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Worst Class in High School? (Or school in general)

Worst class in high school?

  • English

    Votes: 17 13.8%
  • Math

    Votes: 54 43.9%
  • History

    Votes: 10 8.1%
  • Science

    Votes: 16 13.0%
  • Foreign Language

    Votes: 14 11.4%
  • Computer/Technology

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arts (Band, theatre, ceramics, etc.)

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 8.9%

  • Total voters
One time I was thinking that teachers could meet up once a week or a fews weeks to plan things like homework and tests/quizzes so that they were evenly spread out so there's not LIKE 3 TESTS ON FRIDAYY

My old school used to do that, it was soo convenient. You should probably suggest it to your school :p
dont you have to take in account people's schedules
sometimes its just 1 test for someone
sometimes its 3
it would be kinda hard to make it all so that a student would only get 1 test.

Unless they give every student one test a week from each class. That could work.

EDIT: As in one week one class hands out a test, the next week a different one does, and the cycle rotates.
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Unless they give every student one test a week from each class. That could work.

EDIT: As in one week one class hands out a test, the next week a different one does, and the cycle rotates.
ok but
that would seriously put teachers behind
(well, if my school did that we would be behind. my class doesnt move onto another unit until we're done with a test)
ok but
that would seriously put teachers behind
(well, if my school did that we would be behind. my class doesnt move onto another unit until we're done with a test)

Hmm, you have a point there. Not all teachers do things the same way so it would be hard to stay at the same speed with everyone.
Unless they give every student one test a week from each class. That could work.

EDIT: As in one week one class hands out a test, the next week a different one does, and the cycle rotates.

It wouldn't work out well at all per week. the idea is to have tests not on the same day, so like math tests only on tuesdays, history tests only on thursday, etc. since there's typically 4-5 core classes it would work out perfectly and you wouldn't have them all on the same day
It wouldn't work out well at all per week. the idea is to have tests not on the same day, so like math tests only on tuesdays, history tests only on thursday, etc. since there's typically 4-5 core classes it would work out perfectly and you wouldn't have them all on the same day

That makes more sense than the organization plan I was thinking of. I agree with this.
Ah, okay. That's interesting. It's like that here in Canada in Elementary and Middle school, but in High school it's all percentages. A big reason why it is like that is because it's easier that way for applying to University (or College), when you need to know your average and all your marks in each subject.

Here the percentages give you a plus or minus, but only the letter matters. So if you Get 99% in a class. (A+) or a 91% (A-), you get the letter and symbol, but only the letter matters for when you're being graded.

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That's like my favorite part about math. No teacher I've had in the past few years has ever checked in math homework for a grade. It's either you think you need to do it to help you for the test or not. So if I feel too stressed out with something else, and I fully understand the concept, I just toss the homework to the side and maybe I'll end up going back to it later. I just don't like wasting my time doing something I already understand.

Math this year is annoying because the teacher says she just checks over the homework to see if you did work instead of just writing random numbers, but she marked me off a few points once because I forgot to do ONE PROBLEM! I was just -.-

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Also I hate Social Studies because my teacher is going to give me lots of notes for a chapter test tomorrow. And the test is going to have 4 pages. >.<

That's sounds like every test I do. Most hard tests have over 100 problems on a scantron that only has room for 100.
Highschool was terribad for me. English especially though (had to take two summer school courses because I go D's in them). I just can't into reading at all. Or studying. Did do well on essays though.
Here the percentages give you a plus or minus, but only the letter matters. So if you Get 99% in a class. (A+) or a 91% (A-), you get the letter and symbol, but only the letter matters for when you're being graded.

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Math this year is annoying because the teacher says she just checks over the homework to see if you did work instead of just writing random numbers, but she marked me off a few points once because I forgot to do ONE PROBLEM! I was just -.-

- - - Post Merge - - -

That's sounds like every test I do. Most hard tests have over 100 problems on a scantron that only has room for 100.
Wow. My other tests that I took has 2 pages or more.
I love math, it's my favorite class. In Algebra last year, I did great and I passed with a 98% for the year. Math is the only class that I'm good at. This year, I'm taking Geometry and it's not hard at all.

History is my least favorite. I find it extremely boring and I'm not even sure why we have to know what happened a hundred years ago. I could never focus in class because it seemed useless to me. The teacher was very nice so I felt bad for not showing her my true potential. All we ever did in that class was watch videos and take notes.
I hate Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The thing is though is that I am doing well in Maths now, and I'm getting a B in it. However, with the sciences I'm getting Cs... It's annoying 'cause our school wants us to get Bs in all of our subjects... Also we are forced to take triple science at a higher level. I don't even understand why. I mean, I understand why maths is a compulsory subject, because you are going to have to deal with numeracy and problems in everyday life... Although to some extent I don't think EVERYTHING you learn in maths is completely useful... But then again I CAN tolerate maths a little more. But sciences... I hate all the sciences SO much. ;; SIGHS.
I was never a math person, however my friend adores it. I just hate it SO MUCH, and my teacher won't even help me. So I've relied on my sister to help with homework.
english is thee most boring and stupidest subject i have ever done, and it was the only subject i was good at and got 90% in everything YOLO (surprising i know)
I have to pick math, i didn't really hate any class... They all had their down fall but good points (ruling out dance, performing arts and computing). I still passed everything so I don't really hate anything.
i'm not in high school anymore but i have always hated math, public speaking, and science.
but i kinda have to like science because i'm a nursing student... so, lol. i'm good at chemistry though.

@pufflekirby21, 10 page papers in college are normal thing, js
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Math and me do not mix.

However I'm pretty good with English[my marks wouldn't agree with that though, since.. I didn't believe in homework. I regret that decision now; however.]
I'm top/honours for everything but maths :3
On average, my English is the standard of someone 4 years older than me.
My maths is above average, but it's my weak spot.
My science is same for English, as is my French and German.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm top/honours for everything but maths :3
On average, my English is the standard of someone 4 years older than me.
My maths is above average, but it's my weak spot.
My science is same for English, as is my French and German.
I hate maths

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I'm top/honours for everything but maths :3
On average, my English is the standard of someone 4 years older than me.
My maths is above average, but it's my weak spot.
My science is same for English, as is my French and German.
I hate maths
Math is the worse subject in the world. It doesn't make sense. I got an infraction for saying how I really felt about math in another thread so I won't go into detail.
I hated science: I didn't like the people, I didn't understand the subject (and not for a lack of trying - I was never taught the basics in the subject), and I wasn't comfortable with doing experiments. Instead of helping me work out where I went wrong my teacher would just laugh at my mistakes - even worse, he would then broadcast my mistakes to the class so they could laugh too. :/ Naturally, when reports came back at the end of mandatory schooling they bluntly recommended that I don't pursue further study in the sciences.

On the bright side, I haven't had to set foot in a science classroom since 2008! \o/
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