

Best post ever. :)
I used to be embarrassed of my mom when I was younger just because she is much older than the average parent and couldn't do some things, but now I don't care and wish I had never felt embarrassed bc I love her so much lol
No not really. I am kinda proud to be my father's daughter though because he's cool af
Sometimes I am embarrassed by them but it's just they can be a little much to be around at times and I don't always feel like I'm similar to my parents in terms of the things they like and the way they act. But I still love them. ^^
as a teenager, I was embarrassed of my mom in certain situations because she can be very confronting and say things that bother me. whenever I was with her in public I felt a little uneasy, especially if I saw people from school I knew. she also used to sometimes yell at me in public which obviously didn't feel good. she is still slightly embarrassing but now that I'm an adult we have a different relationship and I don't care anymore. we also live further away so I don't have to see her very much. I was never embarrassed of my dad :) he's very mellow and likeable
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Yeah, my parents can a bit, but no one isn't. It's completely natural. A step in growing up is a rebellious spirit that makes you realize what you want to do different than your parents.
The only things that embarrass me about my family is that they are so loud. They have no inside voice whatsoever, so they're always loud no matter were we go. Stores, movie theaters, restaurants... It's the worst when they are talking on the phone. They practically scream while talking on the phone. It's embarrassing because everyone stares.

I'm the only one in my family who is quiet.