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Why don't the most amazing dream islands attract you?

You can just visit the island doing a circle around RS, that way you don't go anywhere twice.
Also do you have the code for that maze island? Sounds so cool
I've visited a few "popular" islands by now and I have to say - they are beautiful and all, but a lot of them are just pretty to LOOK at. On screencaps, etc. Amazing work. But when I'm actually THERE and can hardly move around because there's always at least three things in my way, the whole thing becomes rather tedious. I've now actively started to look for islands that have LESS stuff on them and that look LESS "conventionally pretty". I honestly couldn't live on one of those "popular islands". It's just not for me. I know how much work it is to make one and all, but it's just not for me, neither as a resident nor as a visitor.
I don't like the lag, but also I find a lot of the super pretty towns are super hard to navigate!
I remember watching someone do an island tour on a maze island. I ended up feeling frustrated with watching it. I know that's weird when I could have just turned it off, but still. If I visit a dream and it has a maze, I'm not going in. I'm also not a fan of crowded islands. Some of them look really nice. I also agree with @xara. I don't like when people take pictures of their main attraction of their island. It's reasons like that why I avoid watching movie trailers.
I assume those who won't play a game where the framerate drops didn't play back in the N64 days?


Goldeneye was like playing a flick-book at times!
I think Star Fox on the SNES would like to have a word with you. Playing that game felt like watching a powerpoint most of the time!

To answer the question of this thread, the main reason is the unnecessary clutter surrounding the island. I can't imagine having to deal with the crammed space every single day and literally fighting just trying to squeeze through between small gaps. Thanks, but no thanks.
I think Star Fox on the SNES would like to have a word with you. Playing that game felt like watching a powerpoint most of the time!

To answer the question of this thread, the main reason is the unnecessary clutter surrounding the island. I can't imagine having to deal with the crammed space every single day and literally fighting just trying to squeeze through between small gaps. Thanks, but no thanks.

See, I don't even remember StarFox being that bad...just goes to show how standards have changed over the years!
As of right now I'm not going to any dream islands that don't fit my island theme so although I've seen some very amazing islands that I would absolutely love to visit one day I rather stick to islands that fit the theme I'm going for so I myself can get inspiration for my own island.
I've not had any interest in dreaming at all yet. Maybe I would if there was a random dream option. I'm waiting for some irl friends to finish their towns so I can dream there
Yeah navigation is important for me as well. And if that island has a lot of jumping in it I’ll get annoyed and leave. The islands still be looking gorgeous though.
A couple of them I do visit but I find that many of them are over cluttered, hard to navigate and leave me with a lot of lost confidence about my own island. Some can also be a bit repetitive in terms of villagers, layouts and items but that’s just me. I can see why others would be into them but I prefer to appreciate the hard work of others whom I know or people on the forums
Bumping this because I kind of want to chime in and agree.

I’ve visited quite a few dream islands that looked amazing in screenshots, but when I’m actually there...they only look amazing. Its purely aesthetic and no fun to actually play there.

I don’t like islands that are so jam-packed and cluttered that I can’t even walk. I hate it when everything is fenced off too, and there’s only one way to navigate the island. I feel like I can’t breathe. I shudder to think how these people fish when their beaches and rivers are all blocked off, or how they chase butterflies with cliffs and fences everywhere.

I want my island to be open and non maze-like (except for the actual maze I have, that is lol). There’s a happy medium between a purely aesthetic island and one that’s functional, and I’m trying to meet it in mine.
i don't like super cluttered islands. sure, i have some spots on my island which are cluttered, but holy moly. some islands i've been to via the dream address, you can barely walk around them ; _ ; like, of course it looks gorgeous, but you can hardly move around there! give me some space to breathe at least. also lag can be a pain in the butt, but that usually isn't too much of a problem for me because that's usually just in one area from what all i've experienced.
I agree with the sentiment about cluttered islands! The lag isn't great but also I don't like the look of islands with a LOT of furniture lying around outdoors, sometimes they look more like a dumping ground than a pretty, aesthetic island,,,and of course it's annoying when islands are really tricky to navigate.
extreme clutter, so many islands look lovely to look at in screenshots but they're a real struggle to actually walk around in.

i like being able to actually...y'know...explore the island. i much prefer the more open and "simpler" island designs over the ones that are overly complicated and cluttered
I don't care much for the hyper-developed islands. They are pretty to look at screenshots, but actually moving around or finding my way is difficult and frustrating.

I much prefer going to islands that aren't so developed, but have little vignettes scattered around. If it takes me 10 minutes to get from RS to the player's house because the path doubles back on itself 8 times and I missed that little side trail behind a cliff, I'm not sticking around.
I'm happy to read this thread. I thought feeling a bit sick and claustrophobic on a number of islands was just me. I was so excited when Dream Islands became available because that was one of my favorite features in NL. But so far most of the islands I've been to, no matter how beautiful and impressive, are way too cluttered and difficult to navigate because of the terraforming and item placement. On my island I use the 'run test' when deciding where to terraform and decorate. I need to be able to navigate by running from my house to all major buildings and villager homes, with maybe an occasional hop to get across a river. I love to fish, catch bugs, and visit my villagers, so ease of navigation is my priority. I do have a few smaller decorated areas off the main pathways that are a little cluttered, but still easy to get around at walking speed. I've definitely gotten some inspiration from visiting the dream islands, though I always wear my diving outfit so I can escape into the water whenever possible!
I stopped visiting dream islands for the time being since the lag on one island that I really liked was so bad that I had to turn off my game for awhile because I felt nauseous and got a terrible head ache. Also, not having a random dream finder in the game was a big turn off. :/

But aside from that one, the other amazing dreams that I’ve visited, there was nothing about them that didn’t attract me. :)