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  1. TBT Bells
Of course! What is your availability tomorrow (EST)? I will be sure to send you a message then! Thanks!

I should be available all day tomorrow. EST is eastern standard time, right? I'm PST, so I think that makes me about three hours behind, so I'll be available all day tomorrow until about 10pm PST or 1am EST. I'm up really late. xD

Also, if I got that wrong let me know. I'm not good with time zones, as I'm new to this.
I should be available all day tomorrow. EST is eastern standard time, right? I'm PST, so I think that makes me about three hours behind, so I'll be available all day tomorrow until about 10pm PST or 1am EST. I'm up really late. xD

Also, if I got that wrong let me know. I'm not good with time zones, as I'm new to this.
Yep, you’re 3 hours behind me! I’ll be sure to send you a message first thing in the morning :)
Yep, you’re 3 hours behind me! I’ll be sure to send you a message first thing in the morning :)

OK! I'll make sure to get up on time. I'm usually up at around 8am or 9am. I'll be sure to get on right away after I eat breakfast. 🙂
Sounds great! Will PM you in the morning!

Awesome; thank you so much :). I live in EST and get up sometime in the afternoon, just to give you a heads up in case you don’t get an answer from me right away. I’ll reply to you asap when I do become available though :)
hi! I'd like 10 mil bells for 100 TBT.
I'd like to pick up, and I'm available this time today and tomorrow.
500M bells has been reached! Let's shoot for 550M in a week's time! Any orders tonight will be fulfilled tomorrow AFTER turnip selling as that has been neglected recently.
Hi, I would like to buy 10Mil for 100TBT please, possibly with delivery! I'm at work now but I can be online in ~5ish hours
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