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what was your purpose for joining tbt?

i joined for trading purposes. i wanted to get some specific items in nl and i didn’t really have an intention to stay but i’m so glad i did.
I joined to trade for some region locked items in New Leaf. I wanted things like the blossom lantern, hinaningyo, and general's fan which were only available in Japan. So after lurking for a while, I joined and earned some TBT to buy the items I wanted.

Then, I stayed because this community is so awesome and I got hooked.
I wanted to be able to trade items (and maybe even sell/buy villagers) and had heard this was a good site for it. I know some, like Nookazon, tend to be busier... but, well, I haven't heard much good stuff about using them. The feedback system here is FANTASTIC and I have NEVER had a bad experience. The worst thing that's ever happened to me on here was someone forgetting one item in a giant trade- I just shrugged it off as a super easy mistake.

But I didn't join until ACNH was released because, in ACNL, I could get almost every single item I wanted eventually. With the limits ACNH put on getting items, you're almost forced to trade... or pray for AMAZING RNG luck with tree drops/Redd items. As glad as I am that I joined (trading has been helpful and I've had good experiences with the people here), I'm still a bit peeved at Nintendo for forcing so much socialization in this game. I mean, this ain't Pokemon. We shouldn't NEED to trade 😛
I joined because I finally decided to pursue my dreamies in New Leaf and I believe I saw someone giving one of them away! My memories a bit dodgy though so maybe I'm not remembering all too correctly. It could have just also been because I wanted to start playing online and trading. Before joining the forums, I had *never* played online before. So it kind of brought a fresh perspective to the game for me after i joined ^_^
I joined to do some trading in New Leaf because I didn't have New Horizons yet at the time so I was playing New Leaf again out of jealousy 😅 I had never done any trading before or really engaged in any AC community but I found this place as one of the only active places for New Leaf trading in 2020.

Turns out this place is just the best place ever 🥺 I'm glad I found my way here
I dont really recall.
I believe I joined when I got a new 2ds so I could use amiibo in new leaf
Guess I was just hyped to get back into the game? Dunno

I came back because I remembered the site from when I first joined and wanted a place to talk acnh
Basically just trading items in Animal Crossing and trading or giving away my items to those who need it. :)

TBT Collectible collecting is pretty fun as well but not as high of a priority, though I do like trying to keep my lineup in-theme for each month.
I originally joined the forums because at that time I was in a group with a bunch of people who were from TBT, though I never really had a reason to be here so I just never posted and forgot about the forums after awhile. I ended up coming back in April 2020 after New Horizons came out, when I noticed the link to the forums on AC World and remembered I had an account here. I decided to do some trading here after seeing all the threads in Nook's Cranny, and eventually just stuck around on the forums even once my trading activity had died down.
I don’t remember, but I joined when I started playing NL so I can imagine I was just looking for somewhere with people I could talk to about the game as well as trade with! as my NL playtime died down I forgot about tbt but when NH came out I remembered the great community here and I’m so happy to be back
I lost my first copy of New Leaf (after I had put like 1200 hours into it) so I had to start over and wanted to get as many items as fast as possible! Kinda glad that it led to TBT, this is a great community
I joined for the streetpass balloons from New Leaf because I wanted them all !
I joined as I wanted to get Bianca for my new leaf town. First trades are very scary 🥺 Must have been totally traumatised as I didn’t start posting until new horizons came out. Everyone was so lovely and friendly I stuck around. Now you can’t get rid of me 😆
I have no friends that are playing Animal Crossing, so I joined back when I was searching mainly Villagers for New Leaf.
Never regretted joining. :D
Such a fun place and the TBT currency + collectibles are adding a lot to the forum aswell, instead of just talking we can
hunt for cool things 😎
I came across tbt when I started trading for NH and didn't really had the intention to join a online community (I hadn't done that in years :/ ) but somehow I've stuck around since then and enjoyed all the people I've came across & the events that happened here. In rl, I don't have many friends that play AC or even nintendo so this was a great feeling to hang out with other people enjoying the franchise =)
Honestly, I'm not sure? A friend got me to join during New Leaf, but I never, ever played that game with anyone here (unless Club Tortimer counts.).
It seems so strange to join a forum like this without intending to play the game with others, but here I am.
I wanted a more solid place to receive news and read discussion about NH when it came out.
I also wanted to try and find someone selling Pietro.

I had heard of TBT before this though, but I just hadn't joined because I'm honestly not a very social person. I'm still surprised to this day how much this forum has coaxed me out of my shell. I remember really struggling to type my first posts here. Now I most likely talk a bit too much.​
I remembered it fromw playing wild world,even though I didn't join back then. But when playing newleaf for the first time I immediately looked up this site again and joined, and than around the start of ACNH rumors I came back again haha. But this last time I stayed a lot longer and more active :)
i had made some friends online from new leaf and after using a few chat rooms one of them recommended we join this site. i used tbt to talk to them for a while but then we all stopped playing i guess? idk haha i came back years later to see about ordering another slushie machine since i had restarted my original town and didnt have a few of the limited time items.. and then i came back when new horizons was released so i could get different town fruits, and ive been mostly using the site for interacting with other people in the community since then but i do trade or visit other people occasionally