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Your favourite from each animal!


that tea girl
Jan 3, 2015
I thought it would be fun and a cool time waster to ask all of you guys what your favourite villager from each animal is! Give reasons if you'd like.


Alligator: Drago - he's a cool dragon dude how can you not love him! He's also in one of my newest New Leaf towns and so I've grown a sort of attachment to him now as you do lol
Anteater: Anabelle - her design is so appealing oh my lord the colours are just so bright and vibrant!!
Bear: Nate - lil leaf brow. nuff said.
Bird: Jacob - woa!! super cute and really pretty colours. I love the parrot idea!
Bull: Rodeo - I really like his dark aesthetic and red eyes and the fact he's just. a big lazy softie
Cat: Mitzi - had her in my first New Leaf town and ughhhhh can i say cutie. lots of nostalgia with this girl tbh
Chicken: Broffina - honestly none really but she reminds me of swimmingbird941's new leaf let's play and I loved that let's play so much
Cow: Tipper - I didn't realise there were so few cows! I guess they're the same as bulls thom Gotta go with Tipper!
Cub: Pudge - nostalgic!! I had him either in my wild world or City Folk.. would be stitches I loved him in my first ever nl town but alas he's been s o overdone and overhyped
Deer: Fuschia - dude I've been sleeping on this queen ever since the new horizons direct I've been OBSESSED with her and her design! pretty girl 100% I have a lot of deer favs though, special mention to Bam and Beau
Dog: Shep - surprisingly I'm not too hot on a lot of the dogs but shep is my fav!
Duck: Scoot - a lil cutie! none of the ducks REALLY appeal but scoot is blessed
Eagle: Amelia: americas doll
Elephant: Chai - I've never had her but her design is cute as hell and her name is so AAAA adorable
Goat: none - they all are kinda eh.. I suppose nan but like?? not strongly
Gorilla: Boone - someone explain to me why I've never seen Boone before really but he's so heckin cool
Hamster: Clay - again... eh... Hamster designs aren't strong
Hippo: Rocco - I saw hippeux in the list and vomited in my mouth ugh he's so disgusting
Horse: Papi/Elmer/Roscoe - I think I've found my favourite animal lol. I love papi because UGHH good okapi design 10/10, elmer is nostalgic and apparently elmer is a boy I always thought elmer was a girl, and roscoe because he recently moved in and I adore him.. I also really like Julian, filly, Savannah and Victoria.. yup. my favourite animal type by far lol
Kangaroo: Carrie - happy home designer hype
Koala: Melba - soft girl. Sydney I remember as my CF villager at the edge of a hill and that's so iconic to me
Lion: Lionel - they all kinda generic tho, albino lion I approve
Monkey: Tammi - she's a crackhead but she's a cool crackhead. neat striped tail
Mouse: Rod - sorry its just the memories, him and tank in wild world were my gay power couple before I knew what being gay was skks
Octopus: Marina - bro she would look SO GOOD in a new horizons island holy ****. all octopi are good tho!
Ostrich: Sprocket - what a cool dude. cranston shoutouts though
Penguin: Cube - really nice colours and design honestly
Pig: Hugh - never realised how cute he is until now!
Rabbit: Snake - another one of my iconic duos - Vesta and snake were neighbours near my river in New leaf
Rhino: Tank - here's rods bf lol. honestly even witjout nostalgia his design is so so good cute head leaf!!! merengue shoutouts
Sheep: Vesta - snakes best friend. also CUTE DESIGN! really solid and cute design I love her so much sheep mommm! willow design shoutouts too what a sweet yellow fluff
Squirrel: Sylvana - I apparently had a lot of squirrels growing up?? mint and nibbles are familiar and poppy is very sweet
Tiger: ROLF ROLF ROLF - favourite villager of ALL TIME! I couod go on forever about this grump. but anyway. I also like his wife bianca and Claudia lmao OH AND LEONARDO IS MY SECOND FAVOURITE
Wolf: all of them??? - Whitney is such a babd I had her in wild world recently and also in my first NL town.. honestly they're all so valid fun fact I got the wolf link amiibo just for wolf link villager sorry not sorry
Alligator: Allie, I think she looks pretty cute!
Anteater: Olaf, he's pretty fancy.
Bear: Pinky! She's in my town.
Bird: Midge, I think she is adorable!
Bull: T-bone, he looks sophisticated in his outfit. Plus his name is funny
Cat: Rosie, she's always friendly and has a cute face.
Chicken: Plucky, looks like a villager I want to have.
