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Do you think people should be a bit nicer in Brewsters?

Should people in Brewster's try to be a lil' nicer?

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I agree with everything but this part of your post. Even if their feelings of being hurt are valid, being a part of lgbt or any other group does not give a person the right to behave however aggressively they want. I’m not saying to coddle ignorant people, but to understand that respect has to go both ways, especially if you’re hoping for the other person to see your point of view and change their behavior

lmao yeah, I only disagree with this part too... I feel like your excuse for being a ****ty person is "o im gay" lmfao obviously that's hyperbole ok
I've seen a lot of baiting going on lately. Unfortunately, some people fall for it. It seems like lately, a number of users are looking for fights. Sure, some people could be a bit nicer sometimes but some people could be a little bit less trolling.
What in the world is going on here?

I try to make a positive thread to end conflict, not ignite it.

People are different. Everyone is unique and different. Isn't that what makes life special? People are allowed to be who they are, there is nothing wrong with LGBT people. They deserve respect and equality just like anyone else. They are normal people, there is nothing wrong or bad about them.

I hope that everyone here can please, please TRY to be more understanding?
What in the world is going on here?

I try to make a positive thread to end conflict, not ignite it.

People are different. Everyone is unique and different. Isn't that what makes life special? People are allowed to be who they are, there is nothing wrong with LGBT people. They deserve respect and equality just like anyone else. They are normal people, there is nothing wrong or bad about them.

I hope that everyone here can please, please TRY to be more understanding?

I mean, I appreciate it, but there's no way your thread would miraculously end drama
But yeah sure
I mean, I appreciate it, but there's no way your thread would miraculously end drama
But yeah sure

Course it couldn't do that. I just wanted to try and remind people is all. I find it ironic this thread became a place of conflict. Idk anymore, I'm going back to the Museum and the Basement. :p Too bad Unicorn acted this way, I wish they tried to be less angry.
Course it couldn't do that. I just wanted to try and remind people is all. I find it ironic this thread became a place of conflict. Idk anymore, I'm going back to the Museum and the Basement. :p Too bad Unicorn acted this way, I wish they tried to be less angry.

Don't forget. The best places on this forum is the TBT Marketplace, the Bell Tree HQ, and the Bulletin Board. That's where I like to go.
Course it couldn't do that. I just wanted to try and remind people is all. I find it ironic this thread became a place of conflict. Idk anymore, I'm going back to the Museum and the Basement. :p Too bad Unicorn acted this way, I wish they tried to be less angry.

I mean, to solve the conflict I think people need to discuss things, whether there's tension in the air or not... As long as people aren't insulting each other and explaining their views calmly and in a considerate manner, I don't see any issues with commenting on this thread. Maybe I should try and tone it down a bit though lmfao, or Tom's gonna swoop in and start infracting or some **** smh
I agree with everything but this part of your post. Even if their feelings of being hurt are valid, being a part of lgbt or any other group does not give a person the right to behave however aggressively they want. I?m not saying to coddle ignorant people, but to understand that respect has to go both ways, especially if you?re hoping for the other person to see your point of view and change their behavior

My point is 1. If a LGBT person is being aggressive towards you that isn't a reason to be lgbtphobic 2. Their aggression doesn't mean you should wave off everything they're saying because they're a Mean Gay and then use that to victimize yourself over and over again.
Omg. How long has Tom been watching?

For a bit. I was actually worried about the thread, but I'm more surprised about how civil the conversation turned. Would have preferred it take place in it's own thread, but perhaps it was better that it took place here more than anything.
being nice isnt the same as tolerating whatever crap other people say lol but i feel like this is what this thread is actually about so uh no. if someone says some cruel stuff it's not rude to shut them down or call them out.
it's not like brewsters has been a nice place and now suddenly is ruined by big meanies

