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Mafia TBT Mini Mafia II: Catch Scum or Catch Scurvy [Game Over/Town Win]

Captain's Log: Night 1

The crew were restless. Not only did the cook’s death mean that their meals for the rest of the voyage would be subpar, but it also meant that there are indeed traitors aboard The Bellarbor.

With their captain dead, there was brief discussion about whether or not a new captain should be appointed. A few voices rose from the crowd, but those bids fell on deaf ears. No one trusted each other enough to vote for a new leader.

When they returned to the juniors’ mess, people were surprised to find that the captain’s corpse had vanished from the table.

The gunner grimaces and turns a pistol on the crew. “Which one of you scoundrels did this?”

The crew duck as a bullet pierces the air and smashes through a glass pane in the door.

“Cool it,” says the quarter master, “there has got to be a logical explanation to this.”

“Yeah, that you’re scum!”

Another gunshot. Two of the sailors jump forward, pinning the gunner to a wall.

“Hey doc, how about a whiff of that fancy hankie of yours for our trigger-happy friend?” asks the quarter master.

“I’m on it.”

Like the ship’s cook, the gunner soon falls limp. The two sailors retreat from the mess hall, supporting the gunner’s weight between them, heading in the direction of the crew’s sleeping quarters.

“Here’s your task,” says the surgeon, “find the traitors or I’ll chop you all into fine little pieces with the cook’s meat cleaver.”

The sailing master’s mouth twitches. “You’re not the captain, doc. Don’t forget your place.”

“Nor you,” says the quarter master.

The air is thick and the sailors exchange nervous glances. They wait for the quarter master’s follow up, but there is none. There is a cough, then almost simultaneously the sailing master, the surgeon, and the quarter master all exit through different doors.

The boatswain clears their throat. “Go about your duties as normal and keep an eye out for any troublemakers.”

The crew work diligently throughout the day, following out the officers’ orders. Names are tossed back and forth among the sailors. They split into smaller factions, trying to build trusts and only building more suspicions along the way.

It’s nightfall when the gunner finally stirs, waking up with an empty stomach and a head that feels as if it’s been thoroughly stuffed with cotton wool. Groggily, the gunner makes their way along to the officers’ mess.

“What is this slop?”

“It’s shark soup.” A sailor ladles some into the gunner’s bowl. “Rumour has it that you’ll be granted a wish if you get one of 3DSfan134’s fingers.”

The gunner mutters something incomprehensible and turns around only to lock eyes with the surgeon. Before either of them can speak the doors are thrown open and a cabin attendant comes running in.

“Come quick, Sirs,” says the cabin attendant, “It’s the sailors - they think they’ve found a pirate!”

Abandoning their food, the senior officers follow the sailor up to the main deck. The sailors form a ring around the ship’s centre mast: Stargazer741 has been bound to the main-mast with rope.

“What’s going on here?” asks the quarter master.

Stargazer741 is refusing to talk,” says one of the sailors, “he’s clearly hiding something.”

“If he’s not going to help us find the traitors then he’s no use to us,” the surgeon says, “speak up or swim with the fishes.”

His eyes dart back and forth, pleading with the crew to let him go. He knew this was it: these were his final moments. He had nothing to defend himself with except his voice - and no matter how hard he tried to string together a sentence he couldn’t think of anything he could say that could possibly prove his innocence. He felt it better to stay silent than argue.

“Cat got your tongue?” The surgeon withdraws a small, yet sharp, knife from a leather sheath and begins to cut through the rope. “Staying silent won’t help your case.”

“If he has nothing to say then he can walk the plank,” says the sailing master.

There’s a murmur of agreement among the crew. They wait for Stargazer741’s defence, but he doesn’t argue with them. Instead, once free from the ropes, he turns and nobly walks to the stern of the ship. The surgeon follows closely behind him, knife at the ready just in case.

When he reaches the gangplank he hesitates just long enough for another sailor to drop the plank: then he keeps walking forward, until eventually he steps off the end and plummets overboard.

The sailors dash to the side of the ship, staring down into the water. Bubbles float rapidly to the surface, only to soon be replaced with ripples. Green soon drifts to the surface.

Stargazer741 the Sailor silently walked the plank.

You have 22 and a half hours (until 11PM GMT / 6PM EST Wednesday) to send in night actions.
Mafia KP = 3 (edit: amended)

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You must post in this thread once per full day/night cycle and vote every day while you are alive. If you fail to do so, you will be modkilled.
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