Cow: Norma, she is so cute! Love her design.
Cub: Maple, she looks so cute that I could hug her.
Deer: Diana, she's like the princess.
Dog: Maddie, love her eyes!
Duck: Ketchup, I love food themed villagers!
Eagle: Amelia, had her in my town!
Elephant: Eloise, also had her in my town before!
Frog: Lily, I think she is adorable and has a cute design.
Goat: Velma, her glasses give her some cuteness points.
Gorilla: Rocket, she's currently in my town! She always has nice things to say.
Hamster: Apple, in one of my previous towns.
Hippo: Bertha, love her blue design.
Horse: Cleo, love her design as well.
Kangaroo: Astrid, she just left my town :(
Koala: Melba, her eyes are pretty cute.
Lion: Rory, his mustache is hilarious.
Monkey: Nana, her design is adorable.
Mouse: Rod, he's currently in my town.
Octopus: Zucker! Love the food designed villagers.
Ostrich: Flora, flamingo for the win!
Penguin: Sprinkle, love her wintery design.
Pig: Kevin, he was previously in my town.
Rabbit: Tiffany, her design is so unique.
Rhino: Merengue, she's my favorite villager and currently has her house next to mine.
Sheep: Stella, like her coloring and looks like she would be pretty friendly.
Squirrel: Poppy, she lives in my village and gave me a cute nickname.
Tiger: Bianca, her spots make her pretty cute.
Wolf: Fang, love the wintery design.

Wow this took some time.
Lol. Sounds like fun, I’m give it a go.

Alligator: Del because of his personality, but Boots has my favorite design. Gayle is great and highly unerrated. Aliigaters are my favorote species.
Anteater: probably annalisa
Bear: chow? I dont really like any of them.
Bird: probably jitters, but there’s a handful of good ones.
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Bob. All time favorite villager
Chicken: plucky? Idk.
Cow: tipper
Cub: chester
Deer: probably fauna but zell is a close second
Dog: lucky with biskit in close second
Duck: molly
Eagle: pierce
Elephant: ellie
Frog: probably raddle
Goat: nan, chevre in second.
Gorilla: idk, boone maybe
Hamster: probably maybe flurry but hamphrey too
Hippo: rocco
Horse: maybee roscoe but also clyde and annalise
Koala: yuka
Lion: probably rex
Monkey: deli?
Mouse: greta. May be the only successful villager with lipstick design, imo.
Octopus: marina, i guess.
Ostrich: so many, its hard to choose. Probably gladys but they did so well with ostrich designs.
Penguin: aurora
Pig: agnes, of course. I also think shes by far the best deaigned uchi villager.
Rabbit: ruby, but dottie and cole
Rhino: hornsby, spike is second.
Sheep: vesta, but I love a lot of them.
Squirrel: probably mint, but theres a couple I really like too.
Tiger: rolf
Wolf: lobo
Alligator - Alfonso
Bear - Curt
Cat - Katt
Cow - Naomi
Cub - Olive
Deer - Erik
Dog - Lucky
Duck - Bill
Eagle - Apollo
Elephant - Tucker
Frog -Lily
Gorilla - Hans
Hamster - Soliel
Hippo - Rocco
Horse - Roscoe
Kangaroo - Walt
Koala - Gonzo
Monkey - Monty
Octopus - Octavian
Ostrich - Blanche
Penguin - Sprinkle
Pig - Agnes
Rabbit - Coco
Rhino - Merengue
Sheep - Ugh...this one is hard..Wendy (shoutout to Stella and Vesta <3)
Squirrel - Sylvana
Tiger - Rolf
Wolf - Lobo

The categories I didn't fill out/deleted are because I really haven't interacted with any in them to have a favorite. They're all on neutral territory for me.
Right let?s try this 😅

Alligator: Alfonso - yeah ok I?m basic but he?s just a lil lazy boy. I mean how can you not love him?
Anteater: Anabelle - not a huge fan of anteaters, but she is just so cute and pretty and I just feel so happy whenever I see her
Bear: Teddy - I used to have him and I miss him soooo much! He was the grandpa of my town. I feel like he has all the wisdom
Bird: Jay - there?s just something about him that I love so much, and I?m not really a fan of birds. Never had him in my town but whenever I see him in anyone else?s I just love talking to him
Bull: Vic - He?s a Viking. Enough said
Cat: KidCat/Punchy - there?s no way I could choose between these two. I had them both in my first town and they were super best friends! Couldn?t go a day without them talking about each other. They are both dreamies and I realllly want them in my current town
Chicken: Ava - she?s the only chicken I?ve had in my town and she?s such a sweetheart
Cow: Norma - she?s sooo cute! I?m such a sucker for pink!
