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Worst pain you've ever felt?

either one of the many times i've vomited out of my nose or something else i can't really mention here. :)

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or! the time i got kicked in the nose by some ******* crowdsurfing at a show
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I'm currently being treated for TMJ again, and it causes bad jaw and neck pain, as well as migraines almost daily.

The other most painful thing I have ever experienced is an ovarian cyst rupturing. I could hardly move I was in so much pain! When I went to the doctor they gave me some anti inflammatories, and I had to go for an emergency ultrasound, and a pee test. Once I got the drugs it felt like instant relief
I had the entire toenail on my big toe removed and one evening I was sitting outside with my best friend fresh out of surgery when she stood up with steel toe shoes on and stepped on my foot, mostly my toe, hard. I couldn't breathe or move and was shaking violently for half an hour. I've never felt something that excruciating before. My mom freaked out because I rarely cry, and I was sobbing, it hurt so much.
I feel the TMJ thing, went through that not too long ago. I have migraines at least weekly if not more frequently, so that's probably the worst pain I have just because it's so consistent. Kidney stones were a thing for me in high school, I had to stay out for like a week because I couldn't move & had to have them surgically removed so that was fun.
I feel the TMJ thing, went through that not too long ago. I have migraines at least weekly if not more frequently, so that's probably the worst pain I have just because it's so consistent. Kidney stones were a thing for me in high school, I had to stay out for like a week because I couldn't move & had to have them surgically removed so that was fun.

For the TMJ how did you treat it? I find physiotherapy has been the only effective way, but it's so expensive
For the TMJ how did you treat it? I find physiotherapy has been the only effective way, but it's so expensive

I had arthroscopic surgery, but I get that surgery for TMJ isn't necessarily the most widely used treatment.
I fractured my right knee back in fifth grade. I heard a snapping sound and then this horrific pain shot down my entire leg. To make matters worse, I had excruciating muscle cramps for the next 3 months.
I'm not going to go into detail about worst emotional pain.

The worst physical pain I've ever felt used to happen monthly. I have endometriosis so every single month was torture. I would either have to spend five days in the bathroom or in bed. I couldn't move at all. Because of this, school was terrible, especially if it all happened in the middle of the day and I didn't have painkillers. If the pain was bad enough, I would actually pass out. I think it happened four or five times throughout high school.

Luckily, I don't really have menstrual cycles anymore?? Probably because my junk is so ****ed up. Idk. I can't afford a doctor, lmao.

This seems like a prolonged female equivalent of what I went through. I don't know what that was like for you but it seems just as bad (if not worse then mine), so you have all my pity :(
I'd say my worst physical pain was probably when I crashed my ATV and it rolled on me lol. Didn't really get hurt anywhere except a giant bruise on my leg.
maybe tmi for me but yeah

period cramps.

i don't take medicine as i've had terrible childhood experiences so my cramps feel absolutely terrible
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i'm sorry ;-; i felt quesy writing it rip

Oh no, don't apologize! tbh it's interesting to learn about how fragile that area of the body is. I never knew that that all could happen if you hurt yourself there like that.
I've had a very TMI experience involving hornets and male anatomy that I probably shouldn't go into much detail on. Let's just say it was the worst and move on.

My worst non-TMI ones were two, off the top of my head:
1) A small log rolled onto my feet, which wasn't bad. But when I put my hand under to roll the log off, I had six or eight very agitated yellowjackets sting the hell out of my hand on the spot. Most of them were still stuck stinger-first after I pulled my hand out. It was swollen for weeks.
2) When I was younger I slipped and my foot broke some glass wall fixture on the way down. Two weeks and bloodstains on literally every single sock I owned later, my dad had to spend fifteen agonizing minutes digging out the piece of glass from my heel.
I'm currently being treated for TMJ again, and it causes bad jaw and neck pain, as well as migraines almost daily.

The other most painful thing I have ever experienced is an ovarian cyst rupturing. I could hardly move I was in so much pain! When I went to the doctor they gave me some anti inflammatories, and I had to go for an emergency ultrasound, and a pee test. Once I got the drugs it felt like instant relief

Oh yes ovarian cysts rupturing are excruciating. I have had so many burst I've lost count and I always have a couple just *waiting* and taunting me with their existence. Everyone I've known who had one or more of them rupture, AND had children, says they're worse than childbirth. At least with labour you (almost always) know it'll happen in advance and have people who know exactly what's going on able to help you. Holding a baby at the end of it probably helps, too, lol.
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I fell off the monkey bars when I was a kid. Landed on my tail bone. I'm sure it was broke. Never has been the same. The pain was excruiating. Could hardly sit for over a week.
One night I woke up with the worst sinus infection, to where my tooth was radiating pain over the whole half of my face and it was pulsing and felt like it was going to explode, I woke up and instantly started balling because it was the most excruciating thing I had felt before, and I deal with pain pretty regularly so I have a really high pain tolerance too.

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I fell off the monkey bars when I was a kid. Landed on my tail bone. I'm sure it was broke. Never has been the same. The pain was excruiating. Could hardly sit for over a week.

I had a similar experience, but with a rib. We were moving and there were movers packing our stuff up so my mom told me and my sister to go play at the playground to get out of the way, it was right next to our house. Well it was a sprinkly day so all the equipment was wet, and it didn't help I was wearing flip-flops. But I was climbing this sort of "ladder" thing, it was thin metal bars in an arch that were like a foot apart each leading to the top, I slipped and banged my rib cage against the bars on my way through them and landed hard on the ground, I was lucky I didn't hit my head, but I couldn't breath and my sister helped me into this... like lion shaped tunnel to lay down off the ground and ran to get my mom. She figured I had just had the breath knocked out of my but I knew it was more than that, but being a former nurse she was "So sure." So she told me not to worry about it. I definitely cracked it and it took forever to heal because I kept moving and everything, the worst pain wasn't until during school when I would be running, the rib would be expanding with my lungs and pinching me, on the inside, with every panting breath, I'd stop and keel over and the gym teachers said I was just fat and needed to keep running. I told my mom again and she took me to the doctors and THEY said it was just asthma so they took me outside to run back and fourth outside of the Hospital where people were walking by and stuff, embarrassing to say the least, and I keeled over in pain, and they were just like 'Oh well you're not wheezing, it's not asthma..." It was a good time.
Not sure if it was pain or just the noise, but when I got my tooth pulled out. Ugh.
Emotional pain was when my ex in October or November of 2016 broke up with me. It really freaking hurt. I tried killing myself because of it (I have severe abandonment issues).
Emotionally: It's extremely personal (I've only told my sister), but I will say that it was 2 years ago.

Physical: This was actually about a month ago, where I was in one of by ballet classes. We were doing saut de chats across the floor, and when I went, I jumped just fine. But, when I landed, (it's actually a bit hard to describe), one of my toes jammed terribly into the floor. It still hurts sometimes to this day, which has lead me to think I broke it unfortunately. :'D