Dumbest games you've ever played?

Pretty much any Sonic video game besides he original Sonic the Headgehog on Sega and Sonic Adventure 1&2. And pretty much 90% of the Dreamcast catalogue.
I'm usually a big fan of Sims games but Sims 2 Pets for the DS was really, really bad.
The dumbest game I ever played was probably a gba game that was about the Powerpuff Girls. I don't remember what it was called at the moment. :/
that one game most people had on their macs so so so many years ago
paradise paintball or something
Super Noah's Ark 3D (Hacked Game for SNES) It was a clone of Wolfenstein 3D that had different graphics and there was no point.
Super Mario Bros !

It was some weirdo hack I have/had on a cartridge it was literally impossible and just made for the lulz obviously.
For me, one of the dumbest games I've ever played would have to be... Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The bull**** levels were just too high. xD
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). If you've used the internet, you should already know how bad this game is.
I remember going to Blockbuster years ago and renting the Xbox 360 version and liking it (I was young). My father later bought the PS3 version from a yard sale a few years later for $13 and we've had it ever since.
Most creepypasta games like sonic.exe. I have yet to find one person who thinks those games are well made and great.
The Golden Compass for DS. It was so bad...but also I somehow really enjoyed the alethiometer and Pan puzzles. It was very weird to enjoy a terrible licence game.
This for sure:

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