Cub: Maple - honestly I love all of the cubs but if I had to choose it would be maple. She?s such a cutie and another one of my dreamies
Deer: all of them?? - I really love them all, but if I reallllly had to choose, I?d say Erik since he?s been in my current town since the start (also his house is suppperrrr cute)
Dog: Shep - I wasn?t a fan of him at first, but since he came to my town I?ve been in love with him.
Duck: Molly - I think I just like the natural-cute villagers haha. I?d put her and maple together
Eagle: Apollo - don?t really think much of the eagles, but I do have a soft spot for Apollo as he was one of the first villagers I ever had
Elephant: Tia - such a cutie! I had her in my first town, but younger me didn?t appreciate her so she left. Would love to have her again
Frog: Lily/Prince - again I can?t choose between the two! I think the frogs are really cute, but these two are on another level
Goat: Kidd/Ch?vre - The only goat I?ve had is ch?vre, but I do have a soft spot for kidd (I have a secret love for smug villagers)
Gorilla: Louie - again not really a fan of gorillas, but if I had to have one I?d choose Louie since he reminds me of donkey Kong lol
Hamster: Apple/Hamlet/Flurry - ok I?m sorry but these three are my baby?s... choosing one would be like choosing a favourite child. They?re all so precious and we need to protect them at all costs
Hippo: Rocco - no particular reason, he just shares the same name as my brother haha
Horse: Colton - he?s such a womaniser, but I love him so much. Also he?s got class and his house is gorgeous
Kangaroo: Carrie - I love Carrie- she?s just always so happy and can?t look at her and not smile
Koala: Melba/Sydney - It used to just be Melba as she is super adorable and I always wanted her, but after having Sydney in my town, I?ve grown to love her as she is just such a sweetie and such a bright addition to my neutral town
Lion: Rex - don?t really like lion villagers, but I?d say Rex as he?s so chill and just seems like a great guy to hang out with. Also he looks the friendliest out of the lions lol
Monkey: Nana - did I mention I love pink? Also her name is one of the cutest out of all the villagers
Mouse: Chadder - not gonna lie, I hated him when he was in my town, but he grew on me a lot. I mean he?s a literal cheese mouse. That?s amazing
Octopus: Zucker - lets say it loud for the people in the back, WE NEED MORE OCTOPUS VILLAGERS! I love all of them and I really hope we get loads more in new horizons because they?re so hard to get seeing as there?s so few of them and they?re so popular. Also zucker makes me really hungry when I look at him lol
Ostrich: Phoebe - she looks like a fiesty queen but really she?s such a sweetheart and I just love her so much. She?s one of the prettiest villagers and she needs more love
Penguin: Aurora- I have a bad relationship with penguins, but ever since pocket camp I?ve had a love for aurora. She?s so precious and cute that I just want to hug her
Pig: Spork - ok I love lazy villagers, and spork is one of the best. I remember having him in my first town and crying so much when he left. I would love to have him again
Rabbit: Bonbon - lets be real, I love all the rabbits. I?ve had so many of them in my town and they?re all absolute cuties, but bonbon is just on another level. I don?t know why, but she is one of my favourite villagers and I will keep her in my town for as long as I can
Rhino: Merengue - again, I know I?m basic, but she?s a literal dessert. One of the best designs for a villager and all the other rhinos look super average compared to her
Sheep: Stella - all the other sheep are kinda meh, but Stella is a real cutie. She just makes me feel super cosy and warm inside. Also her RV items are super cute lol
Squirrel: Marshal/Pecan/Peanut/Static - I?m super sorry about this one, but I LOVE the squirrel villagers. They?re some of the best designed villagers and I could easily have a whole village of them
Tiger: Bianca - wasn?t too fussed on the tigers, but after pocket camp Bianca really grew on me. I think I just really like the winter villagers for some reason
Wolf: Fang/Chief - like punchy and kidcat, I had these two in my first town and they were like brothers. They're some of the best cranky villagers out there and have super cool designs. Also wolves are my favourite animals irl, so I may be biased there lol

That took wayyy too long! But I think I learnt a lot about myself as a player, and it was also super fun looking back at villagers I forgot I loved
Frog-Wart Jr.
it's super interesting to read through these and see how you guys' views are similar or different to mine!! it takes like 500 hours to do tho I appreciate the effort sksk
All right. Let's take a crack at this.
