TBT's Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt!

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I remember how this used to be a chatting central about this event. Now since its over, its more of a ghost town.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Those were some good (And brain-melting) times.
You can change your display settings to view more than 10 posts per page (rip I wish I would have know that earlier).

I actually learned this in the middle of the egg hunt! Jamie posted about it a ways back in this thread. It's actually so handy, I don't know how I survived without it before. :eek:

I remember how this used to be a chatting central about this event. Now since its over, its more of a ghost town.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Those were some good (And brain-melting) times.

You make it sound like it was eons ago. :p This thread was crazy while the hunt was going on, I had to refresh every minute or so and there'd be at least three or four posts each time.
You can now transfer your Eggs to Bells at a rate of 1 Egg to 10 Bells!

The Egg Shop will close tomorrow night.

  1. Click your Bells
  2. Select Transfer
  3. Select Eggs
  4. Enter the number of Eggs you have leftover to transfer
  5. Press Submit
  6. Profit ???
You can now transfer your Eggs to Bells at a rate of 1 Egg to 10 Bells!

The Egg Shop will close tomorrow night.

  1. Click your Bells
  2. Select Transfer
  3. Select Eggs
  4. Enter the number of Eggs you have leftover to transfer
  5. Press Submit
  6. Profit ???

How come we could never do this with tickets like at the TBT Fair?
Wait egg currency is now transferable? I'm confused since people are buying it on the tbt forum.
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Wait egg currency is now transferable? I'm confused since people are buying it on the tbt forum.

No, you can only cash it in for bells. I just think a lot of people misunderstood Justin's announcement and thought it could be transferable. But if you check by clicking the number of eggs, you can only change it to bells (even though it says transfer). That's why I closed my thread.

It's a shame, I really thought I would have another chance to get a Waluigi egg. But I see how it could be unfair, especially to those who spent a lot of time trying to find the eggs in the hunt in the first place.
"Egg #10: Silence has never sounded so loud."

I was seriously gonna go lurk on Jer's VM's and find his conversations with GamerCat because he would never reply and his silence spoke 1,000 words I <censored> you not.


++ i can exchange 1 egg for 10tbt, huzzah!
You can now transfer your Eggs to Bells at a rate of 1 Egg to 10 Bells!

The Egg Shop will close tomorrow night.

  1. Click your Bells
  2. Select Transfer
  3. Select Eggs
  4. Enter the number of Eggs you have leftover to transfer
  5. Press Submit
  6. Profit ???
Great! Thanks! :D
Attention! One hour until the Egg Shop closes!
So I guess I should post my details/thoughts etc before this thread gets closed

Egg 1: Found it with little trouble. though I will admit at first I thought the clue was referring to the post your town map thread, but once I figured out that wasn't the case it didn't take long for me to figure out the true answer. Pretty simple, but we need some of these for balance. 7/10

egg 2: Found this one, though it took me a bit of time. I was just grasping at straws and remembering Fantasy Life had different classes, so decided to try it. The rest of the hint was lost on me due to not having touched the game. Hint gave leeway even to those that haven't played the game, and it was in a stickied thread, so even just browsing threads one should be able to come across this. But hints revolving around stuff that people may not even have an interest in kinda irks me, so I'm giving it a 6/10.

Egg 3: How was this one hard to people? It was pretty obvious right away to me that this was referring to a tournament or something. Despite being game related, it doesn't require much knowledge of the game to get the answer. Plus with the fact that Pokemon and Smash are kinda the main things this board could have notable tournies for, it also reduces the available options drastically. Egg was kind of buried at the bottom of the Smash subforum, but the hint pretty clearly tells you the egg will be buried anyways. So this one gets an 8/10

Egg 4: This was one of my last ones to get on the first day, but mostly due to trying to figure out the location. I already knew the "red jays" hint was talking about the site admins due to having checked last year's Easter event answers, but it took me a decent while to remember that this site has a twitter. Hint's clever enough while not being too revealing, and the location isn't too terribly hard to find. Though from what I can recall, a distinctive lack of twitter advertising can make things a bit problematic. 7/10

Egg 5: If you didn't get this one, you really suck at this. I paid Zipper twice and only got one egg out of it. 0/10

Egg 6: I genuinely feel sorry for those that weren't around when this podcast was posted, or that didn't pay attention to that there was a password at the end of it. The egg was one of my last day 1 eggs due to not having listened to the podcast, but I did somehow end up remembering about the password existing and decided to check it. It being hidden away in the podcast doesn't much bother me, but the amount of extensive knowledge it requires (Especially for a day 1 egg) kinda does. Also, even for a puzzle hint this one feels kind of lazy. So this one gets a 6/10.

