Worst piece of furniture or clothing a villager gave you


creator of whimsica
Sep 11, 2015
Orange (Fruit)
Merengue sent me a letter saying I would absolutely love her gift... and she gave me a trash can XD (I found it funny because it's a trash can, but it did turn out to be useful that I could dispose of junk I can't sell. But it was as if she was telling me I was so messy, so here, have a trash can)

It makes me wonder, have any of your villagers given you a total dud as a gift? It can be absolutely anything you personally didn't like :p
Pretty much just headgear in general, but only because I don't wear it much anywho (exception being like...stripe knit cap or the purple knit hat. They look nice!) :D
I definitely don't like helmets. They'll be getting a nasty letter back from me if they send me a helmet ;o
any clothing at all... literally the ugliest stuff ever
Colton sent my male character a black skirt and was saying something about how I should "show off a side that others, including me, are dying to see" or something to that effect. Coming from Colton it's a bit ironic, I never see him because he always hides in museum exhibits and shops so I don't even bother trying to find him down most days and yet he's 'dying' to see me... The stalkerish behavior of wanting to see me when I never see him is probably a bit more concerning than receiving a dress now that I think about it.
The worst thing I can remember getting is a donut stool after giving Diana a golden stag -_-
XhgxTDH - Imgur.jpg
I agree with Tsh about the donut stool. Also the dirt clod wall and the pipe. What're you gonna do?