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Mafia The Quest for King - Mafia | Game Thread | GAME OVER

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oh my god there are actually 4 wtf
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oh my god there are actually 4 wtf
how do you explain geoni moving his vote to me when his vote on jacob was not questioned or pressured at all
That moment was literally what had me catch this entire team aside from you Annika
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My guess is you were just gonna vote Jacob last minute if the outlook was good but Tessa and Jacob did it sloppily
you voting me or even questioning jacob dont rly matter. you just pushed him to explain his plan better and distance in the process
then you backtracked on it in the next days, and went to "i think he was town for that after i thought abt it"
wow geoni voting jacob makes me not want to vote jacob (sorry)
unironically i think mafia can be going for the win here hmm
let's say astro is town and gets modkilled

it becomes 6v3

king kills town and another townie dies

well I guess it's not possible unless they have extra ways to kill people, but... mafia surely have PRs too right? so... maybe?
im scared lol why does it feel like mafia are trying to go for the win here
imagine if it's actually 4 mafia

that kinda makes sense since we had a ton of PRs

oh my god
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what are you confused abt?
...you and Volt have both stated you want to kill Ribbit
i'm sorry you're frustrated but this argument really makes no sense
you don't even trust volt so isn't them killing mafia...a good thing in your eyes?
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like you're advocating for king so hard it makes me feel like you have some hidden ability that activates when you get kinged LOL
this is scary asf lmao
I think mafia are holding their votes rn, there are not nearly enough votes in the vote thread
I really don't understand why this is your thought process tho

either way you want the same person dead

unless you like really distrust Volt, I can't understand why you're this adamant about confirming yourself by being king

you can confirm yourself in other ways :/
like I was already kinda townleaning you (though I'm getting worried now but that's a problem for tomorrow)
i think jacob could be a mafia that gets something special from being kinged but only because his insistence on being king pinged me
i thought he was otherwise townie but we'll see
I was originally fine with kinging either Jacob or Volt
but like, Jacob advocated for it so hard that I got a lil suspicious of it, ironically 💀

they're both killing the same person so I was just confused by his perspective, it's something to talk abt tmrw though if we're still here ig

volt pls read this

this is the only way you find me here i think

mafia could've won there if they got four votes on jacob but i kept saying jacob wanting to be voted was weird

I thought it was bc jacob had a special role but it was bc THEY HAVE FOUR MAF

I wouldn't have done this if I were maf I would've just gone for the win
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wow geoni voting jacob makes me not want to vote jacob (sorry)
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you voting me or even questioning jacob dont rly matter. you just pushed him to explain his plan better and distance in the process
then you backtracked on it in the next days, and went to "i think he was town for that after i thought abt it"
nonono but
at that exact moment mafia were so close to the win
ofc they would try going for the sweep

like yes, I DID change my mind on Jacob, but I still advocated to kill Tessa that day
and eventually I advocated to kill Jacob too, I just had to think about it

I'm a townie who doesn't know everyone's alignments, I ofc read ppl wrong to begin with but like- I re-evaluated and eventually got the right answers

I advocated to kill all three Ribbit, Tessa and Jacob
even if I townleaned Ribbit I still wanted her to die

(and also I wanted to kill Geoni who from my pov is now confirmed mafia, but that won't help you ahaha)


hmm welp answer this tho
hmmm I don't know for sure
this is maybe a bit of a biased pov but maybe because I said "geoni voting jacob makes me not want to vote jacob"?

but tbf they're probably not basing their decision on what I say ahaha
so they probably just generally realized jacob couldn't get crowned
Nothing about that EoD panic that isn't fake able considering your theater early game like I'm not surprised but also I'm not that engaged with the game at this point this is my weekend and I have a schedule of personal life plans that this game ain't worth taking precedent over so yall do yall
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Like if it wasn't already clear you have a whole bunch of notes prepared for this f3 you're just outing that as well
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Can't wait to respond to your walls drunk.
@voltairenism how real or fake do you think this exchange between Ribbit and Annika is? Annika’s first message feels genuine
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This gives me like 60% confidence that Geoni really is town
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Oh my goodness gracious, she was definitely trying to bus Tessa 👁️👁️
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Well I think things definitely come full circle with this post in the beginning lol, she herself was trying to distance from Tessa 😓
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Food for thought: Ribbit has interacted the following players:

Geoni: 2-3 interactions
Jacob: 2-3 interactions at EoD 3 (she proposed kinging Jacob on Day 2 in an Ender interaction)
Annika: Multiple interactions and mentions throughout the thread
Oath: Zero interactions (barring Ribbit mentioning Oath coming across as “disinterested town” that everyone dogpiled on)

Tessa: zero interactions lmao
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Volt I’m gonna be real I have no clue how you should proceed after this phase but I do think you should try and glean information from Tessa’s interactions assuming her high probability of flipping red. The truth is somewhere in the middle here.

To me, the most likely scenario is that it’s just Jacob and he’s really good at pulling out the emotional beats. On the other hand I think I should have stuck to my gut about killing Oath. And on my third hand I think Annika has managed to seep through the cracks.

