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How do you feel about Backdrops?


🏃living the life set before us🚴
Feb 28, 2020
Throwback Tickets
I think most people like them?
Do you think they should only be a event thing to keep them special?
Or would you be ok with a limited number of permanent ones that cost alot between events? Not ok?
Any kind of back drop ideas or features you'd like to see in the future one day?
i do like some of them, but sometimes i think they cost a little much for something that's only temporary. it's not too egregious this time, since they last three weeks, and the calendar gave you a token today to buy an old backdrop, which is nice! i think it would be nice to have some simpler permanent options, like maybe just a single color backdrop (kind of like the user title) or basic patterns (e.g. polka dots) that you can switch on/off/out year-round, while the more complex wallpaper-like backdrops are reserved for events.
I like them but I think they should only be for events. Otherwise people would probably get sick of them and/or they won’t feel as special.
I love the backdrops, and I love seeing new backdrops released with events! 🎨 I think keeping them for specific events keeps them special, so I prefer that! 😊💖
No, I hate them...

JUST KIDDING! I am quite the huge fan of these backdrops, and some new ones came out today, but I'm sticking with my current one for a little while longer.
I would like permanent backdrops. I almost never buy the event ones because they are temporary. Unless I really like the theme of it, I just stay plain beige for the whole event.
I love them! Even if they're only temporary, I always really enjoy planning out aesthetics on here and I feel like they add a lot, so I always try to grab one (or sometimes more sjkdfjlsd) during events. ^^

I think some permanent basic color/simple pattern options would be really cool too! If something along those lines got added to the shop I'd definitely go for it sooner or later.
I love the backdrops! It's a fun way to alter your forum aesthetic and the different backdrops often inspire me to use different collectibles to match them. I don't mind them being event only but I highly prefer them being unlocked in event vs having to spend tbt on them.
I like backdrops but since they are only available for such a limited time I tend to not want to get them unless they are free or I really like the aesthetic. I wish the backdrops that you have bought in the past could be used again BUT only during the event periods, kind of like the Magical Fireworks.
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i love backdrops, and i don't mind them being event only.

however, this is a minor gripe that i think i'm the only person with this problem, since i don't see others talk about it, but i'm gonna say it anyways. on the majority of backdrops, especially the halloween ones, the sidebar becomes SUPER HARD to read. usertitles, joined dates, etc. some of the halloween ones this year are great, like the one i have i use because i think it has the best readability. the green ghosty one with the glow is super hard to read, the carnival one is and the pumpkin one is a bit of a strain too. both mobile and desktop have this issue, and i tend to highlight the text to be able to read it. this is of course a minor gripe because i dont need to read peoples sidebars, but i dunno, i like to.

if they were easier to read or more simplified in design, i think there would be a great case for year-round ones. maybe just simple ones that only changed your backdrop to a solid color, like a mint green or a navy blue. otherwise, i'm fine with them being holiday only. it's like a lil treat.
i love them! i don’t buy one every time they’re available as i usually prefer to save my tbt for more permanent purchases such as collectibles and art, but all of the ones that we’ve gotten so far have been incredible! some of my favourites nave been lunar haze, opalescent oleander, springtime serenity, starry sky, holiday twinkle, the isc and galaxolotl crew backdrops, cryptic canopy and october’s inferno!

i don’t mind them being event exclusive and would actually prefer for them to stay that way as i think that makes them more special, but i’d love if they didn’t cost so much, especially since they’re not permanent. i get that the time-limit, specialness, time and effort that went into designing each backdrop, whether or not they’re animated etc are likely all factors that contribute to their cost, but as stunning as the backdrops are, my wallet shivers at the thought of spending 50-75+ tbt on something that expires after 2-3 weeks 😅 i really appreciate backdrops that can be bought with tokens, and that the backdrops from this past camp only costed 1 bell each.
Custom backdrops during events are cool, even if I personally don't like certain ones. Gives the forum a breath of fresh air every once in a while. What I'd like to see, however, is a dark theme for the white parts where we see forum posts. I'll occasionally browse the forum way too late at night, and my eyes hurt because of it. Not sure how possible it is, and maybe it can be dynamic as well?
I love backdrops but I wish they were a bit cheaper, because they're not permanent. Or have them be unlockable instead of purchased. I do like that they're temporary though, they make them special!
I honestly like the thought of them being permanent! I’m a huge sucker for customizable sidebars and I almost always buy one when I see them available for an event hehehe. Helps me get into the event spirit. But I also understand them being limited-time, makes them special!