Egg 7: I didn't even make the Groucho connection. I just went to the first notable "list" thread I could think of and found the egg. Stupidly simple to the point where even new members should be able to easily find, but like Egg 1 these are kinda needed. 7/10

Egg 8: **** no classification to what this was. I figured it out after hours of guessing, but this one is still complete bull**** to me. 4/10

Egg 9: There is literally only one thing related to "cards" i could think of being discussed around here. I just popped into every thread in the specific forum until I found the egg. Sort of requires you to of kept up with recent Nintendo news, but is also pretty simple to find due to being on the first page. 7/10

Egg 10: OF COURSE I DIDN'T FIND THIS ONE. That said though, I did at least have the right idea of how I was supposed to think in regards to the hint and where the trappings were. But I'd of never guessed it'd be hidden in the game soundtracks thread. Partially due to just not really going there much anymore, and partially due to my own fault in gaining a false sense of security in thinking all thread eggs would be in the first post. But I'm not completely unknown to F-Zero, so if I had made that connection its possible I may of checked. All in all though, despite the fact that nobody other than oath2order found the egg, that hint is utterly brilliant, so its getting a 10/10.

Egg 11: Another stupidly simple one, though I can't comment on the validness of the hint, due to never touching the thread for reasons summed up as basically "I'd feel like a creep". Another really simple one that anyone should be able to easily find. 7/10

Egg 12: I SWEAR I WAS IN THIS THREAD. Well, whatever. I've never seen nor have any interest in seeing Big Hero 6 anytime soon, so the hint was lost on me. Though in hindsight, this does make me wish I had used Google a bit more. Hint I suppose isn't too cryptic if its lyrics, but it again requiring decent knowledge for something people may not care about knocks it down for me. 6/10

Egg 13: I never found this one, but I did have the right idea of it being in the Museum at least. Though I just didn't bother with that egg due to 2muchloading. Also, as a side note, at first I thought this hint was talking about the TBT Fair art contests. Hint makes it clear enough of the general location, while not being obvious. But it not giving any indication to being buried, combined with a SoTW thread not containing the egg already being stickied just lead to really poor methods of throwing one off imo. 5/10

Egg 14: Best egg? Best egg. at first I thought this was Justin obsessing over Captain Toad, but after about an hour of researching that and not finding any surefire answer, I gave up on that. Then after making the Tina=Toadette connection, I decided to check her profile and found a dream address. Contacted Justin about if any hints would require you owning a game, and he basically indirectly said "yup". Went to Tina's dream town the next day (Was chilling in アイカ for all of Bunny Day), and after checking the bulletin board and seeing that it was recently updated was just all "yup, I just have to talk to Tina for the answer". By far the best egg of all of these, 20/10. This is exactly how hints should be.

Egg 15: I love hints that let me indirectly nudge people in the general direction while not breaking any of the rules. By which I mean that every time someone posted about having trouble with the hint, I went and liked that post. Hint itself isn't too bad, but not too notable either. Knowledge required is pretty minimal, and Bulletin Board eggs are typically pretty simple to find, just due to how few threads are in here. 7/10

Egg 16: I didn't even make the elephant connection until after I found the egg. Though I did remember the awards, which prompted me to go digging in the the Bell Tree HQ. Hint isn't too bad, even though I doubt many new users would've been able to find it. But considering a part of this is kind of "yearly history ****", I'm gonna let that pass. 8/10

Egg 17: I forgot about the alternate skin, and even if I hadn't I'd of never thought that a different skin could hide an egg. I wonder how many people found this egg via already using the skin, and how many switched. This one kind of really bugs me though for reasons I can't quite pinpoint, so I'm giving it a 5/10.

Egg 18: At first I thought this was referring to the E3 event, but ended up stumbling onto the egg sometime later. After thinking of the clue though and figuring it out, I have to say I really love this for its cleverness and subtlety. Plus Minecraft is so well known that this basic knowledge needed is basically nothing. 10/10

Egg 19: I'm pretty surprised I forgot about this thing happening considering how recent it was. At first I thought it was something to do with Gandalf and Justin/Jeremy. Though I suppose I also fell victim here to not thinking eggs would be buried in threads, so again, my own fault. Overall though, I really like this one. 9/10

Egg 20: This hint is ridiculous to me, but the answer is still super obvious with just how few alternate option there are. 7/10

Egg 21: I honestly didn't make the quote connection, but it clearly referring to a raffle or something cut down options. Doesn't need knowledge of the connection to figure out the hint, but knowing the connection gives even more benefits, even to those that are new. 8/10

Egg 22: I SWEAR I WAS IN THIS THREAD TOO. Well, I can't say much about this one. Its even more cryptic now, but considering this is the final batch, I think it should be expected. Overall I don't consider it to be bad, but nothing too decent either. 6/10

Egg 23: I got the Mario Kart connection, at least. But never thought that it could be DLC related or even thought of the possibility of DLC containing new cups. Its at least obvious enough in its general relation, but hints that require knowledge on stuff people may not care for is still utterly dumb and just feels like a lazy way of making stuff harder for people. so 4/10.

