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Do you believe in the paranormal?

May 28, 2021
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we pretend it's halloween here. ghosts and such.

I've always been skeptical in my beliefs.

but after my dad died, my mom and my uncle dreamed in the same night that he was watching over them in a distorted floating ghostly form. My mom claimed the door really opened. It was vividly real and she's not sure if it was a dream.

years later, I fell asleep in the place he died. (Not intentionally)! But the room he passed in was abandoned. It was a comfortable bed and I crashed there. (sometimes I sat there and quietly played my 3DS).

and I had the exact same vivid dream. That he was looking at me from above the bed.

So who knows? Maybe there's more to this world than we realize. It's interesting to interpret and I don't think there's an objectively right or wrong answer.

aha well I obviously didn't sleep in that bed anymore. we moved out later too. it didn't bother me too much, but once was enough for me.
I do. I’ve had an experience myself (age 12) of an old man standing in front of my bed and talking to me about “a man who saw strange things in his eyes” before disappearing. I also felt a buzzing in my ear around this time.

Kids are more sensitive to it, I think. When my great-grandma was very sick in the hospital, a sibling told my mom, “It’s OK. George is with her.” (George was my great-grandma’s husband who died several years before.) I don’t think my mom told us about him at that point (we were little), and we have no other explanation for that.

When she was sick, great-grandma would also talk to her “Auntie” and “Mama” . I don’t know if she was imagining things, but this was so close to the time she died, maybe she really did see them.
Yes. I’ve seen and heard things that cannot be explained logically since I was about six years old. First incident kept happening only in the morning when I first woke up and there was this bright white light that would blind me for about a minute before disappearing. I tried to tell my sister this but she kept insisting it was from a truck’s headlights driving down the road in front of the house that caused it as an explanation. When I told her again about this light as an adult, I pointed out that this was happening to me at 6 AM in the middle of summer when trucks wouldn’t be using their head lights and how it was being shone directly into my eyes head on. She had no explanation after that.
No, it's not real and most all the theories are hogwash to be honest imo.
The paranormal and spirit realms are very real. The thing is until a person has experienced something from them, they can’t sense it or believe that is real. It’s pretty much like a locked door. You can keep things out if you keep the door closed but once it breaks open, there is no going back. I have actually felt the spirits of the dead before and can tell if a spirit is in the room. Most spirits are harmless and won’t bother you unless they want something from you.
Nope, I personally believe that all paranormal experiences can be explained in one way or another. It's usually just a series of coincidences, and if people can't find a way to explain it then it's easiest to just put it down to the supernatural. Often it's down to hallucinations (including dreams) or the brain finding patterns where there aren't any, but there are lots of potential explanations depending on the specific case. This is just my opinion, though.

That said, I love the concept of ghosts and I love hearing people's spooky stories regardless of whether I believe in them or not. A lot of my favourite stories involve ghosts and I think it's an interesting way to process and explore the idea of death in both fiction and real life, as well as other things that might be harder to confront directly. Also spooky stuff is just fun idk
I don’t. I’ve seen and heard very strange, mean, and creepy things since I was a child nearly every day that people would think are supernatural, but after being psychiatrically examined they turned out to mostly be hallucinations. I don’t have schizophrenia, I was screened for it and they didn’t think I met all the requirements, but I can relate to certain aspects of it.

Honestly I think hallucinations are more common than people think and that supernatural phenomena are just that, hallucinations. They look, sound, and feel real. I’ve struggled with reality testing them for a long time, but once you really pay attention you can see them for how absurd they are.
I don’t. I’ve seen and heard very strange, mean, and creepy things since I was a child nearly every day that people would think are supernatural, but after being psychiatrically examined they turned out to mostly be hallucinations. I don’t have schizophrenia, I was screened for it and they didn’t think I met all the requirements, but I can relate to certain aspects of it.

Honestly I think hallucinations are more common than people think and that supernatural phenomena are just that, hallucinations. They look, sound, and feel real. I’ve struggled with reality testing them for a long time, but once you really pay attention you can see them for how absurd they are.
I don’t think that the stuff I’ve seen and experienced are hallucinations at all. I’ve seen stuff suddenly appear out of nowhere when I’m completely alone or somewhere where no one else other than those who are with me at the time are close by. Once a chocolate fountain in its box just appeared right behind me while I was at Walmart shopping with two other guys and we weren’t anywhere near the section that had the chocolate fountain and the guys were in front of me the entire time and literally no one was around us or seen leaving the aisle. That things just popped up on the floor directly behind me and the guys I was with also saw it and we knew none of us had put it there.
Yes. I have witnessed a couple paranormal activities myself, in the forms of doors closing and unusual auras and lights appearing in photos. In my family we believe these are deceased relatives checking in and visiting us.
Much like religion, I am agnostic on the matter of the paranormal. I don't really believe in paranormal phenomena, but I don't know that it doesn't exist, so I don't want to just flat out say that it doesn't. That said, though, I lean more on the side of disbelief.

I'm the sort of person that would like for some paranormal stuff to be real; ghosts, cryptids, aliens, etc. are neat. I'd like to visit purportedly haunted places to see if I could experience anything. I've never had any strange experiences of the paranormal sort though and, considering that I lean more skeptic, I assume I probably never will. Would be cool though.
Nah. The only really weird thing that happened to me was dreaming about a Neopet plushie I ended up getting from a thrift store later that same day, which isn't much to go off of.