What was the first video game you played?

I started using the computer when I was 3yrs old to play learning games that my dad bought for me. Probably the first "video game" I played was an MS-DOS game called Jill the Jungle. I think I was 12 or 13? Can't remember but I loved playing it.
My first ever video game that I can remember playing was a fangame called Mario Forever for the PC back in like 2003. It was the game that got me in to Mario, Nintendo, and video games as a whole! And playing it today is still fun, even though they changed the game a bit since I played it back in the day :)
My first officially owned video game was Pokemon FireRed! I got it as a Christmas present in middle school. My parents never let me play or own video games so I was always really jealous of my friends who had consoles and games.
Pong - like everyone else my age. 🤣
Look how far we’ve come! Amazing!
I'm going to age myself as well but pong and pitfall on Atari. (Presuming we don't mean actual arcade games but home systems)
I vaguely remember playing some kind of game on the N64, but I know that the first game I truly remember playing was Mario Kart: Double Dash. That game brings back so many amazing memories :)
freddi fish and the case of the missing kelp seeds! are you even a real gamer if you haven't played a humongous entertainment game before? /j
Very first ever?
This bad boy lol I was 3 or 4
So my original post on here isn't completely accurate. New Super Mario Bros. is the first video game I played on a video game system that people actually take seriously. My real first game is a bit more complicated than that.

When I was around 5 my moms bought me a first generation Vsmile. It was a cartridge based game system from the 2000s that had nothing but licensed games based on cartoons and movies. I owned a few games for it and I don't know which one I played first. It was either Toy Story 2, Ratatouille, or some other game I don't remember the name of. Toy Story 2 was an adventure game about Buzz Lightyear exploring the air ducts of a building and crossing the road in a cone in order to rescue Woody. Ratatouille was a 2D platformer about the rat from the movie collecting various foods to make a dish. The third game had the player explore a town to gather items. Towards the end the player had to solve a Pokémon style arrow tile puzzle. This was the only game on the system I was ever able to beat. Video games were so foreign to me back then that I didn't know what to do. I have no idea what happened to the Vsmile or the games I had with it. Maybe my parents sold it after I lost interest?
I can't remember the very first video game I've played since ive been playing since i was like 4 or 5, but it was probably a game on pbs kids, nick jr or cool math games

Besides that i also remember having this old kids console (cant remember what it was called) and having some dora log hopping game on it, maybe that was my first besides computer games

edit: OH it was a vsmile just like Neb mentioned. I also have a very strong memory of having this superhero game where you went grocery shopping???
The first video game I had ever played on my own, that is not just holding a controller while someone else played, was when I was around 4 or 5 and I played Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga on the Gameboy Advance. I distinctly remember loading up the preexisting save and getting lost in the barrel maze in the Chuckola Chateau but I still thought it was super fun. It took me a few years until I started my own save and realized that the maze was way easier than I remember,
One of the SoulCaliber games. I was at a friend’s house so we started playing it, and I think there was an owl-man and a girl named Ivy? Not sure which game it was though.
I briefly played the original Legend of Zelda when I could first pick up a controller. The first game I ever played as in “it was bought for me and I played myself” was Super Mario Sunshine.
Mariokart Wii. I started off as a normie then became a casual gamer. Been a mario fan since.
It's hard to say. It was likely Super Mario Kart as that's what my brothers would have been playing. But I definitely remember playing some kind of Barney game 😝 and of course the infamous Lion King game!
either mario kart double dash or animal crossing wild world.

i also have a memory as a child of my father playing fallout 3 and noticing i was watching so he gave me the controller and let me play, followed by my mother scolding him due to how old i was and what the age rating of that game was, if it counts

i laugh every time i remember that
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Either the pixellated side-scroller Duke Nukem, or DOOM. I was maybe 3, my parents had questionable ideas of what was okay for me to see, lol.

First console game is hard to remember. Maybe Super Mario World for SNES? It was definitely a SNES game though. My first game that wasn't my parents' or brother's was Pokémon Yellow.
I was really young so I can't remember which was the first, but it would have been something on the PS2 or GBA.
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