Egg 24: THESE RESULTS ARE DISAPPOINTING. I'll admit though that at first I thought this was referring to TBT's summer collectibles. But after coming up empty for that and rereading the hint, I noticed it was talking in future tense, as opposed to past tense that I was first thinking of the hint in terms of. After that it was just a quick rundown of thinking of things that have had notable discussion here that will happen in summer and be colorful. Hint is kind of really simple and requires a small bit of knowledge for stuff people may not care for, but I feel like creativity in the hint and number of ways it can be tackled more than makes up for it. 8/10

my final Egg tally: 17/24, which I'd say is pretty great considering this is my first time doing the event

#Justina: 6/10
Gandalf: 5/10
Jeremy: 6/10 (2 hints averaged, rounded up, 5.5 without rounding)
Justin: 4/10 (1 hint)
Tina: 10/10 (14 hints averaged, rounded up, 9.6 without rounding)
Zipper: 0/10
ZR388: 8/10 (4 hints averaged, rounded up, 7.75 without rounding)

As a side note, looking for these eggs just really makes one realize just how many duplicate threads this site has for even things you wouldn't expect. Not to mention the number of duplicate threads for single related things are pretty crazy as well. Also, for Egg 8, my first real guess was "KALOS".

But anyways, this event, despite frustrations and etc., was was super fun and might be my favorite of the events so far. It only helped that the thread itself was super entertaining to the point where I was constantly tabbing between this thread thread to check for new posts, and my other tabs used for browsing to find eggs. Though the only other notable one I can think of is the TBT fair, and that has kind of bad timing in it mostly happening when I'm visiting family. So, as such wouldn't be on the internet much, if at all. Also, riddles and such are just kind of more my thing. I like stuff that forces you to think from multiple viewpoints, even if the riddles themselves can be super hit or miss for it.

So a huge thanks to the staff for setting this up and managing it all. Extra shout-outs to Tina whom seemed to of gotten the most of the work in setting up the hints, and to ZR388 whom had to deal with the full brunt of our constant complaining and terribly eggsessive eggsellent egg puns and yolks. It takes real skill to keep a sunny side up attitude throughout all of this while still remaining hard boiled to ones duties. Plus you being extra lenient towards post quality rules for the sake of the general fun of the event was extra nice. So thanks for being cool.

Now there's only one other person I shell tell thanks to, and that's oath2rder. I don't care what anyone says, and as someone that if they didn't get stuck would've been working toward the golden egg, what you did was bar none the highest high point of this entire event. Which after the Lars situation earlier, I feel this is saying quite a lot. You are by far one of my favorite members, and this is exactly why. You deserved that egg 100%, and not just because you were the only one to solve every hint. Simply put, thanks for the entertainment. The second golden egg may be gone, but it will not be forgotten.

Now to go turn in my remaining 2 eggs for 20TBT to break even with what I paid Zipper. I hope he's fried by next year.

Also, as a closing question, will we know how many casualties there were, even if names aren't published? Or are staff keeping that info withheld for privacy?

EDIT: So it turns out oath didn't delete the egg. This masterful troll just further proves his deservedness of it is all I really have to say.
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So I guess I should post my details/thoughts etc before this thread gets closed

Egg 1: Found it with little trouble. though I will admit at first I thought the clue was referring to the post your town map thread, but once I figured out that wasn't the case it didn't take long for me to figure out the true answer. Pretty simple, but we need some of these for balance. 7/10

egg 2: Found this one, though it took me a bit of time. I was just graspign at straws and remembering Fantasy Life had different classes, so decided to try it. The rest of the hint was lost on me due to not having touched the game. Hint gave leeway even to those that haven't played the game, and it was in a stickied thread, so even just browsing threads one should be able to come across this. But hints revolving around stuff that people may not even have an interest in kinda irks me, so I'm giving it a 6/10.