Alligator - Alfonso. Adorable, lazy guy with a Mario reference.
Anteater - Anabelle, because pangolins are awesome.
Bear - Beardo. He looks fun and his mustache is funny.
Bird - Jay. He was in my original town on Gamecube and he reminds me of my brother who shares his name.
Bull - Vic. Never had bulls in my towns. Vic looks okay.
Cat - Kabuki. He was one of my two original cranky, my favourite personality, on the gamecube game. I have a lot of good memories of this guy plus he looks amazing.
Chicken - Ken. Black samurai chicken. This combo is so unique.
Cow - Naomi. Don't have a preference to the cows of these games. She is the one that looks kinda different.
Cub - Cheri. Looks good.
Deer - Bruce. Never had a deer in my towns so I went only with appearance.
Dog - Butch. Had him in WW. I also love Rottweilers.
Duck - Joey. Only because he used to appear in all my towns so my friend used to tease me that he is my best pal. Inside joke.
Eagle - Frank. First person to give me his picture in NL so my first "friend" on 3ds.
Elephant - Axel. He looks adorable with his mischievous smile.
Frog - Cousteau. One of my first villagers on Gamecube and my bros' favourite villager.
Goat - Chevre, based solely on looks.
Gorilla - Louie. Nice DK reference.
Hamster - Hamlet. All others look ridiculous.
Hippo - Lulu. Another inside joke with my friend. She had 5 beds in her house and we used to roll on all of them.
Horse - Ed. He looks fabulous and was one of my originals on NL.
Kangaroo - Kitt. Honestly most Kangaroos look bad in my opinion so she wins by default.
Koala - Alice. Had her on WW and NL. She is adorable.
Lion - Aziz. Only lion I have experience with.
Monkey - Tammy. Lemurs look fantastic and she is great.
Mouse - Chadder. I like the inside of his house.
Octopus - Octavian. The original octopus and the holy grail of the gamecube game.
Ostrich - Phil. He looks like a more fabulous Falco from starfox.
Penguin - Boomer. Don't give up on your dream, flying penguin.
Pig - Rasher. He really grew on me on WW. He was fun.
Rabbit - Francine. It's cool that she has a sister in the game. Maybe there should be more relationships between animals. Prefer her over Chrissy.
Rhino - Hornsby. Adorable rhino. I was very dissapointed that he was only an RV villager.
Sheep - Baarbara. Just for the pun name.
Squirrel - Pecan. I don't like many squirrels but she is the greatest.
Tiger - Rolf. My second gamecube cranky villager together with Kabuki. I have great memories of him.
Wolf - Chief. I used to be in team Wolfgang but now that I had Chief in my NL town, he won my over.

Darn this was a long one.
Alligator ~ Alfonso since he was my buddy from Wild World
Anteater ~ Cyrano I guess. I can't remember ever having an anteater though.
Bear ~ Groucho was a starter in my New Leaf town that grew on me over time
Bird ~ Jacques might be my favorite smug but unfortunately moved out on me early on
Bull ~ Angus I guess but I don't have any bulls I really care about
Cat ~ Rosie, which is a popular opinion but she was a lucky random move in from New Leaf
Chicken ~ Ava I guess since she was in my New Leaf town, I didn't care for the chickens in my Wild World town
Cow ~ Tipper is the only cow I remember having so I guess her.
Cub ~ Stitches was one of my best friends in one of my Wild World towns.
Deer ~ Lopez was a cool smug villager.
Dog ~ Goldie is my all time favorite villager
Duck ~ Pate was in my New Leaf town for a few years
Eagle ~ Apollo was another good friend from Wild World
Elephant ~ Eloise has been in a few Wild World towns
Frog ~ I always liked the way Camofrog looked and he was in my Wild World for a time
Goat ~ Kidd, who I've never had, but he has a cool design.
Gorilla ~ Boone has stayed in a few of my towns over the years
Hamster ~ Clay I guess, never had a Hamster
Hippo ~ Rocco is a classic villager
Horse ~ Papi since I didn't like the horses I've had
Kangaroo ~ Mathilda was a good friend in New Leaf
Koala ~ Melba was in a few Wild World towns
Lion ~ Bud was in my first Wild World town
Monkey ~ Shari, from both being the sole Uchi in my New Leaf town and chuggaconroy's LP
Mouse ~ Chadder since I genuinely hate almost every mouse
Octopus ~ They're all pretty cool, have never had an octopus
Ostrich ~ Gladys is the only one I've had for an extended period of time although the ostriches in general have good designs
Penguin ~ Hopper has always looked pretty cool and been a regular camper in my New Leaf town
Pig ~ Rasher I guess I hate a lot of pigs too
Rabbit ~ Genji I hate most of the rabbits as well lol
Rhino ~ Tank I guess
Sheep ~ Pietro is a 10/10 design
Squirrel ~ Filbert is a starter in my New Leaf town and prolly my favorite
Tiger ~ Rowan was in one of my Wild World
Wolf ~ Fang is in my New Leaf from the campsite

I haven't had a ton of villagers overall, especially not in New Leaf. I didn't cycle villagers much and my favorites would always try to move out.
