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Feminism Discussion Thread

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I love reading TBT opinions on social issues. It's very entertaining. You guys are so extreme, black or white.
im a female and I rlly sort of don't believe in feminism bc its still like "oh im supposed to b treated like men but im going to treat them how they treat us and make them feel inferior"

if you are a feminist that can calm your bust before it combusts then I feel like you should go for it and represent women!
The name shouldn't mean anything as long as the cause is good, but it does.

The fact that the loudest part of the group (the part everybody will notice) are also usually the people who are anti-male/female superiority focused only adds to the fact that the term 'feminist' sounds more focused towards 'pro women' than 'pro equality'.

The reason the name is the way it is lies solely due to when the movement came to be in the first place.
We're talking like, industrial age.

Back then women weren't allowed to do... well... anything really. If a woman didn't get married by the ripe old age of ~25 they were barraged with insults and deemed "mentally unstable". (This, coincidentally, also happened to gay men, and men uninterested in women in general.)

Aaaand a bunch of other bad things we've all read in school, you know the things.

So they started a movement, and since the goal at the time wasn't equality for all genders, they named it feminism, which makes sense, because including men's rights in that at the time would be essentially spitting in their eyes. (This is in the same vein of people replacing Black Lives Matter with All Lives Matter, but that's a different discussion for a different thread.)

Now, as time went on, the movement continued, and so on, and really up til now the movement never really "died", per say, but it just had little bursts of action so you couldn't really put it to rest and revive it under a new name.

Now yeah, I totally agree, the name is due for a change, but there's a few issues with that:
1- It already has its connotations more or less set in stone, changing the name won't do anything.
2- People have already tried changing the name like, a million times. We have terms like egalitarian and such, but the names just never stick because we already have a term for it that fits the idea perfectly - it's just horrifically misused.
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Well, I guess I would consider myself a feminist. I mean, every human being should be treated equally. Despite what race, gender or sexuality they are. I don't see why people disagree on this?
wait are we talking about tumblrina feminatzis or those 3rd wave feminists from school who only sell cookies or are we talking about actual feminism?

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1- It already has its connotations more or less set in stone, changing the name won't do anything.

This is very much false. Right now, especially to teens, the word Feminism turns many people off simply because of the extremists out there. There are so many and with social media it spreads easily. I know it's not right that Feminism should be judged simply because of select group ruining it, but that's simply what's happened. Changing it to something other than Feminism would do wonders for it, but as you said, changing the name is a long shot.
wait are we talking about tumblrina feminatzis or those 3rd wave feminists from school who only sell cookies or are we talking about actual feminism?

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This is very much false. Right now, especially to teens, the word Feminism turns many people off simply because of the extremists out there. There are so many and with social media it spreads easily. I know it's not right that Feminism should be judged simply because of select group ruining it, but that's simply what's happened. Changing it to something other than Feminism would do wonders for it, but as you said, changing the name is a long shot.

I don't get what you're trying to say here. It is very much set in stone because changing the name is a long shot.

The connotations it has a very negative - it has a man-hate banner wrapped all around it and that's what most people's first impressions of it are, that's it's connotation. I, and many other people , have already tried to change the name of both Feminism, and "Feminism" (To both egalitarianism and outright sexism respectively) and the terms don't stick because first impressions are very big on people. ("So what you're trying to tell me, is the lady who yelled at me for holding the door open for me is a feminist?" "Well that's what she calls herself." "Wow feminists are terrible." "She's actually just very prejudiced to men." "Are all feminists like that?"

And again, like with black lives matter, saying women hating men is/isn't sexism because of power differences is a different albeit similar discussion, but for simplicity sake let's say it is.
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feminism won't seem to matter until you experience extremely unfair situations aka reality.

what do you mean by this?

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I don't get what you're trying to say here. It is very much set in stone because changing the name is a long shot.

The connotations it has a very negative - it has a man-hate banner wrapped all around it and that's what most people's first impressions of it are, that's it's connotation. I, and many other people , have already tried to change the name of both Feminism, and "Feminism" (To both egalitarianism and outright sexism respectively) and the terms don't stick because first impressions are very big on people. ("So what you're trying to tell me, is the lady who yelled at me for holding the door open for me is a feminist?" "Well that's what she calls herself." "Wow feminists are terrible." "She's actually just very prejudiced to men." "Are all feminists like that?"