Egg 3: How was this one hard to people? It was pretty obvious right away to me that this was referring to a tournament or something. Despite beign game related, it doesn't require much knowledge of the game to get the answer. Plus with the fact that Pokemon and Smash are kinda the main things this board could have notable tournies for, it also reduces the available options drastically. Egg was kind of buried at the bottom of the Smash subforum, but the hint pretty clearly tells you the egg will be buried anyways. So this one gets an 8/10

Egg 4: This was one of my last ones to get on the first day, but mostly due to trying to figure out the location. I already knew the "red jays" hint was talking about the site admins due to having checked last year's Easter event answers, but it took me a decent while to remember that this site has a twitter. Hint's clever enough while not being too revealing, and the location isn't too terribly hard to find. Though from what I can recall, a distinctive lack of twitter advertising can make thigns a bit problematic. 7/10

Egg 5: If you didn't get this one, you really suck at this. I paid Zipper twice and only got one egg out of it. 0/10

Egg 6: I genunely feel sorry for those that weren't around when this podcast was posted, or that didn't pay attention to that there was a password at the end of it. The egg was one of my last day 1 eggs due to not having listened to the podcast, but I did somehow end up remembering about the password existing and decided to check it. It being hidden away in the podcast doesn't much bother me, but the amount of extensive knowledge it requires (Especially for a day 1 egg) kinda does. Also, even for a puzzle hint this one feels kind of lazy. So this one gets a 6/10.

Egg 7: I didn't even make the Groucho connection. I just went to the first notable "list" thread I could think of and found the egg. Stupidly simple to the point where even new members should be able to easily find, but like Egg 1 these are kinda needed. 7/10

Egg 8: **** no classification to what this was. I figured it out after hours of guessing, but this one is still complete bull**** to me. 4/10

Egg 9: There is literally only one thing related to "cards" i could think of being discussed around here. I just popped into every thread in the specific forum until I found the egg. Sort of requires you to of kept up with recent Nintendo news, but is also pretty simple to find due to being on the first page. 7/10

Egg 10: OF COURSE I DIDN'T FIND THIS ONE. That said though, i did at least have the right idea of how I was supposed to think in regards to the hint and where the trappings were. But I'd of never guessed it'd be hidden in the game soundtrack's thread. Partially due to just not really going there much anymore, and partially due to my own fault in gaining a false sense of security in thinking all thread eggs would be in the first post. But I'm not completely unknown to F-Zero, so if I had made that connection its possible I may of checked. All in all though, despite the fact that nobody other than oath2order found the egg, that hint is utterly brilliant, so its getting a 10/10.

Egg 11: Another stupidly simple one, though I can't comment on the validness of the hint, due to never touching the thread for reasons summed up as basically "I'd feel like a creep". Another really simple one that anyone should be able to easily find. 7/10

Egg 12: I SWEAR I WAS IN THIS THREAD. Well, whatever. I've never seen nor have any interest in seeing Big Hero 6 anytime soon, so the hint was lost on me. Though in hindsight, this does make me wish I had used Google a bit more. Hint I suppose isn't too cryptic if its lyrics, but it again requiring decent knowledge for something people may not care about knocks it down for me. 6/10

Egg 13: I never found this one, but I did have the right idea of it being in the Museum at least. Though I just didn't bother with that egg due to 2muchloading. Also, as a side note, at first I thought this hint was talking about the TBT Fair art contests. Hint makes it clear enough of the general location, while not being obvious. But it not giving any indication to being buried combined with a SoTW thread not containing the egg already being stickied just lead to really poor methods of throwing one off imo. 5/10

Egg 14: Best egg? Best egg. at first I thought this was Justin obsessing over Captain Toad, but after about an hour of researching that and not finding any surefire answer, I gave up on that. Then after making the Tina=Toadette connection, I decided to check her profile and found a dream address. Contacted Justin about if any hints would require you owning a game, and he basically indirectly said "yup". Went to Tina's dream town the next day (Was chilling in アイカ for all of Bunny Day), and after checking the bulletin board and seeing that it was recently updated was just all "yup, I just have to talk to Tina for the answer". By far the best egg of all of these, 20/10. This is exactly how hints should be.

Egg 15: I love hints that let me indirectly nudge people in the general direction while not breaking any of the rules. By which I mean that every time someone posted about having trouble with the hint, I went and liked that post. Hint itself isn't too bad, but not too notable either. Knowledge required is pretty minimal, and Bulletin Board eggs are typically pretty simple to find, just due to how few threads are in here. 7/10

Egg 16: I didn't even make the elephant connection until after I found the egg. Though i did remember the awards, which prompted me to go digging in the the Bell Tree HQ. Hint isn't too bad, even though I doubt many new users would've been able to find it. But considering a part of this is kind of "yearly history ****", I'm gonna let that pass. 8/10

Egg 17: i forgot about the alternate skin, and even if i hadn't I'd of never thought that a different skin could hide an egg. I wonder how many people found this egg via already using the skin, and how many switched. This one kind of really bugs me though for reasons I can't quite pinpoint, so I'm giving it a 5/10.

