Do you have any New Year's resolutions? ✨


Jan 11, 2016
Blue Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Blue Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Glowing Butterfly Spirit
Lily of the Valley
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Blue Star Fragment
As the end of the year draws near, I think it's important to reflect on the progress we have all made. Did you complete any New Year's resolutions from this year?

I'm hoping to be a bit kinder to myself in 2024. I want to take better care of myself: making an effort to do my nails, hair and find a style that suits me.
I also want to move a bit more and go for regular walks.
I also want to continue my reading streak - I read around 16 books this year so I'd like to hope I can match or excel that in 2024.
And, this one I partially completed in 2023 but due to stress I relapsed.. I'd like to stop biting my nails!

Do you have any New Year's resolutions for 2024?
My New's Year Resolution for 2024 is to be more organised. I make this resolution every year but I always fail to some extent. I've done better about organisation in recent years but I still lack it in certain, more important areas.
My New's Year Resolution for 2024 is to be more organised. I make this resolution every year but I always fail to some extent. I've done better about organisation in recent years but I still lack it in certain, more important areas.
Me too! It's easy to get overwhelmed sometimes. I wish you luck with your resolution ✨ ✨
my new years resolutions are a bit different from the past. i have a bit of a spending problem, so i'm aiming to do a "no spend year" in 2024. only the necessities! i need to start saving money (and hopefully start investing by the end of the year). other than that, i am aiming to:
- stay focused on school (one semester to go!)
- organize my personal life better
- prioritize my hobbies and interests
- quit my two jobs and find a permanent position elsewhere
- move to a new state!
I usually go veryyyy light on New Year's resolutions so I don't overburden myself. I'm already too much of a perfectionist and I get told that I'm too hard on myself a lot, so I'm trying to get better about that. 😅 But I do have a few!

-Finish switching over to my new laptop. This one is on its last legs (super old, broken hinge, etc.) and thankfully I do have a replacement mostly set up, but I still need to (a) make sure my art tablet will work on it and (b) transfer over everything. Dealing with electronics and change are both anxiety triggers for me, so I've been taking baby steps towards this goal for a while ahaha, but I do plan to get this over and done with sometime next month! ;u;

-Make a Carrd for art commissions! Currently I'm only taking them on here, but I'd like to offer an alternative/a better off-site place to credit back to me!

-Attempt to start a Youtube channel. I'm giving myself a lot of room there in case of unforeseen technical complications/I end up hating it lol, but I want to give it a try at least! Always regret it if you don't try, etc.

-Be kinder to myself, worry less about silly things, and be careful not to take on more than I can handle. My 2023 resolutions went... weird/not great. Had a (thankfully small? I think) burnout relapse, lots of existential crises, etc. etc. I think I learned some good lessons at least and hope to not repeat past mistakes in 2024. I do think I made some good progress in worrying less about silly things, but it's still a problem for me, so it's back this year.

Less a resolution and more of a hope I guess, but I might like to revamp my wardrobe! ;v; I've been needing to do that for a while but since we're trying to move somewhere colder I've been teetering back and forth on if I should wait until after the move or something. I'll see how it goes!
I don’t really bother with New Year’s resolutions anymore since I never follow through with them, but I’m loosely setting some for myself for 2024. I don’t expect to accomplish all of them, but at least a few would be nice!

- Get my anti-anxiety medication refilled now that I have health insurance and coverage again, and take my meds regularly. Keep going until I find medication(s) that work if this one doesn’t. I’ve been putting this off also because my doctor is on maternity leave, and having to talk to the new doctor that’s covering for her makes me anxious (go figure lol), but this is the most important resolution for me, and will be the one I do first once the holidays are over. 💊

- Learn to become more comfortable with making necessary phone calls for myself, and leaving my apartment by myself. My anxiety and paranoia right now are debilitating, to the point that I hate talking to people irl or going out by myself because I’m so convinced that something bad will happen and/or someone will hurt me, but I deserve to live my life just as much as anyone else does, and it’s important for me to learn to overcome these fears. There are ofc evil people out there, but I can’t live my life in fear of encountering one of them.

