Cereal or milk first?


|| My last few hours ||
Mar 20, 2016
Aurora Sky
New Leaf Token
Green Balloon
i remember way back in the day when me and my brother were arguing about whether people put the cereal or the milk first, lol.

But what about you guys, do you put the milk or cereal first?? (personally i put the cereal first)

Cereal. It just awkwardly piles up over and doesn't even become one with the milk if you don't put it first.

(That spider...)

It also looks nicer, and you can tell when it's full, unlike milk then cereal.
cereal so I can gauge how many milk to put in
Cereal first, who puts the milk in first? Don't they watch how cereal commercials make their cereal if they do so?
Cereal. I've never heard tell of someone putting the milk in first.
Hmmmm, cereal first then milk. Or better yet only cereal. I've never seen anyone putting in milk before the cereal though.
Cereal goes first. It's kind of like ice going in before your beverage.
I put milk first to microwave it, then add the cereal and watch it melt.
in some cereal types like froot loops I either eat it dry or with cold milk
cereal?? before?? milk?? i mean..it'd be kind of messy to do it the other way around, no?