Egg 18: At first I thought this was referring to the E3 event, but ended up stumbling onto the egg sometime later. After thinking of the clue though and figuring it out, I have to say I really love this for its cleverness and subtlety. Plus Minecraft is so well known that this basic knowledge needed is basically nothing. 10/10

Egg 19: I'm pretty surprised I forgot about this thing happening considering how recent it was. At first I thought it was something to do with Gandalf and Justin/Jeremy. Though I suppose I also fell victim here to not thinking eggs would be buried in threads, so again, my own fault. Overall though, I really like this one. 9/10

Egg 20: This hint is ridiculous to me, but the answer is still super obvious with just how few alternate option there are. 7/10

Egg 21: I honestly didn't make the quote connection, but it clearly referring to a raffle or something cut down options. Doesn't need knowledge of the connection to figure out the hint, but knowing the connection gives even more benefits, even to those that are new. 8/10

Egg 22: I SWEAR I WAS IN THIS THREAD TOO. Well, I can't say much about this one. Its even more cryptic now, but considering this is the final batch, I think it should be expected. Overall I don't consider it to be bad, but nothing too decent either. 6/10

Egg 23: I got the Mario Kart connection, at least. But never thought that it could be DLC related or even thought of the possibility of DLC containing new cups. Its at least obvious enough in its general relation, but hints that require knowledge on stuff people may not care for is still utterly dumb and just feels like a lazy way out of making stuff harder for people. so 4/10.

Egg 24: THESE RESULTS ARE DISAPPOINTING. I'll admit though that at first I thought this was referring to TBT's summer collectibles. But after coming up empty for that and rereading the hint, I noticed it was talking in future tense, as opposed to past tense that I was first thinking of the hint in terms of. After that it was just a quick rundown of thinking of things that have had notable discussion here that will happen in summer and be colorful. Hint is kind of really simple and requires a small bit of knowledge for stuff people may not care for, but I feel like creativity in the hint and number of ways it can be tackled more than makes up for it. 8/10

my final Egg tally: 17/24, which I'd say is pretty great considering this is my first time doign the event

#Justina: 6/10
Gandalf: 5/10
Jeremy: 6/10 (2 hints averaged, rounded up, 5.5 without rounding)
Justin: 4/10 (1 hint)
Tina: 10/10 (14 hints averaged, rounded up, 9.6 without rounding)
Zipper: 0/10
ZR388: 8/10 (4 hints averaged, rounded up, 7.75 without rounding)

As a side note, looking for these eggs just really makes one realize just how many duplicate threads this site has for even things you wouldn't expect. Not to mention the number of duplicate threads for single related things are pretty crazy as well. Also, for Egg 8, my first real guess was "KALOS".

But anyways, this event, despite frustrations and etc., was was super fun and might be my favorite of the events so far. It only helped that the thread itself was super entertaining to the point where I was constantly tabbing between this thread thread to check for new posts, and my other tabs used for browsing to find eggs. Though the only other notable one I can think of is the TBT fair, and that has kind of bad timing in it mostly happening when I'm visiting family. So, as such wouldn't be on the internet much, if at all. Also, riddles and such are just kind of more my thing. I like stuff that forces you to think from multiple viewpoints, even if the riddles themselves can be super hit or miss or it.

So a huge thanks to the staff for setting this up and managing it all. Extra shout-outs to Tina whom seemed to of gotten the most of the work in setting up the hints, and to ZR388 whom had to deal with the full brunt of our constant complaining and terribly eggsessive eggsellent egg puns and yolks. It takes real skill to keep a sunny side up attitude throughout all of this while still remaining hard boiled to ones duties. Plus you being extra lenient towards post quality rules for the sake of the general fun of the event was extra nice. So thanks for being cool.

Now there's only one other person I shell tell thanks to, and that's oath2rder. I don't care what anyone says, and as someone that if they didn't get stuck would've been working toward the golden egg, what you did was bar none the highest high point of this entire event. Which after the Lars situation earlier, I feel this is saying quite a lot. You are by far one of my favorite members, and this is exactly why. You deserved that egg 100%, and not just because you were the only one to solve every hint. Simply put, thanks for the entertainment. The second golden egg may be gone, but it will not be forgotten.

Now to go turn in my remaining 2 eggs for 20TBT to break even with what I paid Zipper. I hope he's fried by next year.

Also, as a closing question, will we know how many casualties there were, even if names aren't published? Or are staff keeping that info withheld for privacy?
omfg tldr
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