Current favorites:

Alligator: Drago
Anteater: Pango
Bear: Grizzly
Bird: Medli
Bull: Rodeo
Cat: Felyne and Punchy
Chicken: Ken
Cow: Tipper
Cub: Pekoe
Deer: Fauna, Diana, and Fuchsia
Dog: Lucky and Shep
Duck: Molly
Eagle: Apollo
Elephant: Margie
Frog: Lily and Jeremiah
Goat: Pashmina and Kidd
Gorilla: Boone
Hamster: Flurry, Hamphrey, and Soleil
Hippo: Bitty
Horse: Epona
Kangaroo: Rooney and Walt
Koala: Melba and Yuka
Lion: Lionel
Monkey: Deli
Mouse: Greta
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Blanche, Julia, and Phoebe
Penguin: Aurora and Hopper
Pig: Gala and Pancetti
Rabbit: Coco and Tiffany
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: Muffy
Squirrel: Cece, Pecan, and Sylvana
Tiger: Rolf
Wolf: Fang, Whitney and W. Link
Alligator- Gayle is super cute! Never had her in my town before though
Anteater- Cyrano Lol a cute grump
Bear- Teddy
Bird- sparro
Bull- Vic
Cat- REALLY hard choice between Ankha and Kiki... I think ankha
Chicken- Egbert
Cow- Patty
Cub- maple :)
Deer- ugh ALL probs Erik though
Dog- lucky!
Duck- Drake! Molly is a close second though
Eagle- Apollo
Elephant- Margie
Frog- lily
Gorilla- boone
Hamster- Apple
Hippo- I don't think I've had one? Bubbles then? Lol
Horse- Savannah
Kangaroo- mathilda
Koala- yuka
Lion- rory
Monkey- nana
Mouse- Samson in the old ac Penelope in new leaf
Octopus- Zucker :p
Ostrich- phil
Penguin - roald
Pig- agnes
Rabbit- bunnie
Rhino- merengue
Sheep- muffy
Squirrel- Pecan
Tiger- bangle
Wolf- chief
Alligator: Gayle
Anteater: Snooty
Bear: Chow
Bird: Medli
Bull: Stu
Cat: Kiki, she's always been my favorite
Chicken: Rhoda in the old ac or Ken in acnl
Cow: Norma
Cub: Marty
Deer: Beau
Dog: Maddie
Duck: Ketchup
Eagle: Sterling
Elephant: Ellie
Frog: Ribbot
Goat: Nan
Gorilla: Violet
Hamster: Clay
Hippo: Bubbles
Horse: Cleo
Kangaroo: Marcie
Koala: Yuka
Lion: I don't really have a favorite here ;;
Monkey: this is hard i love them all they're so cute but if I have to say it's Nana
Mouse: Bree
Octopus: Zucker
Ostrich: Gladys
Penguin: Cube
Pig: Lucy
Rabbit: ugh this is tough too but Cole
Rhino: Hornsby
Sheep: Pietro
Squirrel: Sylvana
Tiger: Rolf
Wolf: Dobie
These are mostly design based, because there's a lot of animals/species I haven't properly interacted with. Also keeping it New Leaf.

Alligator - Drago
Anteater - Cyrano
Bear - Tutu
Bird - Admiral. I'd love to see his grumpy face in my town someday, lol! (Medli, though ;; )
Bull - Stu
Cat - Tangy, because of WW nostalgia. I like Felyne a lot too.
Chicken - Ken
Cow - Norma
Cub - Maple. June being a close second.
Deer - Bruce
Dog - Shep
Duck - Molly
Eagle - Avery, with an honorable mention for Pierce.
Elephant - Tia
Frog - Cousteau
Goat - Meh... Kidd I guess.
Gorilla - Hans
Hamster - Flurry
Hippo - Rocco
Horse - Roscoe
Kangaroo - Walt
Koala - Melba
Lion - Leopold
Monkey - Flip, cause he has my boyfriend's name x) I like Tammy as well.
