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November 1st is Christmas... According to the radio.

Someone please invent something besides that French killing bird song. The Guacamole song would be a gr8 Thanksgiving song.
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I don't really hear Christmas songs pass Christmas, so why would it be November the 1st?
It's not time to start celebrate Christmas until November 13th for me. (Only since it's the day after my birthday.) ;)
Here in Canada, our Thanksgiving is in October so after Halloween, we have nothing else to look forward to in November besides Christmas! XD
What Thanksgiving tunes are there?

On the first day of Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims said to me... Where is that turkey in a tree?
That doesn't work as well as I thought it would have.

Deck the halls with gourds and pumpkins!
Well... er...

Dinner bells, dinner bells, dinner for all today! Oh what fun it is to eat... on a...
Classy table?

I got nothin'.
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Haven't heard any trace of Christmas songs on any of the stations I frequent, yet. However, I have seen stations go all Christmas on Halloween before. Lol.
One of my coworker posted pictures of her putting her tree up on November 1st. I couldn't believe it! I talked to her today and she said she's already done all of her Christmas shopping, even has half of the presents wrapped! I am not a huge Thanksgiving person but it was just crazy to have all of this done nearly two months before the holiday...

I do really love Christmas songs though... I will most likely listen to them AFTER thanksgiving when we put up our Christmas stuff.
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You have got to be kidding me. Christmas songs are so boring.
Luckily I don't listen to the radio too often.

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One of my coworker posted pictures of her putting her tree up on November 1st. I couldn't believe it! I talked to her today and she said she's already done all of her Christmas shopping, even has half of the presents wrapped! I am not a huge Thanksgiving person but it was just crazy to have all of this done nearly two months before the holiday...

My mom always buys my presents early, she got them around mid October. She doesn't like to wait until after Thanksgiving because nothing good is usually left.

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Then it should be christmas since March here

Srsly,its cold since motherfuking march...

Woah watch your language young man

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On the first day of Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims said to me... Where is that turkey in a tree?
That doesn't work as well as I thought it would have.

Deck the halls with gourds and pumpkins!
Well... er...

Dinner bells, dinner bells, dinner for all today! Oh what fun it is to eat... on a...
Classy table?

I got nothin'.

10/10, would eat again
You have got to be kidding me. Christmas songs are so boring.
Luckily I don't listen to the radio too often.

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My mom always buys my presents early, she got them around mid October. She doesn't like to wait until after Thanksgiving because nothing good is usually left.

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Woah watch your language young man

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10/10, would eat again
Shut up noob pokemon :v