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Do you ever feel like coming back to a game, but you don't have the motivation to come back to it?

Do you ever feel like going back to a game, but you don't have the motivation to?

  • Definitely

    Votes: 74 97.4%
  • Not really

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
Literally any open world game to be honest. They lose me. Also admittedly builder games such as Minecraft or Planet Coaster/Zoo or the Tycoon games.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst I WILL come back for you I promise just... not today... or tomorrow...

It feels awful because the original Mirror's Edge is my favorite game of all time and Catalyst isn't missing any features, so I'm not sure why my motivation is so lacking?

I feel this and it's hard to put an explanation as to why. I feel like maybe it should have not been a prequel and instead been a sequel with different characters. Also I prefer the soundtrack and combat in the first game when you chose to go combat instead of running away.
Oh yeah...I do this all the time. Usually with really epic and long games that I never finished. I can put hundreds of hours into something like Pokemon or Animal Crossing, because they require little attention and I can play them for 5 minutes or 5 hours without feeling like it's an obligation. But, proper full-length games have become a struggle for me...even when I like what I'm playing.

I keep trying to play Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2. I did beat RDR2, but never finished it 100%. I never even completed the main story of Witcher 3. Put a bunch of hours into it originally, but always got distracted with other things...and it's a really hard game to try to return to. The controls are pretty complicated for what it is...and there is a lot to remember with all of the different ways to buff your swords and things like that. - I also started a few of the newer Assassin's Creed games and never really got anywhere with them. I definitely put a few hours into both Odyssey and Origins...but I found myself doing such a poor job of returning to the AC games that I never even bothered to pick up Valhalla. Eventually, playing and beating them all is something I'd like to do. Another one is the last Tomb Raider game...I feel like I loved that game, and got all the way to the end, then wanted to finish the side stuff...then never actually beat it. And now it's been years. Lol.
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Yeah this happens to me whenever a game is taking too long to complete and it feels too repetitive and boring. A game like Watch Dogs Legion is an example of that. It just feels like I am playing the same missions over and over and it doesn't even bother to change up its playstyle. Not to mention I have a hard time recruiting people in that game because of certain skills and abilities that they have. Even when they are arrested or injured I have to wait on a cool down time just to use them! I mean ugh! It just ruins the pacing and I just cannot even enjoy the game. I liked Watch Dogs 1 and Watch Dogs 2 but man this game Watch Dogs Legion really is so boring and so stale.
I've been bad with 'finishing' some games that I always want to go back to but I always end up shutting it down because I loose focus fast when I don't instantly remember what I was doing. I never finished Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, admittedly. I also haven't finished completing my dex in Arceus, which makes me feel bad x.x I finished the game itself and then got distracted with WoW since a new season had dropped there. Then by the time I was done there, Violet had come out and I got really into that game instead :3 I miss Arceus and I keep wanting to go back, cause I loved the world and shiny hunting there.

I definitely need to get another copy of Let’s Go Eevee because I forgot to take the Pokéball Plus Mew out of my party and can’t transfer it into Pokémon Home. But I don’t want to pay over $40 for a used copy at GameStop for a game that I’m only going to turn on for five minutes to get Mew out of the party to transfer it into another game. I just lost interest in the Let’s Go games after two months.

My apologies if this has already been said, btw, but have you looked to see if you have anywhere that rents video games that you can rent a copy from just so you can transfer it or whatever so you can do it without spending a lot of money on a game that you aren't gonna play? D:
I’d have to find an online game rental store as the only place that rented out video games in my area closed a couple years ago and all of the Switch games were bought by other people. And I don’t have a credit card to use for online rental and I don’t really trust that type of thing either as you don’t know if the game is a fake or not until you get it.
I've been doing this for as long as I've been playing video games. I tend to get caught up with new purchases and forget to continue a game I was on. Then I either remember the entire plot and keep going eventually, continue and forget all the major details, or start from scratch to remember. It's the worst when it's a game with a complex story or has a lot of annoying parts that aren't worth replaying just to remember the plot.
I want to get back into Minecraft on the Switch but I can’t access the Store and keep getting a message that I must be using the “Bedrock Edition” to use it. But I have a digital copy of the game that I bought last year so shouldn’t that count as being the Bedrock Edition since it came directly from the eShop itself? I don’t want to play the game if I can’t buy the skin and texture packs as I really want the Chinese and Greek packs.
Yes, every JRPG, RPG, and farming sim I've played ever.

If I'm away from a game long enough, I find it almost impossible to get back to it because I don't remember what I was doing and it no longer feels like "my" playthrough. It's not something I often feel like restarting either.

A key example recently was Harvestella. I played it regularly for a couple of weeks and was really enjoying it. I wasn't able to play for a month, and now I look at it like: "I want to play you, but I don't know if I can play you."

