What time do you usually go to bed?

It really depends. If I have to be at work early (anywhere from 9:30 to 11 am) then I try to go to sleep by 1 or 2 am. But if I'm working in the afternoon I can be up to anywhere from 2 to 6 am.
If I have to wake up early, I'll aim for 11 but if I don't have to go anywhere, I usually crash at 1/2am.
Always later than I intended, but if I'm up extremely early the next day then I can usually make the effort to get into bed at around 10pm, and it's even better if I can actually fall asleep then. But most of the time I stay up later than I should, and it's left me in a cycle where I'm constantly tired. For a while I was very used to only getting about 5 hours of sleep when I had class early next day because I'd be up late working on my projects, and I'll admit I was feeling more energised then than I do now some days.

I tend to have a better sleeping schedule during the summer. Something about the nicer weather perks me up and makes it easier for me wake up in the morning and get a good night's rest.
I have a standard work schedule, which I start at 830. If I work out in the mornings, I'm in bed about 930 sleeping by 10. If I'm not working out it's about 10/1030.

On weekends it's usually midnight or 1am.

I'm really an old lady
Usually 10, sometimes earlier because I'm an old fart. The latest I stay up on the weekends is sometimes 1 or 2 in the morning.
My self-imposed bedtime is 9PM, but college's been hectic lately so I've been sleeping later and later :(
I generally go to bed at around 11pm, though occasionally I'll hit the hay at 10pm or at 12 or 1am. (though, when I actually fall asleep is another matter entirely! :lemon:)
it ranges between 9pm and 6am. my sleeping schedule is so terrible. i start work at 6am but no matter how hard i try i just can't form a good sleeping pattern around work and usually end up crashing when i'm home and then staying up all night
i get sleepy around 10 pm but no matter how hard i try to fall asleep i can never do it so i end up staying up till 2-3 am just trying to fall asleep. my sleep schedule sucks unfortunately. ideally i'd want to go to bed at 9 pm but my brain is dumb
I used to go to sleep at around 11:30PM to 12:00AM - that was my sleeping habit six months ago.
Now I keep staying up until 2AM and I seriously need to stop.
Generally I try to be in bed by at least 3:00am, or around 1:00am if I have to do something early
I guess I'm keeping with the trend, since I typically fall asleep between 2-4 AM.
Though if I could regularly start falling asleep at 1 AM I know I would be much better off, haha ~