And again, like with black lives matter, saying women hating men is/isn't sexism because of power differences is a different albeit similar discussion, but for simplicity sake let's say it is.

what you just said is what i was saying lol

I should have only quoted the second part, my bad
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At this point you might as well make a side thread
"The feminism discussion thread discussion thread" because wow, 90% of the posts are people throwing quips at the creation of it.
I'm a feminist
I hate explaining that I'm not a man-hater, I hate explaining how radicals and extremists don't define feminism, and I hate when people (specifically 18-24 year old boys) immediately start harassing me for being a feminist and not tolerating their rape jokes and sexism toward me

something ive never understood is why the heck people think rape jokes are funny
At this point you might as well make a side thread
"The feminism discussion thread discussion thread" because wow, 90% of the posts are people throwing quips at the creation of it.

yeah, just report the people that are spamming or posting stupid crap
something ive never understood is why the heck people think rape jokes are funny

Well the thing is, the way people work is when we find an idea really atrocious, the way a lot of us cope with it is with humor.
Sometimes this backfires and only makes it worse, and this is one of those cases.
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Well the thing is, the way people work is when we find an idea really atrocious, the way a lot of us cope with it is with humor.
Sometimes this backfires and only makes it worse, and this is one of those cases.

I think part of the reason is because most people's personalities are of that of a follower and not a leader. The leader makes a crude joke and even if its not funny, followers want to fit in and laugh anyway.
I'm a feminist
I hate explaining that I'm not a man-hater, I hate explaining how radicals and extremists don't define feminism, and I hate when people (specifically 18-24 year old boys) immediately start harassing me for being a feminist and not tolerating their rape jokes and sexism toward me

I am too, a feminist, but that doesn't mean I argue about really stupid things, like how short the skirts are in Sailor Moon. If some girls want to dress like that, I'm not gonna complain.
I go over the moon over things that matter, such as rape. As for the lady and the kangaroo, I'll just say that the word is simply another sensitive topic mentioned so much that nobody even knows what it means anymore.
I also have to agree with DarkDesertFox, though I'm way to lazy to quote all the posts I agree with. Anywho, there was that 2014 Super Bowl burger commercial. While the typical feminist would post on the internet how much she is angered by it, I kinda laughed.
In general, I'll just say the media and the grand majority of the feminist community that doesn't stand up against important topics is going really downhill.
I am too, a feminist, but that doesn't mean I argue about really stupid things, like how short the skirts are in Sailor Moon. If some girls want to dress like that, I'm not gonna complain.
I go over the moon over things that matter, such as rape. As for the lady and the kangaroo, I'll just say that the word is simply another sensitive topic mentioned so much that nobody even knows what it means anymore.
I also have to agree with DarkDesertFox, though I'm way to lazy to quote all the posts I agree with. Anywho, there was that 2014 Super Bowl burger commercial. While the typical feminist would post on the internet how much she is angered by it, I kinda laughed.
In general, I'll just say the media and the grand majority of the feminist community that doesn't stand up against important topics is going really downhill.

The thing with extremists in feminism is that they constantly contradict themselves. For instance they'll say that women should be allowed to wear whatever they want because it's their own body etc. but then complain about the sexualization of cartoon characters simply because of what their wearing.
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anyway, i dont align myself with the feminist movement. i share similar views, but i simply do not consider myself a feminist.
What I dont like is when femenists try to achieve equality by trashing men the way that women were treated in the past. Feminism is about equality, not a switch in power. Its just annoying that so many people think that they need to switch power and make men suffer what women suffered because of something that wasnt this generation's doing. Its the history of the country. As sad as it is that it happened, there isnt any need to redo history except with a flip in roles. Equality is where we are headed, and I believe that nothing else regarding social "justice" should be done except for that, whether it be racial superiority, sexual/gender superiority, or sex superiority. Equality is what should be focused on.
Keeping an eye on this - if you can't get back on topic, I'm going to have to close it.

Edit: Deleted all of the posts that were trolling/off-topic.
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My favorite part is most of this is a lot of, "I read this one really extreme feminist post on Tumblr and am basing my entire view on the movement off of that."
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