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What features do you wish existed in AC:NL?

I wish designing patterns allowed for more slots, and saving them actually locks it from changing into a different design when the design was edited or used for something else... or maybe it's just glitching on me xD another one would be, hmm more history of the villagers .. but yeah guess the game is already pretty great!
the ability to pick spots where you don't want villagers to be
ability to design skirts and pants
and more refurbishing. I think pretty much everything in the game should be able to be refurbished. well, furniture, that is. even Gracie stuff. especially Gracie stuff. in fact, one of the most disappointing things to me is the fact that you can't customize Gracie furniture. ;__;
one of the most disappointing things to me is the fact that you can't customize Gracie furniture. ;__;

I feel it so hard. My heart sank a little when I excitedly took the Gorgeous Sofa to Re-Tail and Cyrus denied it. If it were blue it'd look exactly like my sofa that I love so much in life...
I was a weido that made storylines in my diary about some of the snooty animals I didn't like from the gamecube version, so I kinda miss that.
The ability to choose the hair color on a mannequin, if you place a wig on it. For that matter, the ability to have hair on a mannequin by default. My favorite thing to do in ACNL is make towns specifically for the dream suite, so mannequins are important to me for that purpose--I'm often trying to get them to look like a specific person, and it's hard to do when all the wigs are automatically brown.

Also, as pretty much everyone has said, choosing or vetoing villager house plots!
- I wish that the house designing was as easy and nice as it is in Happy Home Designer.
- Roommates. Imagine sharing a house with your best friend in-game.
- Choosing where the villager's house goes. You are mayor after all! Izzy should tell you when someone plans to move in and ask you where their house plot suggestion should be. Of course, it's not really a suggestion..
- More PWPs. Like in Happy Home Designer, you can have a full cafe and such. I think that would be really interesting to have in your town.
- No more 16 villager cycle to get dreamies who accidentally moved out to come back. 5 villager cycle maybe. 16 is just way too many. I'm not familiar with the game programming though, I mean, it must have been for a reason. Hopefully there would be a way around it though.
- Ability to choose different sized towns that can have a different maximum number of villagers. Maybe I only have 7 dreamies and don't want more villagers than that. It's kind of impossible and I'd have to settle. Naturally, there would have to be a minimum amount as well. It'd be weird living in a town with just you and one other villager.
- Ability to remove unwanted rocks. Seriously, the rocks in my town prevent me from doing beautiful things. It ruins the nice vibe I have going and sometimes are in the worst spots. Like in Stardust, I had one right on the other side of a bridge. Yet I couldn't put one many spaces away from Al's house because it was "too close". Nice going, Izzy. :/
- Easier to keep villagers. Yeah, I know, it's supposed to be like real life where people move out. I have to say though, some people never leave their original home. They may move locations within town but not leave. I think it would be cool if you could send a letter to them or have a conversation with them maybe at the top point of your friendship and you have an option to make them want to stay forever. There would probably have to be a way to reverse that in case the player changes their mind, but I overall I think it would be cool to have this option.
- Speaking of relocation, changing the spot of your house or someone else's house would be fantastic. Even if you could choose where villagers move, if you later changed your mind, being able to move their house location would be nice.
- Giving up your role as mayor. Not saying some random NPC or villager would become mayor, but maybe I made Mayor Kris but now I have a new character that I made named Maggie. It would be cool if I could switch from Mayor Kris to Mayor Maggie. There would have to be some kind of restriction from keeping it from happening on a regular basis I would think. Otherwise it's a neat idea.

Not all of these are necessarily possible, they're just ideas that I think would make ACNL even cooler.
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- Ability to remove unwanted rocks.

