
Do you approve of smoking, and is it something you do?

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My grandpa, two aunts, step uncle, and most cousins on my dads side smoke. When we go there they always go outside to smoke. They've done this since I was a baby, and even though I don't smoke, it's damaged my lungs. It makes PE really hard because I need to rest longer. We did this balloon thing in a class last tri, and I had the smallest balloon in the class.

Please, don't ever smoke. It really damages you and the people around you. I dislike smoking and I will never do it because with me being as young as I am, my lungs are crap compared to everyone else my age.
i dont really care if the people i know smoke but id probably tell them to smoke less. But please, if you wanna smoke, please dont do it around me. i dont wanna die together with you inhaling the smoke. goddness, people should just smoke in private instead of walking around with their cigarettes infecting other peoples' lungs.
Eh, I have no interest in that gross stuff and honestly idc if other people do it as long as they don't do it where other people are forced to inhale that crap.
Working in health care I see how many medical resources are used up on diseases that could have been prevented by smoking cessation. So I absolutely hate smoking. I hate it to the point where I think it should be illegal because the smoker is by no means the only one paying for their decisions.
I never have smoked, and I never will. I have asthma, but both of my parents smoke around me. It's horrible.

And we live in an age where kids growing up in first-world countries know all the dangers of smoking. When I see teens and young adults smoking, I can't help but think they're completely stupid. They know all the bad stuff that can happen, but choose to waste their money and health anyway. So stupid....
I think what really bothers me about it is that not only are you releasing bad toxins into the air, people and animals can get second-hand smoking effects, and most smokers end up throwing it on the ground instead of going to a trash can. Smh
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I think smoking cigarettes is disgusting

Both of my maternal grandparents died in their 50s because they smoked so much. Whenever I smell cigarette smoke it just reminds me of their house and makes me angry/sad
i am a pre-adolescent, so of course i've never smoked xD nor would i ever want to. seriously sooo much anti-smoking stuff nowadays, our up-and-coming generation will likely have a lot less smokers.
i hate smoking, like the idea of ruining your lungs to an addiction, but it's become a smell of familiarity to me, and i don't mind it. i lived with my family (uncles, aunts, parents, grandparents, all in same house) until i was 4, and all the men were big on smoking. i moved to america from taiwan, where i used to live, and learned smoking was bad and crap, so i abhor it. but even though it's bad, it is the smell of home, as the men would always go sit on the balcony and smoke, and some of the fumes would waft in. now whenever i smell cigarette smoke, it reminds me of my uncles, and family.
i hate it. almost everyone in my boyfriend's family are heavy smokers, and if i wasn't 100% anti-cigarettes before i met him, i sure as hell am now. they all smoke in the house, around each other, and i'm talking hardcore chain smoking, not just one or two. his grandfather was probably the most avid smoker i've ever experienced in my life.

it's horrible. i barely smell it anymore, but it's scary to think of the damage it's been doing to not only them, but all the kids. (my boyfriend is eldest of five.) both he & i hate it, it's just so gross and i can't imagine paying tons of money to slowly destroy your lungs. i don't really care what you chose to do with your own body, but it's a bit obnoxious to force everyone else around you to experience it too.
That's what everyone who started smoking thought but now they sincerely regret it, please don't make the same mistake.
lmaoo I'm not an idiot. I want to just try it once and like occasionally once a year, kek
My dad smokes, I've gotten nosebleeds and such when I was young because of that crap.

I don't want to say that I absolutely hate smoking. I guess I don't mind people smoking, as long as they aren't giving other people secondhand smoke and as long as they don't do it often. I usually see men hanging out in front of our church smoking on Sundays, giving children and others secondhand smoke...I wish they (and others) were more considerate.
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I smoked a couple months ago because I thought I needed it, but now that I think about it I really didn't.

I don't understand how anyone can go through multiple packs in a day. After the buzz came and went my mind was cleared and I was ready to go through with my day.
I know I shouldn't but I do like the smell of it.
I cannot stand the smell of smoke nor can I be near anyone who has just smoked, the smell is foul. :x My dad used to smoke from the age of 14 but stopped when he had me and my sister. c: My boyfriend has also recently stopped smoking due to an advert showing the affect smoking can have on your lungs, which I'm happy he's done so so it doesn't damage his health any more. Personally, I don't mind whether people smoke, but I cannot stand the smell and I won't ever consider doing it. ;-;
I'll admit I smoke sometimes... a bad habit I picked up in college ironically to get over other addictions. I don't smoke as much as I did before though. I grew up in a household of smokers and I've always been bothered by it so of course I hate myself a little for starting in the first place.
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Smoking is SO GROSS. Its honestly revolting. Like why would you want to do something that makes you look gross and smell gross and and has gross side effects... but to each their own I guess...
The reason why tobaccos weren't fully banned, despite being more physically damaging and addicting than some illegal drugs, is because they've been around since centuries and are a big part of the mainstream culture. If they were to be discovered today, they would be considered as highly illegal drugs, and not many people would've been seen using those. Also, cigarettes are usually made of ordinary foodstuffs like grains and fruits, therefore making it incredibly difficult to enforce the anti-smoking laws. Looks like we're still going to continue suffering from smoking for quite some time, much to my dismay.

Why I tend to avoid smokers as much as possible? The second-hand smoke effects are still nasty to my health and can't be easily ridden. Even a single usage of cigarette will leave toxic chemicals that can last for hours.
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