Cycling Round and Round the Cycle Goes! Where's it Stopped? - Check Thread!

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You're so lucky with your villagers o.0
How's x?

Hehe, it was a campsite move in :p

And I lost interest after about 4 days.. It's nowhere near as good as B2/W2 .. Nowhere near, the story and graphics are cool, but absolutely no aftergame means I don't like it very much :p
I told you Dx
I've stopped playing it, there's nothing to do really apart from completing the pokedex.
Hehe, it was a campsite move in :p

And I lost interest after about 4 days.. It's nowhere near as good as B2/W2 .. Nowhere near, the story and graphics are cool, but absolutely no aftergame means I don't like it very much :p
Amen. The lack of after game play just killed it for me. I was like ok... Annnnd I'm done then?...
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Pokemon x/y? Yea it was boring... Sure wonder trade and stuff was fun but the "3D" graphics on that console and the storyline in general was just bleh. Traded my X copy in today for a megaten game...
Yeah, pokemon. They make it incredibly easy to breed pokemon with perfect IVs and make EV training so fast. The online battle system is really good too, so you can definitely tell the aftergame is mostly for pvp.
Yeah.. the insta-checker made shinies have no value anymore.. They're still cool but meh. It's not really fun to say OMG LOOK I HAVE A SHINY NOW when everyone has one.
yea it disappointed me in general with the videogame-console graphics and some storyline things they just seemed to put there just because they could. ew no glad i returned it
yea I just got Shin Megami Tensei soul hacker for 3ds now so bet I'm gonna spend a lot on that :3
One quick cycle 'cos I'm always paranoid about my dreamies moving out..

Punchy the Lazy Cat is now moving! Please post if you'd like him!


- - - Post Merge - - -

Punchy has been voided.
Wow Punchy went to the void... Please don't stop cycling your great at it and your thread will get popular again So please don't stop!!! ^o^ <3
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