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They've turned the Wii into trash

No, it's not a "waste" if it's still being highly used. There's heavy traffic on all of their servers. Now, of course, we're not paying for it, but it's hardly a corporate waste if that's where half of the users are.
I don't believe for a second that the WiiU sales had "nothing to do with it", unless you show me some solid evidence that isn't Nintendo blubbering over sales or whatever. If they truly are shutting them down for reasons other than money, then that's ****ed up.

It is being wasted because 70% of Wii users have moved on to WiiU or other consoles.
I'm not saying the entire online play is wasted, I'm stating that they're shifting their profits onto the WiiU.

The WiiU might not have sold better than the Wii, but then again take a look back at Wii sales.
The Wii didn't make top sales at launch. Neither did the WiiU. Who is to say that won't change, like the Wii.

My point is, they are shifting profits onto WiiU services. It sucks but oh well.
I'm excited to see new WiiU services!
It is being wasted because 70% of Wii users have moved on to WiiU or other consoles.
I'm not saying the entire online play is wasted, I'm stating that they're shifting their profits onto the WiiU.

The WiiU might not have sold better than the Wii, but then again take a look back at Wii sales.
The Wii didn't make top sales at launch. Neither did the WiiU. Who is to say that won't change, like the Wii.

My point is, they are shifting profits onto WiiU services. It sucks but oh well.
I'm excited to see new WiiU services!

Tbh I don't really see that many people going to the WiiU, though I do understand the reasoning :s I contemplated getting one, but I don't really use consoles that much... Ughhh Nintendo wry
(I'm just pissed because I won't be able to use Pokegen anymore)
Tbh I don't really see that many people going to the WiiU, though I do understand the reasoning :s I contemplated getting one, but I don't really use consoles that much... Ughhh Nintendo wry
(I'm just pissed because I won't be able to use Pokegen anymore)

I've been a huge Nintendo fan for about 17 years of my life.
There was no way I wouldn't buy one. cx

But I understand. I really hope Nintendo listens to the fans next gen!
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Its their choice, really.. they don't have to provide it.

But you can sell a wii at game stop now for like 20 bucks, but gamestop always rips you off.
I am really upset about this. While I don't play multiplayer on Call of Duty World At War or Animal Crossing: City Folk, starting 19 days from now, I won't be able to (on the wii at least). And there goes my chance of getting and playing Mario Kart online on the Wii and fixing the DS settings on my 3DS so I can play Mario Kart DS and Wild World online. I don't think I will be getting a WiiU for a while, but Nintendo better get started on an Animal Crossing for it soon!
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well duh, if i was in their shoes i would do the same. they need people to buy the wii u since it is failing.
I agree with this. You cant expect something that is FREE to last forever. And two, I dont think the wii is complete garbage now as I never even used mine online just used it to play with friends locally or alone. So I guess my wii still has worth to me.

I'd pay for these services.
They should make something like;
Nintendo Plus.

Please can you guys get back to me and let's get Nintendo to do this idea!
From what I understood, direct Wi-Fi connection to other games would still be possible (ie directly trading Pokemon, and I had assumed AC connection included) Was I incorrect? D: It's even worse then I thought... nooo, Pokegen, why!
Duh....it's about time IMO I mean the Wii u is bad ass :) so point blank period. And I hope the sales of the Wii u and 3ds rise :)
Well... there isn't much of a point of keeping it up. It was free (I really don't think it was corrupt compared to Xbox and PS3/4, making you pay to use online features when you already paid for the system). And how many people still use the online features of these games compared to the Wii U/3DS? The only time I use my Wii is for Netflix, and I sold my DSi over 3 years ago (whoa) when the 3DS came out. They aren't even making new Wii games or DS games. I don't think it's because the Wii U is doing poorly, more that keeping the online features up is a waste of time when the company is no longer getting profits from selling the Wii/DS. While it's sad to see the Wii/DS go, that's how things work. In a few years, the next new Nintendo consoles will come out, and a couple year afterwards the online services for the 3DS and Wii U will be cut. Sad, but it's the way a business works. If you aren't gaining profit from something, you cut it and move on to the next money maker.
How exactly is the Wii U not better than the Wii? It even has the Wii OS built straight into it!
For starters, it can't play Gamecube games.

By direct I meant like, trading Pokemon or visiting a town over Wi-Fi, and not being able to, say, play in a Mario Kart match with random players. The first article I read about it (a few months ago) had given me the impression that the systems would still be able to connect to the internet, but most of the features of doing so would be gone.
Well with the Wii, Netflix, the Wii Shop Channel and the Internet Channel will still work.
Yeah, looking at Nintendo's website instead I can see that I was incorrect in that assumption.
Nintendo wanted more people to play there newer game systems. So that might be the reason why they shut down WI-FI for DS and Wii which SUCKS!
Nintendo wanted more people to play there newer game systems. So that might be the reason why they shut down WI-FI for DS and Wii which SUCKS!

That may be part of the reason, but I'm pretty sure this played a pretty big part in their decision as well:


If you don't want to read that, I'll pull a couple quotes from it:

"Hundreds of video games -- including those made by EA, Ubisoft, Gearbox, Nintendo, Konami, Capcom, 5th Cell, Koei, Firaxis, and more -- may be taken offline as Glu's GameSpy multiplayer servers shut down on May 31. ...Recently, Nintendo explained that it would abandon hundreds of Nintendo Wi-Fi games, as the titles relied on the same servers."