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tell me about your pet(s)!


ha-cha! ha-cha!
Jan 23, 2014
Arcade Scenery
Chomp Call
Chomp Call
Arcade Scenery
i love hearing about peoples' pets :) so please tell me a little bit about your companions!

to start, here's some info about my lil cat friend:

-had cancer (got it removed but the adoption shelter said she may not live as long)
-was a mom to one kitten
-is a domestic long hair
-is mostly grey (like beige and grey?? hard to explain...) with white mitts and a white snout and a white belly
-loves wand toys
-loves ciao churu cat treats (like.... so much LOL)

well, when i was 4 or something my parents bought 6 blood parrot fish since we had a lotta free time before

never named them, one died from old age and another one died from eating a small rock and having it stuck in its stomach

i believe it's been 9 or 10 years the remaining 4 have been alive...most fishes die quickly so i'm impressed myself
I have a ginger Manx cat with a one inch tail.

She'll be 13 on April 25th.

She's the love of my life, and has lived inside with me since she was 6 weeks old.

She understands what I'm saying, as I talk to her while performing an action, and she gets it.

She rolls over when I ask her to, so I can brush her, and I ask her to stretch out, or I'll say "Other side", and she knows to roll over so I can brush the other side of her.

I make up ridiculous songs just for her, and she sings along by meowing at the end of each line.

Also, If I ask her to give me up to 5 meows, she'll do it.

Basically, she can count to five. ^_^

So many things she can do.
I adore her.

Her name is Pebbles. ^_^
K I have two cats, Molly and Daisy.

Molly looks a lot like a Maine Coon but I know she's simply a domestic... longhair? She has medium length hair with a classic tabby pattern. She'll be 5 years old in May, she's mostly brown/beige, she's also v pretty and I love her a lot :>
Part of me thinks that she has a mental disability because she just acts really strange. She'll sit and stare off into nothing for a long time, she is highly vocal, she loves to eat (my spirit animal btw), and she spends 90% of her life in like 2-3 spots in our house. She's also just weird in general. Like, I've had a lot of cats in my life, but none as interesting as Molly.
She's not really playful but she's very loving... to me at least. :rolleyes: She's very attached to me, so like when I'm home on the weekends she always cries for me and wants me to hold her constantly. But she's really fuzzy and never stops purring so it's great :p

Here's a pic of mol:
She's very fabulous~

Daisy is a very different story. She's a domestic shorthair, tan color with a mackerel tabby pattern. She'll be one year old on April 11. I also love her v much lol
She's a lot more playful and less vocal than Molly. She's also nowhere near as lazy as Molly; she likes to run around the house, playing with our other cat Xander. She's great at catching mice, but all she does with them is take them into the bathtub and play with them. She likes to watch me play video games, especially Duck Hunt and SMB3. She also likes to play fetch with toy mice. She's also the only cat we have who wears a bell so when I hear a bell ringing I always know she's trottin somewhere ^^
She lays with me every night, unlike Molly. She always makes sure she sleeps right by my legs xDDD
The thing that's different about her as compared to other cats I've had is that she's double jointed in her tail, so she can bend it all the way to her back. She actually tends to carry her tail like a spitz dog, which is pretty funny.
She also moves strangely, like she's a bit stiffer than most cats (you know how, like, other cats melt in your arms? Daisy doesn't). She doesn't like to be held as much as Molly does but I still do it :)

Here's a pic of my desy:
She makes a v good glove xDD

And here's both of them together:

So yeah, those are my kitters. Have fun reading my rants :p
I have a dog named Ruger he's almost three :lemon: he has a massive underbite so his teeth are always showing

the picture is kinda big so I put it in a spoiler
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I have 3 cats!

Our oldest is Muffin, who we sometimes call "The Muffin Man". He's a big tom cat who we've had for nearly 14 years now.

Second oldest is Scout, a girl who we took in after she was abandoned on the street as a kitten.

Youngest is Olive, and she is my cat~she is a pure black kitty and she is really sweet to me and everyone in the family.
Two cats and a dog. My cats are both DLH and my dog is a spaniel. They get along well. Their ages are 10, 6 and 6. My old man cat can be grumpy but he is my buddy.
When I was a kid I had bunnies, ferrets and once a newt and frogs, and now I have 3 cats and a dog.

