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Have you ever been to the Hospital for the first time for something serious?


I'm just a ghost.
Aug 9, 2020
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
So as some of you guys may or may not know. I've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Let me explain what happened. I'll go into more detail of what happened to me. Last week Wednesday I was feeling really sick so much so that I had trouble breathing. I told my mom to call 911 because was seriously wrong with me. The ambulance came and took me to the hospital.

This is where the doctor told me that my blood sugar was really high around 550. That was when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I felt so depressed and awful that this happened to me. I've been spending like 5 days in the hospital recovering but, then after a while I was discharged after they managed to get my blood sugar levels stable.

Since then I've had to make serious changes to my diet and I have to always to watch my blood sugar levels to make sure it doesn't go too high or too low which is easier said than done. My parents are helping me, which is good and I've been getting better results with my blood sugar. What about you? Have you ever been to the Hospital for the first time for something serious? For me this was a scary experience felt like I was going to pass out.
back in December 2017 was when my knee gave out and I had to be rushed to the ER (which was terrifying cause I was over 100 miles away from home at the time), took them a while to figure out what was wrong but after getting an MRI done a week later they found that my patella was broken and I had torn ligaments/muscles.

of course I couldn't sleep at all during the 8-9 hours that I was in the ER, it really was a scary and very painful experience. luckily I haven't had to be rushed to a hospital since then.

edit: don't know how I forgot this, but when I was 11 months old (and later again when I was 4 years old) I was rushed to the hospital because I had pneumonia. if it wasn't treated I probably wouldn't even be here :|
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I've been twice for two different fairly serious reasons.

When I was 8 I fell and broke both bones in my left arm. I remember it being the most painful thing I remember. I nearly passed out due to shock several times on the way to the hospital.

Later when I was about 19 while on a 12 hour shift at work I ended up getting food poisoning from my lunch. Since I couldn't keep anything in my system (not even water) I became extremely weak and dehydrated. I had to be taken to the hospital to get an IV for fluids. I very vaguely remember it as I was pretty out of it at the time.
When I was about 5 or 6 I was sent there because I had a bad case of pneumonia. That's the only time so far.
Yeah, when I was a lot younger I was taken to the hospital because I broke my left wrist. It was a clean break, so it didn't require surgery.
I wouldn’t say it was rushed to the hospital, but I was taken there back in 2016 because of an abscess. It had to be cut open and drained. I didn’t get any stitches which was miraculous but I’m happy about the fact that I didn’t need them, lol. I do have a scar on my neck, though.
I know I ended up going to the hospital when I broke my left leg when I was 3. I don't remember the hospital visit itself, though. I've been fortunate and haven't had to go to the hospital for something that happened to myself since then.
I got sent to the hospital one year on Christmas. It was the worst Christmas. I was working retail on the 23rd of December and I remember going home with a stomach ache. I felt bad, so I slept it off. When I woke up at 12 am, I had a high fever and couldn’t stop throwing up. I would of just slept it off some more, but my mom made me go to the hospital. I didn’t get the results back until about 7 am on December 24. I found out my appendix needed to be removed, and it was happening right away. Anyways I just remember crying while they transported me to the surgery room. On Christmas I didn’t even want presents, all I wanted was to stay on the hospital bed and not move. I was in so much pain. It was kind of awful. I am a very independent person and had to rely on people for about a week. It was impossible to sit up after being on the bed without having someone to pick you up. It was also impossible to call out for people to come help you because the act of calling out for someone who isn’t in the same room, is very painful. Sneezing felt like dying. I try not to go to the hospital anymore 😬
Been to the hospital myself a few times, but never for me. It was always for family members and I often spent a lot of time being with them.

@Bluebellie I saw the sneezing bit first and how you felt like you were about to die and immediately knew it was an appendix issue. Those are no joke. I knew someone who had theirs swell up so much that it was like a hard baseball, but it didn't burst and took the surgeons a lot of precision to not have it break when on the table and have it all leak.

It's a good thing you got it out when you did, otherwise you probably wouldn't be here. I'm glad that you are well! And Vantias, it may be hard trying to get used to this new schedule in your life, but doing so will help you live a longer and healthier life.

I've never had any life threatening issues. I had a cyst on my back that I need to go to the doctors to get medication to stop it from growing. They said they might need to go in for surgery, but it didn't happen. It burst on its own and hurt like an sob. I just used a ton of rubbing alcohol on my crater butt (I now have a crater on my butt) and that also hurt so much.

I once had kidney stones and had to be put under for surgery to remove them, but never anything major.

