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What is the awkwardest thing to ever happen to you?


Magical girl
Oct 14, 2017
I'm in need of a laugh and what is funnier than awkward situations, don't feel pressured into posting anything to sensitive though but to get everyone started here is an awkward experience I've had before...
One I remember the most was seeing someone walking the really cute husky heading in my direction, I was smiling like an idiot because of how cute it was. As the person got to be basically in front of me I said hello to the dog and went to stroke it but it completely ignored me and the owner gave me the most judgmental look I have ever gotten, felt like a right idiot xD.
i have too many
today i was giving a note to my computer science teacher and as i was going to walk out of his classroom he told me to wait and held up a bag of cookies. we both stood there. the whole class silent watching us. looking at eachother. looking at the cookies. 5 seconds passed and he said 'oh i thought you were someone else'. IM LIKE WHAT IVE BEEN IN YOUR GODDAMN CLASS FOR OVER A YEAR AM I THAT INVISIBLE. i could see the embarrassment in his face.
I attended a vocal class once and ended up getting lost in the corridor and had to follow the sound of the singing to find where I was supposed to go.
Ages ago when I got on a completely packed bus. I had to stand near the sliding doors, when they opened I got caught by it, though it wasn't as bad as it could've been.
dropped a shoe out of the boyfriend's car door when we set off from my house, so had to walk into his house barefoot
I was at Powell's book store a while ago with my boyfriend, he went off somewhere to look for a board game or something, which left me to entertain myself for a bit. I was looking through the manga section and picked out a random book I thought looked cute, like tokyo mew or something..Nope..When I opened it, it was a 18+ scene with nudity and everything. There are other people in the isle with me so I get SUPER embarrassed and try to cram the book back in it's place, book slips out of my hand and lands on the floor. I just left it there and pretty much power walked away as fast as I could.
I was on the strip (I live in Las Vegas) the night before I was supposed to fly out to see my boyfriend, and me, my mom and sisters were in a hotel. I was going down the escalator because I thought they were right behind me. Turns out they weren't so I tried to walk up the escalator (the one that was going down) really quick, got my shoelace stuck and fell down the escalator in front of everyone. I had scrapes on my knees and my ankle was sore.
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Once, when I was at the Allianz Arena, watching Bayern Munich play against Schalke 04 in the German Cup. After the game, I followed this massive crowd of fans and somehow ended up in the car lot. I'm no stranger to that stadium, but I was completely lost on that day.
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i repress everything awkward or embarrassing thing that happens to me, if i didn't i would probably die every day because of old embarrassing memories but the other week i slipped (the ground was icy and it was in a curve after a downhill slope) with my bike in front of an entire school class and luckily i wasn't too hurt but they all stared at me and i wanted to Die
I was sat in a presentation the other day and I was feeling rather peckish. Although I was happy to ignore it, my stomach wasn't. It growled so loudly, it sounded like there was an animal in the room. The worst part about it was that we were in a cramped and small room so the rumbling was so obvious. I tried holding my stomach in and holding my breath as if I was under water but as soon as I breathed out, this enormous growl took over. I wanted to leave I was that embarrassed.
one time, i was watching a video (i forgot what it was) on my phone. my friend walked past me and looked at what i was watching. all of a sudden, a girl's chest pops up on the screen. i quickly turn off my phone and look at my friend in pure shock and say "it's not what it looks like." we both start dying of laughter because the awkwardness was so real.
Ok so a few months ago someone (my current employer) called my house to basically offer me a job, and at first I thought she was talking to me but then she started referring to me in the third person and I realized that she thought she was talking to my mom. Being the socially anxious mess that I am, I was too afraid to correct her so I pretended that I was indeed my mom for the entire conversation (so I was like "Yes ok, I'll tell Vanessa that you called and see if she's interested"). Then when I had to actually call back as myself to accept the job I had to make my voice different so she didn't realize that me and my "mom" were the same person.
Yeah, I know. I'm a disaster.
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A lot of awkward/embarrassing things have happened to me....mostly during marching band practice. One of them being that whenever I try to look "cool" by spinning my mallets between my fingers, it usually works, but sometimes the mallet will fly out of my hand and it lands 20 ft. away from me and I have to shamefully walk over there to pick it up, and then another time was when a dropped my mallet by my feet and went to pick it up and my phone fell out of my hoodie pocket so I had to go pick that up as well. Not quite awkward/embarrassing to some people, but it's embarrassing to me.
This probably isn't the most awkward thing to happen to me but it's what came to mind just now.

Back in high school I was majorly sleep deprived one day and went to a class I didn't have until later on in the day. I sat there for awhile wondering why the teacher was teaching the same stuff as yesterday until I finally raised my hand and asked "didn't we learn this already?". Then he noticed I was there early and told me so and I was SO embarrassed. I just gathered my stuff and awkwardly shuffled out of the room while everyone stared at me rip

There is also all the times I've pushed a 'pull' door or pulled a 'push' door. Everytime there has been someone around to see it happen. Everytime.
Whenever I'm at work and I think a customer is looking at me to ask me something I smile and ask if they're okay and they say 'oh i was looking at my [person] behind you' and I'm like okay I'll just go out the back now, cram myself into a box and die