My oldest cat, Chloe is a very fluffy tortoise shell, I got her when she was a kitten, about 7 years ago.

Next I got Toby, who lives at my dads, he's really weird like..
. He will ONLY eat fresh food within like 10 minutes. If theres any food left in his bowl after hes done, he wont eat it, even if you take it out and put it back in. My dad found him in a truck at his job in a warehouse, so he purrs kind of weird and we dont really know how old he was, but he was also a kitten when we got him.

Then we got jasmine when my stepdad moved in, she wasn't really a kitten but she wasn't old either, and shes fully gray with really dark eyes.

Then there's my dog, hes a fool. He always tries to fight the cats and always loses, he's super hyper and if he even hears the fridge or food cabinet open he BOLTS in. He's a german shepard mutt, and he had been in the shelter for like 10 werks when we got him, but he was a rescue so we don't know for sure how old he was. I still love him tho. If you have a blanket thats hanging on the floor he'll sit on it instead of the carpet and even if everyone else is in one room and Im in another, he'll always come sit with me
i love hearing about peoples' pets :) so please tell me a little bit about your companions!

to start, here's some info about my lil cat friend:

-had cancer (got it removed but the adoption shelter said she may not live as long)
-was a mom to one kitten
-is a domestic long hair
-is mostly grey (like beige and grey?? hard to explain...) with white mitts and a white snout and a white belly
-loves wand toys
-loves ciao churu cat treats (like.... so much LOL)


Awww, I hope your kitty friend has a long and healthy life.

My cat is a dsh with white fur and multiple shades of gray, a pink nose, and pink paws (one back toe is black!). He'll be 12 on the 21st this month. I find myself often thinking about his mortality, but I try not to. He's healthy, super soft, and still looks the same as he did 10 years ago. He loves to play rough, but mostly enjoys hide and seek games. One particular game is to hide in a room and then call for him by whistling. He'll "guess" which room you're in by approaching and pawing at the door, then I surprise him and he runs away. He'll repeat this many times.

Not only does he understand his own name, but also other words like food. He will meow and come to you hysterically from anywhere, even if he was asleep, just by mentioning that word. He'll actually give you a high five for any food offered. He's super friendly as well. He's the first one at the door when visitors come over and rarely leaves them alone. Ironically, he's not much of a lapcat though.

I'll try to post photos and gifs later.
My dog is a Nova scotia duck tolling retriever and she's my world. 11 years old. :blush:
She loves swimming and retrieving tennis balls, those are her things! And our summer cabin is her paradise, she can be outside and swim as much as she wants and there is always someone who will play with her!
She can't be much alone though, she must always be near us. The last thing she does in the evening is to place herself in front of the toilet door, so she will wake up when first one of us will be awake and use the bathroom.

A funny fact about her though, I think she's socially awkward with other dogs, maybe she thinks she's human herself, hehe.
Oh boy, here I go...

My main pet is undoubtedly my dog. I have wanted a dog literally since I could talk (watched tons of scooby doo when I was little which made me love dogs), and never even got a dog until I turned 14. She is a 2 year old beagle named Sophie. We got her from a breeder, but said breeder almost never let her out of a very small cage, and when we got her, she was malnourished and had tapeworms. She is also the runt of the litter, and only cost $200 (which was kinda suspicious, but I'm glad we got her out of there). She is very sweet and shows no aggression, however, she loves to run away, which is worrying when you live in a place where people have large properties that they are overly protective of. She also has freckles and loves to protect me! When my parents went away for the weekend a couple of weeks ago, she was constantly checking on me :D

I also have 2 baby pygmy goats; a brown one named Leslie and a white one named Luna. They are very snobby, picky, and timid. they love animal crackers, and bite my fingers (gently though, not trying to actually eat my fingers) when I run out of animal crackers to feed them. They are twin sisters and honestly they are the loves of my life. They take tiny little steps and act very polite for barn animals!

We just got 2 new pygmy goats yesterday; a 3-year-old brown mother and her 1-month-old white son. The baby's name is Jasper!! So far we haven't seen them come out much, the mother is very protective. She doesn't really like Leslie and Luna so far, however :(

We also have 18 chickens. Some are Barred Rock, some are Americaunas, some are Red Wyandottes, etc. They are a little chubby but love exploring outside their coop!

