which kind of wet suit do you have?

I really like the black and white one! Its the only one I have.
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I have the one that's like the most common. I have the black one with the yellow anchor. But a wetsuits a wetsuit, right? :)
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I have the black one with the anchor on it, I think most people don't care for it but for some reason I like that one the most lol! I would buy the black & white one if it ever appeared in my island shop, though.
I have the orange wet suit. I also like the pink wet suit because it has a palm tree on it.
ARGH! I want the red-white striped wetsuit really badly! Is it a Club Tortimer exclusive? I've never seen it in the island. It's perfect for Christmas time! Reminds me of a candy cane. I just have the black one. In the future, I'd like to collect all of them but for now I just REALLY want the striped one.
My mayor has the red and the blue. My alt. character has the black and white suit (it makes her butt look big).