also since this seems to be something people have a problem w: lgbt people dont owe anyone eternal Lov abd Acceptance and i really really really don't care about some cis person's feelings about the transgender community because it's always based on stuff like "they got angry at me for misgendering them" or "i did something hurtful and someone reacted, that really is reverse oppression at its finest"
there are no excuses to being transphobic, even if you don't "agree" with anything trans related you have no excuse to tell people that because saying that stuff makes you a crap person. if you hate someone who happens to be trans then that's fine like whatever but if youre going all rainbow backpack, the down with cis bus is real and decide to hate on the entire transgender community then that's you being an awful person. there are no valid reasons to be transphobic (or anything else like that but since this pretty much is what's being discussed i thought i wouldnt be super vague lol) and people getting upset about you doing or saying hurtful things isnt bullying
being nice isnt the same as tolerating whatever crap other people say lol but i feel like this is what this thread is actually about so uh no. if someone says some cruel stuff it's not rude to shut them down or call them out.
it's not like brewsters has been a nice place and now suddenly is ruined by big meanies

That's not what I meant, actually. All I think is that people should be able to have more calm and civilized disscussions.
And no, it isn't suddenly worse then before, I didn't say that is was? I'm sorry if I bothered anyone here by making this thread. I suppose it served some kind of purpose for trying to settle these matters.
My point is 1. If a LGBT person is being aggressive towards you that isn't a reason to be lgbtphobic 2. Their aggression doesn't mean you should wave off everything they're saying because they're a Mean Gay and then use that to victimize yourself over and over again.

Obviously you shouldn?t judge a group based on the bad behavior of some individual members. Unfortunately though, individuals have to be aware that their behavior will more often than not reflect poorly on the groups they belong to. By behaving aggressively they are making it harder and harder for people already biased against them to be sympathetic of their situation.

Yes, I wish people could see through the anger, understand where it is coming from and take away something worth learning. However, sympathizing is very difficult for most people when faced with aggressive opposition. Purely psychologically, you can?t expect someone to listen and change their behavior for you when you are yelling and antagonizing them

I think we mostly agree though, and don?t really need to go deeper into this. I?m in no way trying to say people?s anger is unjustified; just that it?s pragmatically not beneficial for improving the situation
Obviously you shouldn’t judge a group based on the bad behavior of some individual members. Unfortunately though, individuals have to be aware that their behavior will more often than not reflect poorly on the groups they belong to. By behaving aggressively they are making it harder and harder for people already biased against them to be sympathetic of their situation.

Yes, I wish people could see through the anger, understand where it is coming from and take away something worth learning. However, sympathizing is very difficult for most people when faced with aggressive opposition. Purely psychologically, you can’t expect someone to listen and change their behavior for you when you are yelling and antagonizing them

I think we mostly agree though, and don’t really need to go deeper into this. I’m in no way trying to say people’s anger is unjustified; just that it’s pragmatically not beneficial for improving the situation

All I'm gonna say on this is we are not responsible for homophobes/transphobes and it's not our obligation to cradle them until they respect us.

If someone wants to be a child and hate all LGBT people because some gay dude with a Reaper avatar was mean to them on an Animal Crossing forum then that's their own fault and it's on them. If they don't want to do their own research because their feelings were hurt for 5 minutes opposed to our 10 years then that's on them.

I used to be all "We must coddle and bend over backwards for the straights!" but while we maybe get them peeved off for a few minutes their mindsets are killing us off and I'm tired.
In conCLUSION, I think we should stop segregating ourselves. Whatever gender you identify as, or whatever gender you're attracted to, it doesn't give you an excuse to act a certain way. If you want to be respected or w/e, do the same to everyone else ;;

I think we should stop with the "I've had an argument with [this type of person] so now I'm gonna hate the whole community"... and instead just look at the person individually, rather than alter your opinion of all the people sharing similar traits/indentities/etc. Jumping down each others throats with this manufactured outrage would be a bonus too. I enjoy debating but like
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I can understand debating; but let's be real there are certain people that you can't debate with.

Certain religions want to *kill* gay people, or they view gay people as a mistake, a crime against God. You can't debate that. You *shouldn't* debate that. They are wrong. End of discussion, full stop.