We have 5 ducks living with our chickens. We think they are mallards. Unfortunately, one of them has a lame leg, but he/she seems to be doing really good nonetheless! They usually like sleeping underneath our chickens, who like sleeping on their perches.

3 bunnies as well! An unnamed albino with red eyes, a white one with black speckles named Jon, and a orangish-brown one named Cinnabun! They love being held. They are very calm and lazy as of right now.

Additionally, 2 pot-bellied pigs! They are very social and like to be played with. They also like biting our boots. They are siblings, one boy and one girl, and are both black with blonde on their heads.

And finally, one old snapping turtle. We found him a few years ago while cleaning out our grandpa's old pool, which had turned into a swamp over time. Named him Snappy. We aren't even sure about whether he is a boy or a girl lmao

Phew! So that's all of them. I believe we have 34 pets at this point! We plan on breeding most of our animals, so it's gonna get even more hectic over time. :')
I've had so many pets through my years, growing up I lived on a pigeon and goat farm. Grandpa was always bringing home strays and animals he had found out in the woods. I came home one day from school to the sweetest fawn taking a bottle in our kitchen, she was found abandoned in the woods. I came home another day to a squirrel in our home. We had two dogs at that time a little poodle named snowflake and a stray mut we found and named him Bob.

I've had some great and wonderful cats through the years as well. I had CJ and Marty they were both LaPerm cats and CJ was a retired show cat that we adopted.

I've had some good doggies as well, Snowflake, Pepper, Chevy, and Mocha.

I rescued a cat that was being tortured by a group of kids in the woods and took him to a vet where the vet said he would probably never trust or love a human in his life and I made it my mission to make this kitty love me. Eventually he warmed up to me and he's been my best friend ever since.

At one point I remember my mom making friends with a raccoon that lived in our backyard. She named him Roscoe and I remember sitting on the back deck sharing my fruit and veggies I'd snack on with him.

I currently have a cute little dog named Max she's adorable.

The coolest "pet" I've ever had was an elephant named Mary that was donated in our name to an Elephant Sanctuary near my house. She was rescued from a circus and put into a zoo and then she was rescued from the zoo and put into the sanctuary. We were able to come visit her anytime we wanted and she even learned to paint in the sanctuary. She was so sweet and gentle.
gold fish that's all I have & that's all what I'll ever get
my only fav animal is gold fish, I have about 8 of them rn in tank, with few snails cause dad gotta ruin everything

I despise cats, birds
dogs aren't off the hook either, I'm very picky on which breed/look for dogs that is lmao
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I had just moved into my first apartment, and was just browsing the free section of craigslist for furniture when i came across "free kitten to good home- needs vet" so naturally, I clicked it. The photo was of my baby Iremia (Mia). The owner's son had fallen asleep next to the mom and her litter of kittens, and rolled over onto my Mia, breaking her front legs. I drove 45 minutes and picked her up knowing full and well that I was going way to far for a cat hahaha. I decided to name her Iremia, which is how you pronounce "calm" in greek because when I first got her she was the calmest kitten you'd ever meet, especially during the healing process she was just so attached to me, would fall asleep across my neck with her legs all sprawled out. Except then when she got bigger, she was the biggest ball of psycho energy that we just started calling her Mia, after Mia from Pulp Fiction :cool: Today she's a healthy, vibrant outdoor huntress who brings me back treats like dead rats and birds and actual, literal, tin cans.
I've got a German shepherd named Dean and hoo boy is he precious. We got him two years ago when he was just a puppy, and he follows me everywhere in the house. The only problem is, he sheds long, dark hairs literally EVERYWHERE he goes! Agh! But I forgive him because he is the best dog I've ever had.
I don't have any pets where I'm currently living :c
But back at my parents house I have three rescue cats who I love to death. They're all so cute and I miss them soooo much :(
Also had a maltese shih tzu but sadly he passed last year which was the saddest thing ever :c
Hoping I'm able to get a pet mini lop eared bunny for my birthday! They're so cute and I've always wanted one.