YES. I was actually pretty lucky in that only one rock is truly in the way of my creative streak in my town, but still. I think it'd be nice if you could destroy rocks but I'm sure if there were such an option, it'd come with a price beyond just a lot of bells. Like you'd be left with a rather large dirt patch or something. I'd totally do it even in that case. Anything is better than a terribly placed rock.
I wish lockers had alot more space, I also wish that they brought back the constellation feature in ACWW, I used to love seeing new constellations in the sky knowing it was from a town I had visited :p I also wished they would bring back the note in a bottle feature to ACNL, I used to love checking my beach everyday for one of those!
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I wish we had the pattern storage that CF had.

Also the gyroid storage. I'm the type of player that likes to finish collections and that feature was so great in CF for me.

I also wish you could send letters to your best friends from your town. I think that was another CF feature.

And signposts!! Man I loved those. If only for the fact that you wouldn't get the Dorothy effect.
Imagine though, like after you customize a Gracie item, she'll get mad at you next time you try to buy something from her.

"MY designs are perfection incarnate!"

Haven't played CF, but Gyroid storage sounds awesome and I have no idea why they would've taken a feature like that out. In one of my files the entire upper floor of my museum was full of nothing but Gyroids.
More storage space, the ability to move or remove rocks that block your pwp, and to change the color and direction of pwp. Seriously, why do all the benches have to face the same way?
Campers should walk around for the day like normal villagers.
Choosing house places would be great, it would remove a lot of reset-work.
It would be cool if you could move rocks around like snowballs. It should be slowly, but possible.
All of these suggestion are AMAZING

But let me propose this:

  • beach PWPs that you could interact with (like a grill, mini cabanas, surfboards, etc)
  • villagers can swim / play in the sand (making castles, tanning, w/e)
  • more dialogue options for villagers you have super close relationship with
  • system notifications when villagers going to move out so that people with responsibilities in real life can do what we must to keep our favorite villagers around :)
I just wish there was an easier way to put down paths (which I still haven't attempted, probably not going to because I'm getting an XL and a new copy and probably moving my current villagers to my new town) that wasn't as time consuming. Maybe just dragging along the map.

But the only thing I want more than anyone else and I know I'm not alone is to be able to pick where your villagers place their house. I don't get why that isn't a thing but I'm hoping that in the next main game that will be a thing considering all the issues people have had. I personally hate plot resetting so maybe it's just my fault.

Another thing I'd like to see is better relationships between villagers, I love it when they talk to each other or you go into someone's house and they're hanging out. Maybe you could set them up. Haha, it'd be really cute.

Also bat and fox villagers. And angel dragons. Please.
And birds like cockatiels and budgies. Why don't they exist yet?
All of these suggestion are AMAZING

But let me propose this:

  • beach PWPs that you could interact with (like a grill, mini cabanas, surfboards, etc)
  • villagers can swim / play in the sand (making castles, tanning, w/e)
  • more dialogue options for villagers you have super close relationship with
  • system notifications when villagers going to move out so that people with responsibilities in real life can do what we must to keep our favorite villagers around :)

^^^This would be the best thing! I see my villagers on the beach all the time but they just walk around and shake palm trees : C Have some beach time fun!

-I'd like if you could plan parties(at your house, at the beach, at the square) and you could invite any villager you wanted!(not necessarily the whole town)
-Villagers shouldn't be able to barge into your house when you are decorating. Can't they knock or ring and wait like normal?
-We shouldn't have villager personalities be different by gender?? Can I get a cranky female and peppy male? thx
I wish there was the pattern storage that HHD has! ACNL you can barely keep your paths stored.. but HHD has 9 pages worth of storage?!

Also choosing whether to have villager visits on/off while in your house. Sooo many times I'm trying to decorate and Hugh just barges in like "HEY BUDDY ARE YOU BUSY NO THATS COOL IMMA JUST COME IN THX"

Hugh pls. I'm trying to master the art of interior decorating. Bugga off.
I love the game but I do have a lot of things I wish there were. I wish you could design pants and skirts at the Able Sister's. I really want an option to choose a skin tone. I can have purple hair but I don't have an option for skin tone? I wish you could choose where villagers moved to. I need more storage space for designs and furniture too. That's all I can think of now but there's probably more.