Did you ever watch ACNL Letsplays?

I watched Joshy over the summer, and I think I saw a few episodes of Chugga and ZSC. Joshy was pretty good, the latter two weren't my favorite.
No and I just can't. It's kind of weird to have Let'sPlays for a simulation game? I feel like you have to be really interesting to keep talking about god knows what.

The only time I've watched one was for how to catch the tarantula and scorpion since I keep panicking.
I watched Vinesauce play acnl a long time ago but that's about it. I don't really watch lets plays anymore.
No. I tried but I found them to be boring. And watching them run around everywhere set my teeth on edge.
I don't watch Letsplays for ACNL but I do occasionally watch dream town tours just to see what's out there. I do admit I watch letsplays for games on consoles I don't own lol *cries*
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Sometimes I watch Let's Plays but only then when YouTube recommend me some (for whatever reasons).
i watched the entire chugga series while i was waiting for my acnl game to ship back when i first started playing (3 months ago! ahh how time flies) ;;
i recently found one narrated and played by a girl, which was really nice because most of the lets plays i've watched are by guys- it's by ackatf :) and is, like, 2 years old oops i'm late
chugga's lp was actually the thing that gave me the final push to buy a 3ds+acnl haha
oh and mischacrossing's streams/dream town tours are pretty fun to watch too!
Yes. Just last night I was watching some plays of Wild World. I didn't play that at all. I just always played my Gamecube version and didn't get back into it until New Leaf
I like Simply Press Start's Animal Crossing let's plays. I want her to see one of my dream towns one day ((if I ever finish one lol))
I watched some when it released in Japan by Linandko who translated the Japanese into English, but that's it for me
I've watch KitaNashGaming Animal Crossing Let's Play. She is funny as heck. I watched a little of ZackScottGames LP of Animal Crossing
I watch Dream Suite videos ALL the time and I love them, but I only watch regular ACNL let's plays occasionally. They're not nearly as interesting to me, unless the person is showing how they're designing something, or if they're redecorating their house. Otherwise, they're pretty much the same old thing.

What is the most boring to me is when the person is like, "I'm going to stop filming let's plays except for in-game holidays or Bug Off / Fishing Tourneys." Those are just like everyone else's holidays and tourneys.

Also, the comments are always filled with, "Visit Aika Village! Visit Aika! iT's sO cOoL!!!1!!11!!" Ok. Yes. It's cool, for sure. But just about every ACNL YouTuber and their great-grandma has filmed Aika Village. Do you reeaaaally need to see it again? :p

I've watched ChuggaaConroy's LP of ACNL a few times. (And that's actually what got me to play it...)

Chuggaa (Emile) did a one-month-ish day to day play-through, and once that was up, he did a year of ACNL holidays and stuff, to show his viewers what that was like, and to update us on the town.

His day to day stuff was interesting to me because he kind of gave "storylines", if you will, to each of his villagers, which made things a bit more interesting, giving his town character and such. He also had viewers suggest PWPs and all that, which was cool. (He did visit Aika village towards the end of his LP, just saying), but he would collaborate with other YouTubers, visiting their towns and going on tours and such.

I think what made watching his LP enjoyable (for me) was watching how the town grew and changed, how he decorated it, how each PWP had meaning, and how he would talk to each villager, again adding to the town's character. (Sorry for rambling)
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I've watched a bunch of ACNL Let's Plays.I think Chuggaconroy's was the most entertaining one I've seen but Simply Press Start,Mischa Crossing and Marriland are also good.That German girl Tyraphine has an interesting one.A lot of YouTubers started New Leaf Let's Plays when the Amiibo update came out but most of them gave up early on.I guess they didn't know what they were getting into.