Mouse - Bree. Again WW memories.
Octopus - Zucker
Ostrich - Queenie
Penguin - I don't like their designs very much, but I'll pick Sprinkle
Pig - Agnes
Rabbit - Carmen
Rhino - Hornsby
Sheep - Willow
Squirrel - Poppy
Tiger - Rolf
Wolf - Aww, I have a soft spot for Dobie x)
Last edited:
Alligator: drago or gayle, both their designs stand out to me the most
Anteater: snooty
Bear: chow, actually had him in my town once
Bird: midge, her spiral cheeks are cute
Bull: i don't really have a favorite but if i had to choose.. stu
Cat: god i love the cat villagers so here's a top 3... mitzi, ankha + kid cat (my friend loves him so the kid cat love rubbed off on me!)
Chicken: ken
Cow: tipper always! (fun fact: her bday is 5 days apart from mine)
Cub: june/chester
Deer: used to be diana but i think it's fuschia now, her design's always been very vibrant + she's another virgo hey!
Dog: luckyyyy
Duck: im not too keen on the duck villagers, but hm maybe scoot
Eagle: apollo
Elephant: tia my forever baby!
Frog: lily
Goat: pashmina or nan
Gorilla: hans
Hamster: clay
Hippo: eh.....not my favorite desgins so maybe bubbles
Horse: roscoe
Kangaroo: mathilda or marcie
Koala: yukaaa, im thinking of having her move into my town once there's a villager slot open!
Lion: rex? or leopold, his green mane looks really cool
Monkey: shari
Mouse: chadder
Octopus: zucker. a taokyaki octopus enough said
Ostrich: blanche! don't know why but she always reminds me of an altaria (one of my favorite mons)
Penguin: hopper, macaroni penguins are ridiculously funny looking
Pig: agnes + pancetti
Rabbit: THIS WAS TOUGH.... genji + coco
Rhino: hornsby
Sheep: muffy although i do have a soft spot for pietro (tends to remind me of the song pierrot by senka)
Squirrel: pecan!
Tiger: rolf, LOVE white tigers
Wolf: wolfgang/freya
I like most villagers for aesthetic purposes.

Alligator - Alfonso
Anteater - Antonio
Bear - Teddy
Bird - Piper
Bull - Rodeo
Cat - Lolly
Chicken - Plucky
Cow - Patty
Cub - Stitches - He is my all-time favorite villager!
Deer - Beau
Dog - Goldie
Duck - Molly
Eagle - Apollo
Elephant - Dizzy
Frog - Drift
Goat - Chevre
Gorilla - Hans
Hamster - Soleil
Hippo - Rocco
Horse - Elmer
Kangaroo - Kitt
Koala - Sydney
Lion - Rex
Monkey - Simon
Mouse - Dora
Octopus - Octavian
Ostrich - Blanche
Penguin - Cube
Pig - Rasher
Rabbit - Coco
Rhino - Hornsby
Sheep - Eunice
Squirrel - Marshal
Tiger - Rolf
Wolf - Fang - One of my favorites since Population Growing!
Ooh this is cute!!

Alligator: Alfonso
Anteater: Antonio
Bear: Charlise
Bird: Twiggy
Bull: Stu
Cat: All of them I can't pick ;-;
Chicken: Egbert
Cow: Naomi
Cub: Pekoe
Deer: Bam
Dog: Biskit and Cherry
Duck: Bill
Eagle: Sterling
Elephant: Eloise
Frog: Ribbot
Goat: Pashmina
Gorilla: Rocket
Hamster: Graham
Hippo: Bertha
Horse: Roscoe
Kangaroo: Carrie
Koala: Sydney and Yuka
Lion: Lionel
Monkey: Shari
Mouse: Bree
Octopus: Marina
Ostrich: Blanche
Penguin: Cube
Pig: Pancetti
Rabbit: Snake
Rhino: Merengue
Sheep: Pietro
Squirrel: Blaire
Tiger: Rolf
Wolf: Kyle
Alligator - Drago
Anteater - Cyrano
Bear - Nate
Bird - Jacques
Bull - Stu
Cat - Kabuki
Chicken - Knox
Cow - Naomi
Cub - Stitches
Deer - Lopez
Dog - Lucky
Duck - Scoot
Eagle - Apollo
Elephant - Big Top
Frog - Cousteau
Goat - Kidd
Gorilla - Cesar
Hamster - Rodney
Hippo - Bitty
Horse - Roscoe
Kangaroo - Kitt
Koala - /
Lion - Leopold
Monkey - /
Mouse - Bree
Octopus - Inkwell
Ostrich - Flora
Penguin - Hopper
Pig - /
Rabbit - Coco
Rhino - Ren?e
Sheep - Pietro
Squirrel - Hazel
Tiger - Rolf
Wolf - Wolfgang
Alligator:Boots-Bff with me and Derwin in my GC town
Anteater:Cyrano-Never had one before
Bear:Teddy-His design is adorable and he's always nice to me.
Bird:Twiggy-Had her in GC and she was always so friendly.
Bull:Chuck-Fun to mess with.
Cat:Kiki,Tangy,Moe,Tom or Bob. Can't choose one. They're all too cute.
Chicken:Ava-She was always sweet and her design is cute.
Cow:Norma-She's a pink cow.
Cub:Stitches-Love him.
Deer:Bruce-Cool dude.
Dog:Lucky-I've never met a villager as sweet or kind as him. He always worries about me and says he feels the same way about me as he does about shrimp gumbo. So basically he loves me. He is so cute,innocent,and naive. Bffs forever.
Duck: Derwin-Had him in GC and he was my BFF. Always talked about how much he cared about me and wanted to be friends forever.
Eagle:Apollo-Miss him.
Goat:Not a big fan of goats but Chevre.
Hamster:HAMPHREY. We will be BFFs forever. He always worries about me and always cares about me. One of my favorite villagers ever.
Horse:Clyde-Underrated villager imo.
Koala:Melba-She ia just the sweetest koala ever. The most adorable koala.
Mouse: Dora
Penguin:Hopper-Saw videos of him and he was hilarious.Love him.
Pig:peggy because she is looney.
Sheep:Curlos. I'm dead serious.
Squirrel:Blaire,Static-Love them both.
Wolf:Fang-Always sends the sweetest letters. Told me I was irreplacable to him.
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Ok, I'm going to give this a try, but I know it's going to be difficult.

Alligator - Drago - I've never had an alligator villager but I like that Drago is based on a dragon.
Anteater - Annalisa - This is my favorite species and I love them all, but Annalisa is so cute. I love her style.
Bear - Grizzly - He is my favorite villager of all time. I've loved him since he was in was a starting villager in my original GameCube town.
Bird - Peck - I'm not too sure about this one because there are a lot of nice looking birds, but Peck always catches my eye.
Bull - Rodeo or Vic - I've never had either of them in my town, but I think I would like them both.
Cat - Mitzi - Really unpopular opinion but I really don't like the design of the cats in the game. Mitzi reminds me of a Siamese cat I used to have growing up, though.
Chicken - Ken or Knox - I've never had either of them in my town, but I love both of their themes.
Cow - Patty - She's the only cow I've ever had in my town and I enjoyed her. None of the other cows really stand out to me.
Cub - Pekoe - She may be the most beautiful/cutest villager in all of Animal Crossing in my opinion and I'd love to have her in my town someday.
Deer - Lopez - Another of my favorite species so this one was hard, but Lopez was an awesome villager.
Dog - Lucky - I've never had a dog villager, but I love his Egyptian/mummy theme.
Duck - Scoot - He's an adorable little duckling and I really enjoyed having him in my town.
Eagle - Sterling - He's my knight in shining armor. Such a cool villager and I love his house.
Elephant - Opal - I've never had an elephant villager, but Opal's design really stands out to me. I think she's lovely.
Frog - Frobert - I love a lot of the frogs, but Frobert is just too adorable for words.
Goat - Sven - I'm going back to the original Animal Crossing for this guy. I love him. If I had to choose from New Leaf, maybe Kidd?
Gorilla - Hans - He's my adorable Bumble (from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer). I love him.
Hamster - Hamphrey - He's a cute little cranky hamster. What's not to love?
Hippo - Bubbles - She's the only hippo I've had the pleasure of meeting and she really grew on me.
Horse - Papi, Roscoe, or Savannah - This one's really hard. I've never had a horse villager, but all three of these are ones I'd love to get one day.
Kangaroo - Walt - I love his design and would love to have him in my town one day.
Koala - Sydney and Yuka - I've had Sydney as a villager and she's adorable. I'm hoping to get Yuka to move in one day.
Lion - Lionel - He just looks so refined and elegant.
Monkey - Tammi or Monty - Both were in my town at one point and I enjoyed them both.
