Which villager sent you something for valentines?

Marshal <3!!! He was also the one who sent me a pear and an orange when my town doesn't have those fruits initially. That cutie squirrel is officially my favorite little villager in town!!
Annalise <3
To cherished Ashen,
Happy Valentine's Day! Even
thought it cost me my beauty
sleep to do it, I put all my
effort into making chocolate
just for you. Please accept
it as a token of my feelings.
Much love, Annalise
How sweet of her! ^^
Sparro always sent me a chocolate heart, TT or not. I think he has an obvious crush on me. :p

The other letter is random, ranging from Marshal, Apollo, and Jacques. But the recent one is Flora.
ACNL mom sent me a shirt :/
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Moe gave me mine O///o
(I TT'ed ahead so I got to Valentine's earlier than the actual date :p now he's moved out XD)
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no one
no one
atleast my awesome friend Isabelle gave me a choco cake and my mom gave me a cacao tree
Klauser (mayor) got a Chocolate Heart from Victoria.
Dingo (1st alt) got a pink rose from Daisy.
Augie (2nd alt) got a purple rose from Mallary.
Ariana (3rd alt) got a cardboard box. lol j/k She didn't get any Valentine's letters.

All four got chocolate cakes from Isabelle and cacao trees from mom.
I got a box of chocolates from Shep <3 the little cutie.

Thats the cutest ****ing thing I heard all week

I sent roses to my favs; beau, fang, kitt, tiffany

Morning News : got a pink rose from fang that made me smile im happy I got something from villagers considering I started my town on nye.. isabelle gave me chocolate cake and my mommy gave me a cocoa tree.
