What’s your favorite event that happened on this site

As far as like "everyday events" or non-holiday/non-TBT related ones... I remember back in the old days of giveaways when it was a post-fest... you posted as much as possible to be the 1000th poster or the more posts you got the more entries you got. So it turned in to total meme-fests, but you also could get to know members that way.

Also there have been several mafia events that stick out, I won't go into too much detail because most of you would not understand. I'll just leave it as Rose the Roleblocker and shenanigans with Vanessa as lovers or co-conspirators
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As far as like "everyday events" or non-holiday/non-TBT related ones... I remember back in the old days of giveaways when it was a post-fest... you posted as much as possible to be the 1000th poster or the more posts you got the more entries you got. So it turned in to total meme-fests, but you also could get to know members that way.

Also there have been several mafia events that stick out, I won't go into too much detail because most of you would not understand. I'll just leave it as Rose the Roleblocker and shenanigans with Vanessa as lovers or co-conspirators

That one Improbable Role Mafia game where we screwed everyone over :cool::cool::cool: