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Debate time - hacked items?


Kawaii ;3
Apr 29, 2015
As someone who owns an Action Replay device (something that lets you get items, bells etc, by connecting it to the laptop or computer), I always wonder what the real issue is with hacked/duped items. Some people may see it as 'the easy way' or that it takes away from the struggle of the game; but by being on a website like bell tree forums, where you buy, sell and trade items and villagers, is that not the same thing?

Buying a certain villager, rather than waiting for them to end up in your town by chance.

Purchasing certain sets via bell tree forums rather than buying it bit by bit from Timmy and Tommy, building it up. Being patient.

In my opinion, hacking/duping and using websites to trade, buy and sell are no different.

What are your opinions?
One is cheating, one is using the multiplayer as it's intended to.
I have no problem with most people who hack; they're just using the game code to their advantage. It's their game anyway, not mine. Hacking can lead to some gorgeous, and intriguing, towns.
It's people who use hacking to ruin the game for other people who I dislike. By ruining the game for others, I mean people who purposely plant bugs, glitches, and other things in other people's games.
With your analogy, it's essentially like the multiplayer options, just a single person doing it.

It's all down to personal preference though.
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As someone who owns an Action Replay device (something that lets you get items, bells etc, by connecting it to the laptop or computer), I always wonder what the real issue is with hacked/duped items. Some people may see it as 'the easy way' or that it takes away from the struggle of the game; but by being on a website like bell tree forums, where you buy, sell and trade items and villagers, is that not the same thing?

Buying a certain villager, rather than waiting for them to end up in your town by chance.

Purchasing certain sets via bell tree forums rather than buying it bit by bit from Timmy and Tommy, building it up. Being patient.

In my opinion, hacking/duping and using websites to trade, buy and sell are no different.

What are your opinions?

Hmm, I'm not sure what the issue is. I don't think buying/selling/trading the items on the Retail forum is the same as duping items. But to be honest, it's your game and if you wanna hack to get more stuff/make a town to your liking, why not? So long as you aren't harming others (ex: seeding) :)
Though sometimes being patient isn't enough, some items just never seem to appear for certain folks like that one poster who mentioned never finding that statue from Redd in nearly 4 years. Woof that's a long time. My town, for some reason, blue and exotic items hardly appear and I play a great deal.
I don't see how hacking items and trading for legit items is the same thing. Trading is pretty much required and encouraged to get rare items. Hacking items is cheating to make what you want instead of working for it.

That being said, there are some items that are nearly impossible to get without hacking them and cheating, so I can kind of understand it. (Like JPN/KOR exclusives, like the 7/11 set and all) but still. I'd prefer legit items. Of course, there's no way to tell if the person you are buying from gets them legit first, but I'd still rather have real items and not hacked if at all possible.
I 100% agree with you OP. I used to use the forums to get items/bells/villagers that I wanted but in the end, if we're honest, all of those things were hacked anyway. Now I just cut out the middle man ;)
I don't care if someone hacks. There is no right or wrong way to play this game in my opinion, and if someone wants to hack items it's fine with me. I've used powersaves to get Japanese exclusives before.
i don't really mind if someone hacks the game or uses cheats of any kind honestly, i feel like everyone should be able to play the game how they want :) i actually don't know if there's even a way to prove any item you've gotten via trade, etc isn't from a cheat or not, unless it's something like an exclusive, but if it helps my own game playing then i'm totally fine with it lol
I don't personally hack because I don't wanna risk breaking my game but I don't mind buying hacked items as long as they won't mess up my game. I'd rather get a hacked rare item than never be able to get that rare item.
oh god action replays take forever but in all seriousness i use hacks a ton and i think hacking is way more feared than it should be especially when people get scared when they realize something they've bought was hacked. it won't seed your game or anything like that. but i do see why people might not approve of others buying hacked items. hacking items and selling them for tbt would be kind of unfair but if someone puts up a shop and puts "hacked items*" in the post somewhere, i feel like that should be enough for people to not get their panties in a twist. because the buyers will know its hacked and either be fine with it or stay away. but if you're selling something thats hacked and not telling someone thats kind of weird because a. the person might want to know and b. it seems unprofessional since i feel like people who have worked to get the items should get recognition as well instead of this one person who has access to infinite amounts of items.

its kind of like the whole idea of robots taking over jobs, y' know? but now if we're talking about people who use hacks for themselves, not to make profit or anything i think thats A OK because its not hurting anyone and come on, its been years since the release. i need something to spruce up the gameplay
I think it's okay to hack, I don't see how it's a bad thing unless it corrupts the other person's game unwillingly or on purpose and most items are the same whether they are hacked or not. Some items might not be included depending on the place you got it from and so on, but I also do understand why regular game play and non hacking is favored. All in all It's still animal crossing, just you have more access and more bending on how you want to game
Too many hack topics. But okay, I honestly wouldn't mind and I don't have anything against people who uses hacked items because if I do, I'll probably have issues with every active players who plays the game haha. There's no way to tell if the item is legit or not unless you never traded with anyone and accepted a thing from people (except probably in the case of having the lotus pond lol, but I don't care). I just don't prefer using hacks and hacking the town myself. It's not my thing in every game I play, singleplayer or multiplayer, competitive or not.
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A lot of you had very valid points, I see now why some people dislike the idea of hacking since they believe it could damage their game; perhaps they just need to understand hacked items a little better, I wouldn't be using things such as Action Replay if I knew it could possibly ruin my game. I only use Action Replay for items, everything else I have achived in my town is simply down to hard work. I feel that there shouldn't be any rules against hacking and duping because it is up to the game owner how they use/play their game, no one should be shunned for hacking or duping. If anything, when selling hacked items, the seller should mention that the items have been hacked for those who are wary - but that should be the only rule in place.
I don't have a problem with what someone does to their own town. I think it's wrong to sell hacked items to other people for a lot of money but if it just for yourself why should it matter to anyone else. I love hacked towns though, you can make them much more unique.
are u serious its 2017 and people still use powersaves???
Ahem , as i have said before i have been hacking AC games (and many more games) since Wii and all i can say is that i couldn't care less.
There will always be one way of hacking AC towns , and when that time comes i will use those hacks if im able to , if not then i will stick to the normal gameplay. Also , i also love hacked items because you can get region exclusives
I don't mind because how else am I supposed to get region exclusives?? I don't find it to be unfair or anything. I don't hack myself, but I have no problems shopping at a shop for hacked items. I do prefer to fill my catalogue through the game by waiting for the stores to stock the furniture or for the events to occur. But once it's in my catalogue, I prefer to buy bulk orders through the forums. I don't care if they are hacked or not. I just want to get them fast, rather than order through the catalogue and have to wait. And if we didn't have hackers, then we would never get the chance to get region exclusives, and for the longest time (before I discovered the forum), I was sad that there were items I would never get in the game. Now it's possible so what's so bad about that?
I remember back when ACNL was new, the site staff took duping and hacking very seriously. They had the strictest rules against it out of all AC fansites. But now that ACNL is almost four years old, I wonder if they're going to loosen up the rules.

Hacking I agree is wrong. It really is. But duping, it may have ruined Animal Crossing, but since it's not using external devices, I wouldn't say is as bad as hacking is. It's still dishonesty and breaking the game, but duping isn't going to ruin your game like hacking is. Not only that, but while hacking really takes away the fun, duping was at least useful when getting nearly-impossible items like the Snowman Series and Sloppy Series. But instead of duping them, Nintendo could at least make them orderable or they should dumb down the expectations of the snowboys while increasing the frequency of getting sloppy series items. It may be wrong, but I understand why they would do that.
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I mean, I wouldn't personally do it because I'd have no patience to figure it out and I prefer to try and get everything legit so it gives me something to work towards, but I don't really care if anyone else does it or sells me hacked items so long as it doesn't break my game or whatever.

I do think it's a bit unfair when people are selling super rare hacked items for things like TBT, though.
Honestly, in the analogy that you use, there are similarities as there are flaws. Yes, it's the same kind of time wait frame deal. Lack of patience, want it now. Yes, it's to excel at your town of your desire.

At the same time, we don't know if even any of the items or bells we ever have once gotten ever had been a hacked or duped item. Considering with the version/region exclusives, which is SO annoying with when never able to visit that country in that period of time, that also look so amazing, but everyone else gets waffled upon... I can see how this would be useful. In terms for playing, honestly, it shouldn't matter.

It's their game first off, and if you want a legitimate real item, you have to track down with the same kind of needed patience for the real item and not a duped/hacked one. The only complaint I would have, if it was to break another person's game, ruin the gaming experience for other people, if they are present in your town, or had done something to bring it to your town.

Now, I do mean this when they are personally responsible. However, if you choose to go to a hack or duped town, that is at your own discretion, considering most ones are obtained through the DA that people send out. Even then, it still is at your discretion with a friend's town. If they don't tell you what their intentions are originally, then maybe you need to question the friend, rather than, the technique.
I never understood why people try to push morality onto something like animal crossing.