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  • Hi Autumn! :D I hope you and your kitties are doing well! I saw you got a new kitty while I was away from tbt; that’s wonderful news! 🥳 Both your kitties are so adorable ☺️.
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    Hey thank you! ❤️We’re doing well! It’s good to see you back! Mustachio isn’t fond of Papi yet but Papi loves Mustachio lol 😃
    I’m so glad to hear you’re all doing well ☺️💜💜. Aww that is so cute; looking at your pictures, I’m sure they’ll be inseparable sooner than later 😺.
    Hi Autumn! I just wanted to check up on you; I hope you’re doing okay or as best as you can be right now 🫂💜💜.
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    Hey thanks! ❤️ I’m doing okay, just relaxed with my cat and played a game and it took my mind off negative thoughts :)
    I’m glad to hear that ☺️💜💜 I hope you enjoy the rest of your day 🙂
    Thank you! I hope you have a great rest of the week :) ❤️
    Autumn, I am so very sorry to hear about Mocha. He was such a sweet boy and so lucky you were there for him when he needed it most. I'm certain that you made his life better than he could have ever imagined it. Take care of yourself and Miss Mustachio. If you ever need to talk, feel free to message me. 💔
    HI Autumn! I’m so sorry about Mocha 💔. If you need anything, my dms are always open; no pressure ofc.Thank you for sharing him in the happy thread with us. It always is wonderful to hear about both your kitties. He was really lucky to have you and be loved so much. My girls and I send you much love and hugs. 🫂💜💜
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    Thank you so much Dunquixote! I really appreciate that ❤️. I hope your girls are doing well, I love seeing them in the happy thread, they’re so cute! I’m just relaxing today with Mustachio. Feel kind of numb right now. Really sad but also numb. I’m sure it’ll get better over time though
    They are, thanks ☺️💜💜. I understand 🫂. Take care of yourself and hang in there 🫂💜💜.
    Autumn. 😕 I am so, so, so sorry about Mocha. I can imagine how devastated you must be feeling right now. I know this won't make this hurt any less, but I hope you know how wonderful you were to Mocha. you gave him a safe, loving home to spend the rest of his life in, and you showed him nothing but love, care, patience and kindness. you were so, so good to him.

    thank you for sharing him with us—I'll miss seeing his handsome face. sending so much love to you and Mustachio. my dms are always open if you need/want to talk. 🫂
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    Thank you so much Xara, I really appreciate that. ❤️ He was such a good boy. I’m grateful for the time we had together. He will always be in my heart, I’m gonna miss him so much. I already do. I hope he’s at peace now. Me and Mustachio will always love him ❤️🐈‍⬛
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    sending you so much love. breakups are never fun or easy, but cuddle with Mustachio and Mocha, do your best to take care of yourself and do things that bring you peace and happiness, and remember how incredible you are. 🫂💜
    Yesterday was your birthday? Well then, happy late birthday, Autumn! 🎂🎊 I hope you'll be able to overcome your anxiety and panic attacks very soon. 🫂
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    Thank you so much! I’m having a better day today than I’ve had the past week so hopefully things are looking up! :) ❤️
    Hi friend! Its been so long and I hope your well! I just wanted to pop in and say that I saw you still use the signature I made allllll that time ago haha. I really appreciate it and it brings a smile to my face! Thank you so much for always being so respectful and kind because honestly I cannot believe how kind everyone has been through my immature years lol
    I hope I have grown much more now!
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    Thank you so much! And I don’t think you were immature! You have always been a very kind person! And I love the signature you made me ❤️😀 hope you’re having a great summer :)
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