The most painful thing was cracking my ribs and then having to work through it. Just sneezing would make me double over in pain and trying to worm my way into my bed for the night was torture. My job required a lot of lifting and it sucked.
I used to be on the medication Lithium when I was around 19 years old. You need to monitor your lithium levels because they can get too high and become toxic. My psychiatric nurse practitioner at the time was not monitoring my levels for some reason. So I ended up with really severe lithium toxicity that shut my kidneys down, I ended up in the ICU for 6 days on dialysis and then also had seizures from it while I was there. Then I was moved to the general part of the hospital for the 7th and 8th day then I went home. The weird thing about it is I have no memory of it. I remember having a lot of problems that led to me getting in the ambulance and riding to the hospital but the entire week I was there is a total blank, I guess I was really messed up. When I was in the cab coming home I asked my mom what happened and did they figure out what was wrong and she explained that I had been in the hospital for 8 days with lithium toxicity. I’m just thankful for whoever was taking care of me while I was there, I have no memory of it and probably wasn’t able to thank them properly. Nurses, doctors, physical therapist etc. I’m just glad I’m alive and went to the hospital when I did.
I fell off the couch and cracked my head when I was a kid, had to go to the hospital for that. Also had pneumonia once. Don't really remember much of either!

But now, the mere thought of having to go to the hospital for an emergency at some point in my life really freaks me out. Shudders
About 23 years ago I was admitted to the hospital to have my gallbladder removed.I was having severe pain in the stomach area and also in my back.It was like the worst stomachache ever.I went to the emergency room on a Friday night and checked into the hospital on the following Monday because the doctor said that they needed to get that thing out as soon as they could schedule a surgery.The surgery went well and I was held overnight so I could enjoy some delicious hospital food in the morning.
I have been rushed to ER once, which was recently with my broken leg. It wasn't by ambulance though, I've never needed anything like that. Luckily I only spent 3-4 hours in ER, mostly just waiting to be seen by a doctor. It was painful waiting though as I was in a lot of pain, probably dehydrated, and hungry. I felt like I was going to pass out for the first hour or two from shock/pain. I remember signing forms for the hospital being really spaced out, not know what I was doing lol.

I've been admitted to hospital for surgery prior to that, but it wasn't an emergency. I don't remember much from it as I was really young. All I remember is that the food was awful and the beds were uncomfortable 🤣
About ten years ago, I had a major fever and felt sick but was still working because my boss wouldn’t let me skip my shift. I had this pain in my right side of my abdomen, and I was a bit scared that it was my appendix. When I got home, my roommate took my temperature and at was 103°F. So I took myself to the hospital, and they did several tests on me. Turns out I had a severe kidney infection, but they couldn’t out why. After a couple ultrasounds, they found that I had both a UTI and a burst ovarian cyst (letting me know I had PCOS in the process) and it overwhelmed my kidney. They gave me medicine and it went away, but I’ve been suffering from constant UTI’s and infected ovarian cysts since then. Sometimes I still regret going because I got stuck with a $4,000 hospital bill because of it that I still haven’t been able to pay (I live in the U.S.).
i've never been rushed out to a hospital before, but i've been to have surgery on my leg. it was pretty scary, i was only 16. it took forever to get back to walking like i had before.
When I was 5 I had to have surgery because I had vesicoureteral reflux. The bacteria was causing UTIs and one of my kidneys (the right one I believe) wasn't growing properly because of it. I remember waking up after the surgery, seeing the nurses(?) standing around, and crying for my mom. Everything was really fuzzy though, and I think I was only awake for like a minute. The next time I woke up was less dramatic, and both of my parents were there. I had stitches and had to miss some school (kindergarten) while I recovered from the surgery. They had a little welcome back party for me though, which made me really happy. I'd been scared to go back, thinking they would have forgotten me or wouldn't like me anymore. I guess 5 year old me thought other people didn't remember things very well? My kidney started growing well again afterwards, but the tests and the surgery were all pretty scary at the time.
I only go to the doctor's for check-ups, not once did I have to go because of a major injury or illness. Though I am very sorry to hear about that Vanitas, hearing the news must've been really hard for you.
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When I was about 10 years old I flew off a swing set, had a bad landing, and broke both lower arm bones in both wrists. It was a rather painful experience and bad enough that they set the breaks under anesthesia. Apart from that, not really, no!
When I was about in 4th grade, so relatively young, I was just letting my mind wander after school cause I was bored, and I felt my neck get stiff. I realized I couldn’t put my neck down anymore. My mom rushed me to the hospital and I stayed for some hours. (I fell asleep so I had no clue how long) I was fixed and sent home, yet I’ve developed a neck and shoulder tense/twitch and I have lived with it ever sense. I can still do stuff, just when it tenses it hurts for a sec and then disappears.
I‘ve never been rushed to the hospital, but I had to have surgery twice. Didn’t have to stay in the hospital or anything though.