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Overwatch General Thread

I am looking for a duo partner.

I am currently 2407. Placed 2345. S4 high was 2600.
My S3 high was 3018.

I play Zarya mainly.

I play PC.
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This video is perfect oml
Not what I expected from this channel at all but the message still holds true.
Get off Hanzo pls
I'm feeling really proud of myself today. I discovered last night that I am no longer The Worst McCree Ever to McCree, which is great, because I used to really want him to be my offense main! I've still got a ways to go, but I got my first PotG with him, and I'm pretty consistently getting highlights. Maintaining pretty high accuracy ratings, too... I just need to work on my twitch aim and try to get more headshots.
Barrierwatch has been great with Orisa. I'm expecting her to get a nerf at some point though.
Wouldn't say she needs much of a nerf, she gets countered by an awful big amount of heroes.

Otherwise, I want the Lucio changes to boot to live today, I need to adapt to the new Lucio so I can be the next DSPStanky.
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Just hit 12,000 coins exactly.

I'm ready for Tuesday.
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tfw Lucio even in Diamond gets yelled at for not healing the tanks fast enough
You'd think people in the top 10% would know that Lucio has this magical ability called speed boost and that he should be using it often and not just be glued to heal boost the entire game, but nope.
Can't wait for tomorrow's event, I love the OW lore so damn much aaaaaaaa.
Somehow I managed to get the Blackwatch Genji 3 times already in like 6-7 loot boxes. At least I'm getting coins. The new game mode is super fun. Except I want to strangle a lot of the Reinhardts I play with because they keep going Rambo on the enemies. I can play 3/4 roles. Not so good with Tracer in this mode for whatever reason.
Somehow I managed to get the Blackwatch Genji 3 times already in like 6-7 loot boxes. At least I'm getting coins. The new game mode is super fun. Except I want to strangle a lot of the Reinhardts I play with because they keep going Rambo on the enemies. I can play 3/4 roles. Not so good with Tracer in this mode for whatever reason.

I prefer the mode of Uprising that allows you to choose whichever hero you prefer for this reason. People tend to choose characters they are comfortable with and the game goes much more smoothly as a result
I've mostly been playing as Tracer or Mercy on the new mode, and avoid Reinhardt.

I'm just about done on the 8 heroes to get the spray, just have to do one more (I've been Reaper, Soldier, Orisa, Zenyatta, Lucio, Mercy, Ana) it would be great if other people went support for it though. Because on one game I was Soldier and had a Winston, and a Symmetra (torbjorn left before the second checkpoint. Healing a Winston is not fun! Did it finish it though, because it was normal mode, which I'm thankful for.
tfw Lucio even in Diamond gets yelled at for not healing the tanks fast enough
You'd think people in the top 10% would know that Lucio has this magical ability called speed boost and that he should be using it often and not just be glued to heal boost the entire game, but nope.

??? a lucio that's not on healing mode all the time? stop playing lucio!!!!11!!11!!
i am HERE for this

i keep getting stuck on legendary i can never get past the 2nd checkpoint

I'm stuck on legendary as well. The farthest I got was to the gate before the Bastions wiped us out after killing like one Orisa. I decided to suck it up and accept a party invitation with a group using my mic for once. They were pretty good at healing and blocking damage, but even after 10 attempts of coordinated efforts, we still lost. The achievement percentage is 0.02% on Xbox and I bet some of those groups took advantage of the exploit when it was available.
Man solo queue competitive is so unpredictable. One match you get a bunch of decent players and the next is with a bunch of clowns. I don't like that it matches you with unranked people who were Diamond the past season because like me they could be hopping on Overwatch for the first time in a long time and not be in the groove with everything. Terrible idea.
bruh I didn't realize the event already ends tomorrow :''' ))) I was hoping to maybe have gotten the McCree skin but instead ended up with beardless Torbjorn skin LOL ;;;; I hope everyone else has been having better luck though!
Nearly back at Master rank, aaaaa...I've missed it for so long.

(I was Master early in Season 3, but lost it so fast, but I've greatly improved but climbing out of low Diamond has been a real issue...)
I decided to give the Uprising event a shot on the very last day, pulled a gold from my free lootbox.

It was a goddamn torbjorn skin
eh i gave up since i ain't got no money, at least i got the dva selfie thing, that's all i live for. now i have 2k coins to spend on some cool things tho !!