Favorite season to play during?

Favorite season

  • Spring

    Votes: 47 35.9%
  • Summer

    Votes: 54 41.2%
  • Fall

    Votes: 40 30.5%
  • Winter

    Votes: 22 16.8%
  • All of them

    Votes: 18 13.7%
  • None of them

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters


Elusive Shy Kid
May 11, 2018
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Timmy Christmas Doll
As much as I love winter and the cold, I actually prefer playing NL during spring-fall. Those seasons feel so alive with all the bugs flying around. Winter feels so dead compared to the other seasons
Fall probably looks best, but spring and summer are more fun, since there are so many critters out. Plus, like Kimi said, spring is so nice after seeing snow and dirt for what usually feels like an eternity by the time spring begins.
I do really like the winter, hearing the crunch of the snow and all, but fall looks so much better to play in. I don't really care for spring and summer... can be too hot and bright.
My favorite seasons to play are spring and summer when the grass is nice and green. I think it makes the colors of the fruit, bushes, and flowers really stand out. I also usually play in the evenings, so it's not too bright for me.

In the fall, I do like the red trees, but the rest of the colors get a bit dull, especially during the evening time frame when I play.

I always like the snow when it first falls up through New Year's, but then I get really tired of it and can't wait for spring to come back.
I love to play during the summer. I like to go island beetle hunting with my friend Becca, and I also enjoy the thrill of being terrorized by countless tarantulas.
I play my current town on 4/11 on 1am.
Oddly specific time, i know, but that's my favorite time to play at ��
Why not all seasons? At the very least, it provides a different atmosphere in my town every few months.
I've always found winter to be my favorite season to play during! I love the music, the holidays, the snow, etc. ^^
I love playing in all the seasons. It's just too hard for me to pick just one, but if I had to, Summer would be it. It just seems like there is more to do during the Summer. Lots more bugs and fish to catch, so it makes a great time to be busy and just play and relax. :)
Spring, hands down! I love that the trees turn pink, the grass is a vibrant shade of green, and the azalea blossoms contrast nicely to the bushes.
Winter is my favorite. I do quite like when it is late fall as well when the holly is bloomed.
Each seasons has quite lovely attributes that are similar.
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I generally can't stand Winter outside of December when the trees are all decorated, and for me Summer is annoying because of all the bugs, namely cicadas. So noisy!

Spring is lovely and is packed full of fun events, plus it's such a nice breath of fresh air after winter. Fall is probably my favorite though, I love the fish that come out, the muted colors, plus Halloween and Thanksgiving are my favorite holiday events!
Spring and summer because one of my favorite aspect of the game is fishing/bug catching!
And there's so much during these seasons so I love them of course.
I also really like the way yout town looks in summer! It's all green and cute.
I think all the seasons have good things about them! I probably like winter the most though, especially since I can run around as much as I want without destroying grass. :D
Idk really... not a too big fan of autumn due the fishing being pretty meh and the rain and stuff lol
Summer because I like catching bugs and hearing the cicada sounds. It really reminds me of my childhood :>
My favorite season to play in Animal Crossing New Leaf is during Fall. But... I prefer early Fall when the grass and leaves aren't red yet. 'Cause I think that part of the season looks good in any timeframe. I used to have Spring as my favorite season to play until I somehow ended up in Fall when I didn't stopped playing the game.