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Cycling 🌟Faerghus Cycling 🌟 | [CLOSED]

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congrats on getting your dreamie! I'm not at all interested in 7 of my villagers so I'm doing some mini cycling of my own and it takes forever
congrats on getting your dreamie! I'm not at all interested in 7 of my villagers so I'm doing some mini cycling of my own and it takes forever
Here is what I do to get a villager out of my main island:
1. Talk to everyone you see outside, if you wanna go so far as to talk to people inside you can, but it really doesn't matter.
2. Save, quit, close down the game, move the date up 15 days. Make sure the time is between 11am-4pm
3. Once in the game, run around and see if you can find the villager with thought bubbles. They will be outside. If you cannot find them, or there is a fishing tournament (or sometimes rain, but I have gotten a ping with rain) TT ahead one more day. I've had to do this up to 5 days, but you will get a ping.
4. If it's someone you wanna keep, tell them don't go and repeat steps 1-3. You can move forward 6 days between and talk again. It will work either way (I've had more success with the 6 day jump between)
5. If you want them to move, say bye, TT one day and they will be all boxed up, ready for a new adventure.


Vladimir is in boxes, free to a good home! I'll hold him about 30 minutes before moving on.
Lurker tag:


Also, I updated the Lurker list! If there is anyone else looking for any dreamies, I will snag em up and tag you when they are in boxes!
Thanks everyone who has made this a worthwhile venture. I'm excited to continue helping everyone. If you ever need to update your lurking list, please feel free to post here and tell me you would like an update, and I will get that taken care of ASAP!

Also, I realised earlier I have both Lucky the Mummy Puppers and Ankha the Pharaoh Kitty on my island and I am LIVING.
Just a quick question, once a villager is in boxes, are they completely available for anyone to bid on, not just the lurkers?
Just a quick question, once a villager is in boxes, are they completely available for anyone to bid on, not just the lurkers?
Of course! I will pick up a character if someone wants them, but they are free game once in boxes. The only ones I will not adopt out are the four I'm cycling for.
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Finally finished my BL Maddening run, Faerghus represent!

Lurking for Apollo!
Of course! I will pick up a character if someone wants them, but they are free game once in boxes. The only ones I will not adopt out are the four I'm cycling for.
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Gotcha, thanks!

ANKHA has moved onto my main island!
This means she is off my dreamies list and now open for lurking! I adore Ankha, and hope to help anyone who loves her find her!


Peanut has moved in! She's super cute and pink, I hope she finds a home!

I've updated the lurker list, also!
That being said I am pausing for the night because it's 11pm here and I need slep.


Morning everyone. I've updated the lurking list (Thank you!) and I looked over my first post and edit it some for clarity and made a few small updates for clarity and fairness. And get rid of repeated text. I am bad at this, lol.

Anyway, please feel free to lemme know if you need updates on your lurking list! I'm gonna go back to cycling.

ALSO! I added my cycle method to the FAQs section of the first post! So if you wish to refer back to it, there would not be a hunt!
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