Mouse - Anicotti - She was my best friend in the original GameCube game and recently showed up in my spare town. I'm hoping to move her over to my main town as soon as I can make space for her.
Octopus - Octavian - I've never been lucky enough to have an octopus villager, but Octavian seems like a cool guy.
Ostrich - Julia - There are a lot of great ostrich designs. I love that they are all different kinds of birds. Julia just stands out to me among the rest.
Penguin - Hopper - I love a lot of the penguin designs, but Hopper has to be my favorite. I want him in my town.
Pig - Hugh - He was a starter in my New Leaf town and he's still there to this day. He's not allowed to leave.
Rabbit - Cole or Coco - I really like both of their designs.
Rhino - Rhonda - I don't see her used much, but I'd like to get her for my second town. I think she'd go great with Hans.
Sheep - Eunice - She was in my husband's town and she was very sweet.
Squirrel - Mint or Hazel - So hard to choose just one. Both of them have been in my town, Mint as a starter and Hazel as an early move in. Mint is still in my town and not allowed to leave. I only moved Hazel out because of her horrible house location.
Tiger - Rowan - Not sure about this one. I also think Rolf and Bianca are cute, but Rowan's higher on my list of villagers I'd like to get one day.
Wolf - Dobie - His design is so different with his wrinkled muzzle. I think I'd really like him a lot.
Alligator- Del I love black and red as a color scheme, he just looks neat.
Anteater- Anabelle shes a pangolin which are super cool animals. I like how her shades of yellow match too.
Bear- Teddy!!! Hes a cutie pie and I love his big dumb eyebrows
Bird- Never had one but I like Pipers design =3
Bull- Stu hes so sleepy and cute plus I love blue!
Cat- Tabby, shes my daughter and first villager I got a picture from. I have a lot of memories of her, I know most people think shes hideous but I find her really cute. Shes also the only character whose amiibo card I have.
Chicken- Becky, this ones a bit sad but a good family friend of mine was named Becky and loved chickens they were her favorite animal. She sadly passed away a few weeks ago so Beckys become my favorite chicken in her memory.
Cow- Norma never had her shes just cute TBH.
Cub- Olive again no reason I just like her.
Deer- This was hard but Lopez! I love making his house in, HHD ^^
Dog- Marcel he looks like a clown and I LOVE clowns so...
Duck- Gloria shes a goth duck and was totally Muffys girlfriend in one of my towns. I love her so much shes so pretty.
Eagle- Amelia, shes a really rad vulture type of bird. Idk she also falls into my goth aesthetic lmao.
Elephant- Opal, I like her shades of green IF I'm being honest, also her makeups pretty.
Frog- Raddle! Hes a poison dart frog and doctors masks are aesthetic!
Goat- Billy! Never had a goat villager but hes a grumpy old fart in appearance but is a total gym rat (goat?) and I love that.
Gorilla-Hans hes the only gorilla I really like. Hes a yeti therefore a cryptid, and by gay law I must like him sdcfv.
Hamster- Clay, he looks so coooool like some ancient pottery!
Hippo- Bitty, once again never had her but her colors blend well. Shes also part of the purple eyeshadow gang.
Horse- Savannah shes so cute, and I love Zebras. I love how the designed her eyes tbh.
Kangaroo- Mathilda I just love how cranky her baby looks ok
Koala- Gonzo hes so grouchy I just wanna pinch his cheeks I love him so much.
Lion- Mott! He looks like a really cool dude to just hang out with and be bros with u know? Plus I'm pretty sure he and Rod had a thing in my town.
Monkey- Tammi I love her wild colors, the weirder/uglier the villager the most I like them.
Mouse- Bella shes a funky superb lil punk rat. Whats not to love?
Octopus- Marina I'm trying to get her right now shes really cute.
Ostrich- Gladys shes been in a lot of my towns, I love cranes and shes just a nice gal.
Penguin- Flo! again shes goth so legally I have to like her.
Pig- Agnes and Boris. I love black and white pigs irl, so ofc I love Agnes. Also shes uchi and gives softcore goth vibes. Boris just has neat tusks.
Rabbit- Genji hes my favorite jock too =3
Rhino-Rhonda and Spike bc they're goth punk solidarity
Sheep- Pietro yet again another clown so I must love him I must. Runner ups are Muffy and Frita tho
Squirrel- Tasha! I love that funky skunky! Shes super pretty to me.
Tiger- Rolf is a big mr.grumpy pants AND a white tiger. I want to be his friend!!!
Wolf- Dobie cute tired cranky old man! I love him!!