All of these types of games are ones you can sink countless hours into too. With any distraction/work present, there's a 0% chance I'll launch it even though I want to.
Especially games with boss fights
I suck at boss fights uggh
Glares at hollow knight
All the time. There are so many great games, but sometimes I don't have time to play it all so I have to 'prioritize'. The biggest example I can think of is the Zelda series - One of my favorite video game franchises, but it's so hard to get back into the games (especially when you're stuck in the middle of a difficult dungeon). I love games like AC:NH and Miitopia a ton, but even still I can't bring myself to play those two games often.
I want to get back into Minecraft on the Switch but I can’t access the Store and keep getting a message that I must be using the “Bedrock Edition” to use it. But I have a digital copy of the game that I bought last year so shouldn’t that count as being the Bedrock Edition since it came directly from the eShop itself? I don’t want to play the game if I can’t buy the skin and texture packs as I really want the Chinese and Greek packs.
There are two versions of Minecraft on Switch. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition, which to my knowledge has not received any new updates since 1.17, and the newer one confusingly labelled simply Minecraft that runs on Bedrock. You'll need the latter to access the shop.
There are two versions of Minecraft on Switch. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition, which to my knowledge has not received any new updates since 1.17, and the newer one confusingly labelled simply Minecraft that runs on Bedrock. You'll need the latter to access the shop.
I know that. I downloaded the one that is just called Minecraft from the eShop back in December 2021 which is a couple of years after the Nintendo Switch Version was discontinued which was in 2019.
I know that. I downloaded the one that is just called Minecraft from the eShop back in December 2021 which is a couple of years after the Nintendo Switch Version was discontinued which was in 2019.
Ah, my mistake, then. That was the only reason I could think of for the error. Hope you figure it out.
Any sort of RPG or big open world game.

I've recently been playing through the RPG Assassin's Creed games. Never liked Assassin's Creed but Origins tempted me on Game Pass with the ancient Egypt setting and I've ended up playing and enjoying that, Odyssey and Valhalla.

The length though. My word...I enjoyed the games but towards the end of all three I was feeling that they had overstayed their welcome and should have ended 5-10 hours earlier at least. Valhalla has been the worst where for at least the last 15-20 of my total ~70 hours of play time I've been kinda wanting it to end, it is really bloated (not helped that there's loads of free update quests I didn't know were optional). I was enjoying them but the repetitiveness and huge drop in difficulty past the mid point really burned me out...But I had to keep playing them until I at least finished the main campaign. I was still enjoying them, I just needed a Pallett cleanser but I knew full well that if I stopped playing I just wouldn't pick it up again. I knew I wouldn't want to spend an hour trying to remember where I was and what had happened, reacquainted myself with the controls, get back into the swing of things, probably finish it whilst not really remembering the story properly. I wanted to come back to them later but knew full well I just wouldn't end up coming back to them at all if I stopped even to play a short 2-3 hour indie game to break it up.

Odyssey I dropped after I finished the main campaign. I want to go back to it and finish the DLC because of the three, I enjoyed Odyssey by far the most but...Damn, I'm just struggling to find the motivation to do so. I'm happy I gave these three games a chance but I'm also glad I'm done with them and don't think I'll ever be able to find the motivation to return to such lengthy drawn out games. They just don't have the gameplay to sustain the length that they are.

Yeah this happens to me whenever a game is taking too long to complete and it feels too repetitive and boring. A game like Watch Dogs Legion is an example of that. It just feels like I am playing the same missions over and over and it doesn't even bother to change up its playstyle. Not to mention I have a hard time recruiting people in that game because of certain skills and abilities that they have. Even when they are arrested or injured I have to wait on a cool down time just to use them! I mean ugh! It just ruins the pacing and I just cannot even enjoy the game. I liked Watch Dogs 1 and Watch Dogs 2 but man this game Watch Dogs Legion really is so boring and so stale.
I didn't like Watch Dogs 1 or 2 at all, but Legion's whole recruiting people, they can perma-die, get locked up or injured, you can recruit anybody and everybody is """unique""" (I always knew that was going to be a little exaugurated) got me interested in the series...Temporarily. I lost interest after actually playing it.

I feel the concept was wasted. It never really felt like any of the random characters you can play as were really that different from one another other maybe other than maybe one specific skill you needed to progress the game. Doesn't feel like my playthough would have been particularly different to anybody elses. I could play as a big buff cool guy or a frail little old granny and missions would probably still play out roughly the same.

I feel Legion really squandered such a cool idea filled with potential.
Yeah right now I am trying to get through Luigi's Mansion 3, but I'm just so bored playing it even though it's supposed to be a really good game and it isn't even a long game but I just feel like it is so repetitive and there isn't anything new in any of the levels really. I think I may put it back on my backlog of games and just play it whenever I get the urge to. I don't want to force myself to finish a game I am not enjoying so maybe if I have a break from it I will enjoy it again.
I don’t know why but there is a bunch of games I stopped playing in the middle of it and now I just can’t bring myself to return and finish the game. It’s a real bad habit.
Fishing Paradiso and Bandori
F Paradiso I'm slowly giving up on 💔💔💔 I'm a patient person but when it comes to this game im not as patient anymore ..
Bandori is mainly because i lost my account I tried to get it back but emailing them didn't really help. I tried to explain i didn't have much information on certain things (specifically times I never keep track of time or remember them that easily!!! <XC ) it would be nice to start over though but getting all those outfits and cards was so much work, i sneak my phone into class to get lucky pulls and sometimes i did 💔💔💔
I bought some of the eShop Vouchers ad used one on Let’s Go Eevee only to get Mew out of my party and also for Home purposes since I almost have every Kanto Mon registered and need around 40 to complete it. Twelve of them are found rather easily in the Let’s Go games and I sort of miss being able to use my Pokéball controller to play the game. But I’m not getting too involved in the game again.