Villagers who you hated but grew on you?


Mayor of Callisto
Aug 3, 2015
Winter Mittens
Orange (Fruit)
Most of my villagers do end up growing on me, but after starting a new town recently two little dudes who I were initially not pleased by have certainly found a place in my heart. Bud the lion asked to move earlier today and I was almost shocked to find myself unable to allow him to leave, and after chasing down a butterfly for croque the frog I realised he has grown on me as well. Carmen and Boomer however can find the door whenever they please.
For me the ones who have grown on me are actually some of the most well loved villagers. I never thought I would ever like Stitches. Always imagined him as creepy....but I kept seeing him in dream towns and decided to give him a try since I'm slow cycling to get erik back. Now he is one of my favourite ever villager, I love him loads. Having a lazy personality really helps though. Similar thing for Julian, I wasn't really willing to give him a chance, I like my villagers to resemble real animals as close as possible. Decided to give him and try and he is just lovely. I love smugs anyway (considering getting a 3rd one now) but he is also turning into one of my favourites. Because of this I'm starting to look at other villagers who I wrote off to begin with :)
Coco, no doubt about it. At first I thought she was creepy and a freak, but she turned out to be one of the nicest villagers to live in Sylvaria. I know the Normal personality kinda forces the villager to be nice, but it just suits her. I like to imagine she comes to space and fell to my town because she was an outcast.
Beau, i didn't like him at first but then he turned out to be one of my dream villagers when i actually played
For me, Beau kinda turned out to be the opposite. I really liked him at first, but he started becoming really bothersome after a period of time. I felt he also never really had an actual conversation with me, just the small talk and stuff. And the only he wanted from me was to do errands for him. I know technically thats a good thing since thats the friendship building system, but it gets ppretty annoying after several days. I was pretty fed up with him after while, and he never seemed to leave. And then when he offered, and i told him "please leave", he decided to stay on his own will. =__=

On the other note, When I saw i recieved Elise's plot, i was thinking Ohhhh Boy. I didnt particularly like her facial design (i'm not sure many people do), but I did end up liking her a lot! She talked to me quite in the opposite way of Beau. She was quite the lovable character for me :) Perhaps she wore all that makeup to try to display the beauty inside her heart. :)

Sadly I did have to let her go though when I restarted that town for other reasons. :( In my current town, I'd definitely say one of my favorite characters is Marina. I was absolutely loving her until she CORRUPTED everyone. Somehow, in a SINGLE day, she managed to get 4 villagers to wear the exact same pink bubble shirt she wears. I mean, the shirt looks great on her, but not on other people. I tried talking to Isabelle to make the villagers to take off the shirt, but I think it only works with villagers you recieve from others, and if they're wearing a custom design or something. Although I guess i dont really mind, since I sent Skye a blue diamond shirt, and she wore instead of the pink bubble shirt. :)

I never hated her, but I never liked her either, and that dislike grew when she randomly moved into my town after receiving her via Streetpass.

Now, I've decided she's not all that bad...

I'm still kicking her out the first chance I have, though.
At first I wasn't sure if I liked Tabby/Katt all that much but then they grew on me and now I don't see why people hate them. They may not be super cute or Tier 1 but they sure do have neat rooms and Tabbys appearance fits her name so much!
i really hated Del at first, he decided to plot his house right on top of my perfect Apple orchard in a different town. but then he started to remind me of my bf because his favorite colors are red and black and his fave animals are crocodiles. he's also p cranky, lmao. and he also started telling me stories of his childhood etc, and that tugged on my heartstrings a lil.
Rarely did villagers I absolutely HATED grow on me, more like ones I was indifferent with or was slightly disappointed about.

The ducks took a while to grow on me, but now they are one of my all-time favourite villager types.

I also never thought I'd be that interested in eagles, but Amelia has found her way into my heart.

Deirdre was weird looking to me at first, but now she's literally my absolute favourite villager.
Frita, I used to think she was the worst, would ignore her very exsistance to my town. Now she's my dreamie, and the entire goal to my current play-through is to get her back into my town.
I hated Groucho and Nate, but when they asked me to leave I did say yes and I felt a little sad letting them go since they grew on me a bit
I didn't exactly hate Benjamin at first, but I wasn't particularly excited about having him. Anyway, he's definitely grown on me (he's very funny and nice to talk to)!
When Frita first moved in I hated her because she placed her house right where I was planning on putting a public works project and she destroyed a ton of my favorite hybrids but she stayed in my town for a while and I was pretty sad to see her leave.
Jambette <3 I used to not her because everyone else disliked her..but then she moved into my town and I just thought she was the cutest!Super sweet and I love her face!