- Continue prioritizing my hygiene and self-care. Taking care of myself is rough when I’m almost always lethargic and mentally unwell, but I’ve been doing my best to overcome that these past few months, and I want to continue working on it in the new year. Basic hygiene stuff like brushing my teeth, washing my face, moisturizing, showering etc, and I also want to start putting more effort into my appearance again. Making sure that I’m wearing nice, comfortable clothes, painting my nails, doing my makeup, accessorizing, etc. 🧼

- Tidy my room and the rest of my apartment more often. Like with taking care of myself, making sure my room and my apartment is clean is also hard with the way I feel most of the time. I live with my parents, but cleaning is hard for my mom due to her mobility, and my dad honestly just doesn’t want to, so I want to be able to do more around the house. Regularly vacuuming, sweeping and mopping, dusting, reorganizing, going through pantries to get rid of expired food and/or anything we’re not eating, etc. I don’t want all of the housework to fall on me, but I also want to do more than I already do. I also want to get into the habit of vacuuming, mopping, dusting, doing my laundry and reorganizing my own room as well. 🧹

- Read more. I read a lot of fanfiction as is, but I want to start reading more fiction books again. I also would like to start journaling again! I think it would be really therapeutic for me, as well as helpful for my memory. 📚

- Worry less about what others do or think of me. My value isn’t determined by how many likes I get or others’ opinions of me, and I really want to start believing that for myself. No matter my struggles or shortcomings, I have worth and I deserve to be kinder and more patient with myself. ❤️

- Exercise more, even if it’s just going for a walk or climbing the flights of stairs in my apartment building each day, or exercising in my room. 💪🏻

- Stop picking at my lips.

- Finally hang up the posters and wall decorations I bought for my room years ago. I’ve been hesitant to decorate my room because my room and this apartment honestly don’t feel like my home at all, but it’s likely going to be a while before I can find my own place, so it’s time to make the best out of what I have and put some of my personality and interests into my room. 🦋

- Try more new things, whether it’s experiences, food, etc.


- Improve my art and writing skills. 🎨

I might edit this later if I can think of any others, but I think these are the gist of it!
I have a bunch! Generally I'm feeling excited about the future, I've got lots of plans:
- Get fitter, work out more. Especially want to work on my upper body strength.
- Eat cleaner + healthier
- Gain experience with outdoor activities like hiking and swimming, especially solo.
- Save up money (don't book any new trips!)
- Focus super hard on university.
- Graduate university with as good grades as possible
- Choose a Master's degree course.
- Get all my travel vaccinations before September
I actually managed to lose quite a bit of weight (nearly 40 lbs) since last year so I guess I will be continuing that in 2024 :unsure:

As for other resolutions... I really wanna sketch more and make more art for myself in general. I'd love to do some traditional painting again. Maybe even look in to buying some oil paints but they are even more expensive here in Australia it seems 💀

I'd also love to sew more and finally get around to making some of the bags that I have always wanted to make!
Hmm, I should take time to think on this more later, but one thing I already had in mind for 2024 was be outside more this summer (any warm month honestly). I really need the vitamins and being outside will be good exercise too.
I don't usually set any New Year's resolutions as I find the concept a bit dumb, seeing as you can begin a "resolution" any time of the year.

That being said, 2023 was a record year for me in terms of how good it was. I haven't had as good a year as this since 2011. This year,

- I finished my first full year at a career job that I love and enjoy.
- The Texas Rangers won their first ever World Series championship in 63 years of existence.
- I went on vacation BY MYSELF not once, but TWICE. I'm pretty sure by now that I can fly anywhere without the need for assistance.
- I won a ton of 50/50s in the gacha games that I play.
- I learned how to budget effectively using Microsoft Excel and a schedule planner.
- I learned how to diet better without the need to know how to learn to cook a bunch of things.
- I received my first ever end-of-year work bonus.
- I continued my martial arts as much as I could and started practicing some different techniques.
- I continued building my credit in preparation for buying a home in the future.

So honestly I'm not going to have high expectations for 2024. I'll just take it as it comes and go from there. :blush:
I try not to set New Years resolutions, as I prefer to just go with the flow and get things done at whatever pace I see best. Some things can't even be helped for when they get done.

With that being said, I will list some hopes I have for 2024 (some of them of which fall under "I cannot control when they get done"):

* I hope my doctor can get my paperwork filled out. As I have stated previously, I went to the doctor back on September 14th of this year to over over my medical results and to to go over some guardianship paperwork (since I have special needs, my dad will be my guardian for the foreseeable future). It's been three months since that appointment and my dad and I are STILL waiting. Hell, I wouldn't mind going up there for an examination if it will speed up the process. The part I was dreading (the blood and urine tests) is behind me, so I wouldn't mind it all too much. I dread going to the dentist more at this point.

