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how do you feel about kids?


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2015
June Birthstone (Pearl)
i hate kids i hate everything about them whenever my brother brings his kid over i actually want to claw my eyes out because he won't STOP CRYING i always try to make plans the day he brings his son over just so i'm not in the house i can't stand it lol
The only time I have a problem with kids is when parents aren't controlling them out in public. I can't tell you how many of my movie experiences this year have been ruined because parents brought their loud child and wouldn't keep them quiet. It feels like everywhere I go there's a child screaming in my ear. Sometimes I'll see parents on their cellphone texting while their child runs rampant. So my problem is really with the parents rather than kids.

Edit: If anyone remembers that scene from Drake & Josh where they're waiting to ride the Demonator and the kid keeps poking Josh with the pirate sword, that's parenting these days in a nutshell.
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I've never had to take care of a child, but I wouldn't really want to anyway. I think I could cope with somebody a little older, like 10, but the further down you go the further torment I am unwilling to endure.
I only really dislike the type of kids that are spoiled by their parents. When they cry if they don't get their way,

I find it hard to talk to kids too because they're not very mature. I never know what to say. Apart from that I'd say kids are alright if they're well mannered, calm and funny.
I've more or less raised my sister for the past ten years, and I've spent a lot of those years babysitting for other families as well, so I'm more experienced in childcare than I ever expected to be. I really love babies + toddlers, but imo it all boils down to how you raise them. I can't stand being out in public and seeing kids act like maniacs while their parents do absolutely nothing & just let them do it.
The only time I have a problem with kids is when parents aren't controlling them out in public. I can't tell you how many of my movie experiences this year have been ruined because parents brought their loud child and wouldn't keep them quiet. It feels like everywhere I go there's a child screaming in my ear. Sometimes I'll see parents on their cellphone texting while their child runs rampant. So my problem is really with the parents rather than kids.

yeah that's true, honestly my brother & his girlfriend are the worst parents if his kid is having a tantrum they just stick a tablet in front of him and let him run around the whole place while the tablet is on full blast. he's always throwing the ipad around too if he loses or screams if he loses and he broke my brothers phone lol, i know what u mean by its the parents fault rather then the kids
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they can be cute, i enjoy visiting people who have young kids but i wouldn't want any of my own.
As long as they're not little ****s, I'm fine with kids between the age of like 1-5. That's when they can actually be adorable, and they're still at an age where you can tell them automatic doors open faster if you run at them.

Newborns all just look like mutant potatoes with nothing unique between them and older ones seem to just irritate me regardless of how well behaved they are.
I think I am fond of kids but I'm scared of taking care of /babysitting them because I'm horribly irresponsible and I don't want to influence them
You mean Demons from the pits of hell? Awful. Parents seem to believe their own kid instead of me who babysits them.
I dislike most of them. They get into everything and cry when they break something (that isn't even theirs sometime) or they don't get what they want.

I was sitting down on the floor at a party, and a kid was messing around the shelf behind me. A vase fell, hit my head, and broke on the floor and then the kid starts crying for some reason even though I was the one that got hit with the vase.
Since I am the oldest in my family and have 4-year-old twin sisters, I am quite experienced in child care. Yes, they cry and make messes and need to get their diapers changed, but eventually you get used to it. I hate the older kids, like 5-6 year olds, who think they know everything and refuse to listen. I have a cousin like that and I hate babysitting her because she just ignores me and does her own thing.
Well the kid depends on the parent. If the parent spoils them or doesn't control them, they become little ****s. If the parents are strict, like my dad, the kid learns to act like a normal human being.
I am fine with kids if they are well behaved, but I only want to be around them for a few minutes. I do NOT want kids of my own, but unfortunately I am at an age where I get asked if I have/want kids almost daily. :C It is annoying! I have cats people! I'm good! ^-^
I want children one day, but not now. I JUST got married, and I told my husband "yeah my dude we aren't having kids until I'm 30 (I'm 18 he's 21) so don;t even think about it". He's fine with that, and we're just gonna live our lives until then. :)
I like kids and have always been good with them. I work with children at both of my jobs (pre-school & daycare) and really enjoy working with the 1-5 year old age group c: whining, tantrums, and all of those semi-annoying behaviors don't bother me. it's just a normal part of their development, although of course it can be irritating.

I definitely want children someday. my husband is a little indifferent about it and wants to wait a few years which I have accepted. I'm 24 and ideally would like to have my first child by 28, but we'll see.
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while errbody is roasting kids, i find some of them to be really cute (since i volunteer at a preschool) && i don't understand what half of them even say lmao.
It really depends. If they're well-behaved, then that's great, and they can be pretty fun. Now, if they're just screaming and running all over the place while the parents are in Lala Land, yeaaaaah, then I get pissed off and have a migraine. Honestly, if you're going to take your kids out with you, at least teach them good manners and how to respect people first; and if you can't do that, then don't have kids at all.
the lady next door has four really loud hyper monsters, two boys that always pick on their little sisters and make the youngest cry and scream all the time.

and they all think my yard is their play ground :/