Maybe look to see if mafia were worried about trying to save Oath and suggested other targets?
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@Trundle Will any player that doesn’t vote this phase be modkilled? (Example: Tessa)
good legacy left by ness here
if i get it wrong its your fault
man i do not envy you lol
this is definitely a hard decision
geoni actually wolfread two of his partners and kept the third in null, he's been mostly townsiding


I'm town because I was wrong at points but struggled to eventually get to the right answer
townies get things wrong, there's no such thing as a perfect player

yes, Geoni DID scumread wolves and had very townsided reads in general. I can't argue that— I'm sure he's a v good player and would be able to have flawless reads as town too

but I implore you to go through both our ISOs today (when you have time)
which of us looked like they were thinking and struggling to make sense of the game, and which of us looks like they had the answers from the start?
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no okay look
Ness' legacy doesn't completely matter here, he was just the most townread player besides you

he died bc geoni and jacob couldn't die, and oath and I were less townread

ftr if I were mafia, I think I could've just easily killed Geoni there instead
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Like if it wasn't already clear you have a whole bunch of notes prepared for this f3 you're just outing that as well
I'm a fast typer, these aren't prepared

I figured the game might just end tn and I was actually shocked when I saw Jacob was maf and the game was still going ahaha
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wait what abt geoni??
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why does no one wanna kill geoni
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dude wtf there were literally two townies in this game, Ender and I

how did I get this unlucky LOL
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ftr if I were mafia, I think I could've just easily killed Geoni there instead
ngl i expect us to be last 3 to be us even though i tr geoni
geoni has been the lowest hanging fruit of all low hanging fruit this game
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im reading back and tessa pushed for a geoni policy chop d3 sighs
Volt, I actually have a question for YOU

Why do you townread Geoni?

besides the fact that he scumread Tessa and Ribbit (yes I'll admit I townread him for that too but I can make arguments about how what I did is arguably more townsided bc I was louder)

I wanna understand what reasons you have for leaning me here so I can try to counter them

and also if you try explaining it you might realize some reasons are flawed idk
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ngl i expect us to be last 3 to be us even though i tr geoni
geoni has been the lowest hanging fruit of all low hanging fruit this game
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im reading back and tessa pushed for a geoni policy chop d3 sighs
no help
ik but
she advocated against killing him d1
Volt, I actually have a question for YOU

Why do you townread Geoni?

besides the fact that he scumread Tessa and Ribbit (yes I'll admit I townread him for that too but I can make arguments about how what I did is arguably more townsided bc I was louder)

I wanna understand what reasons you have for leaning me here so I can try to counter them

and also if you try explaining it you might realize some reasons are flawed idk
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no help
ik but
she advocated against killing him d1
she advocated against killing gabby/ender too
i have a migraine imma lay down
you hold the key to end this suffering 🙏
you should lay down and get some rest
wdym by the second part, i thought hammering was disabled?
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If all players agree, we can accelerate last day and night into a short time span. Please react to this post with Like if you wish to finish the game off as soon as all votes (day) and actions (night) are in.
oh right ghgbghfbgfbh
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im not gonna yet, I'll do it sometime tomorrow
i wanna do my best to help you win this for town
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why would Ender die over Geoni when Geoni was scumreading both Tessa and Ribbit and had Jacob in null

unless he was mafia
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think about this:

Ender was SRing Ribbit and Tessa, but also hard townread Jacob and I
Geoni was SRing Ribbit and Tessa, had Jacob in null and had me as a very slight townlean

if I'm on a team with Ribbit, Tess and Jacob, we easily kill Geoni there over Ender

if Geoni is on the team, it makes much more sense why Ender died, as he had Geoni null too i think? I have to go recheck actually
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Geoni's post feels uninspiring but not overly wolfy. I'd want to see more of them because I definitely know I can vibe with a town!them.
i think this is the last thing ender said about geoni
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lmao wait
Ribbit, Jacob and even Geoni were all advocating for king on D3 LOL
mannn they were really going for the win help
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you should lay down and get some rest
wdym by the second part, i thought hammering was disabled?
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oh right ghgbghfbgfbh
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im not gonna yet, I'll do it sometime tomorrow
i wanna do my best to help you win this for town
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why would Ender die over Geoni when Geoni was scumreading both Tessa and Ribbit and had Jacob in null

unless he was mafia
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think about this:

Ender was SRing Ribbit and Tessa, but also hard townread Jacob and I
Geoni was SRing Ribbit and Tessa, had Jacob in null and had me as a very slight townlean

if I'm on a team with Ribbit, Tess and Jacob, we easily kill Geoni there over Ender

if Geoni is on the team, it makes much more sense why Ender died, as he had Geoni null too i think? I have to go recheck actually
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i think this is the last thing ender said about geoni
bc ender was way more active
d2 geoni was only catching up. his reads didn't have much value for anyone bc they were based on outdated data
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lmao wait
Ribbit, Jacob and even Geoni were all advocating for king on D3 LOL
mannn they were really going for the win help
why would geoni want to split the votes
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