* I hope I can get to the psychiatrist in the coming months. Not only is that a part of my guardianship paperwork, but I want answers about my mental health. I was diagnosed to be on the spectrum from a young age, but I want clearer answers. I want a more specific idea of where I am on the spectrum. Also, I have stated this many time on here, but I have also been questioning if I have ADHD and OCD (or some type of Anxiety issue). It will be nice for not only me to get a better understanding of myself, but my family as well. :,)

* Get my bank account. It will be a lot easier for both me AND my dad. I have noticed the hard way that gift cards keep getting declined at more and more services (at least online). Like more than half the services online I try to use, my cards just get declined nowadays. It is infuriating. 😣😣😣 Once I have a bank account, I shouldn't have to deal with this anymore. ^__^

* Work on some of my books, particularly my one about the attraction towards fictional characters, and my one about Autism Spectrum Disorder. 💖💖💖 🌈🌈🌈
it's not really a new years resolution... but i plan to put up my new toy hammack i got for christmas, sometime, with the help of mum & put all my toys that are in black bags in my room, in it ... so that i can clear some space :3

& also i plan to put the rest of my games into one of my new rilakuma storage chests, sometime, so that i can get rid of that brown box i keep them in... 🤗
i don't like that brown box anymore o_O
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As cheesy as they are, I really enjoy making new years resolutions, even if I don't keep up with them later on.

- Lose 20 pounds. This is my first weight loss journey but I'm motivated to get rid of this little belly I've gotten. Gonna try working out/doing yoga. I have a sitting job so that's also where my weight gain has probably come from
- Finish unpacking and decorating the house
- Declutterrrrrrr and minimize the stuff in the house
- Scroll the internet less and spend that time doing hobbies instead. Sure, one of those hobbies is video games which is also on a screen, but it's more healthy for my brain to think and focus than just zone out and scroll useless things that I'll instantly forget about the minute they're off my screen
- This year I also want to get closer to finishing that big Durarara fic I've been working on and off on since 2021
- Rebuilding my portfolio and turning it into a website instead of an interactive PDF. I want to add more pieces and build some websites for it
- Start to learn Javascript. I already know HTML and CSS
- Do a mini no buy challenge and get back to saving up money
- Load up my new Kobo to read more books. Also read the physical books I already have
- Maybe create a Youtube channel for ASMR
I hardly remember what my resolutions were last hopefully these are new.

- Find a new job: This one is incredibly important, because where I work now is not paying me minimum wage (I can´t just leave), and has caused me enough stress over the years. I cannot organise myself because they like changing my hours on a whim because there´s hardly any other workers. I work by myself and I work at a lil deli dealing with everything.
There´s nothing else left for me there, and I am treated awfully. It´s not like I havent been looking either, I´ve been applying for so many things before Christmas, and I don´t get into the next stage. :(

- Find a better and motivaional exercise experience, so I can focus on it enough where I can work on my stamina as well. exercise isn´t just for focusing on weight but helps the body and I want to do it more often. Maybe more swimming?

- Get back into my creative writing. May need to work around this once I find a better job, but I have been lacking and i feel so upset about it. I have a lot of prompts I need to write, and to physcially start writing has been a HUGE struggle. I really don´t want to lose it.

- Get back in my arts and creative sides. Not just writing, but I wanna focus on art, photography again. My DIY stuff and all that.

- Finish my portfolio, I guess? That would mean organisiing my phtography because I have so many to go through. Wish me luck.

- Do a lot more with my friends, and family. Go out more, because this year, I rarely went out. I only went out for work. Lets do more, it would may require a better job and pay of course.

- Fix UC problems. I won´t get into this completely as theres so much and some may not know what UC (Universal Credit) is, but I have been losing money because of their plus my works fault for this and i need to talk to a local mp to short things out. Really wish me luck on this, because they just arent owning up to anything.
I've been thinking a lot about what I need more of in my life to make my days feel more fulfilling, and to help prevent me from focusing on/worrying about things that shouldn't impact me as much as they do now.

One of those things is to get out more (at least once per month) to attend local events (or just go to a cafe by myself,) and hopefully build a few local friendships. I've joined a book group that meets every month starting in January, and I'm keeping an eye on other casual meet-ups.They're something to look forward to.

Another thing that I start every year with good intentions but always grow lazy eventually is journaling daily. I want to try and stick to that & track my mood this year, as it'll be the first full year in my new location, and with a dog.

I've already started a somewhat regular exercise routine earlier this year (1hr-1hr45min bike ride x2 weekly) and regular walks, but I also want to add daily stretching to this. At least 10 minutes per day to maintain my flexibility & keep my back, neck, arms, and legs in good shape.
Next year will have a lot of change (some unpleasant) for me already, so I hope to keep learning and pushing through any mental fatigue.

Things to learn:
-Basics of crafting tools like electric screw drivers, how to use the different types of drill bits

-Home repairs that every person should know.

-Keep learning and practicing customer service skills

-Learn how to do my own taxes

-Keep taking vitamins
-Lose weight (I doubt this one, tbh)
-Sew more often
-Meditate again
-Write in my journal more often