When was the last time you went trick or treating?

I take my baby siblings every year if that counts lol

as for just me w friends or whatever, it's been a few years. Our community has adult trick-or-treaters as well as kiddos, so it's not all that weird here
We go trick or treating on a different holiday and I think the last time I did it was like 7 or something.
Sometime in high school? I was probably 16 I think... Dressed as an alien and me and my friends went in a big group. =D We made the horrible choice to walk through the hills, where nobody even gives out candy because you're insane for walking them...
Never! It sounds like fun but we don't celebrate Halloween here. We have a pretty similar custom on Easter though, but it's just for little kids. I think I was in 1st or 2nd grade the last time I went.
Never! It sounds like fun but we don't celebrate Halloween here. We have a pretty similar custom on Easter though, but it's just for little kids. I think I was in 1st or 2nd grade the last time I went.

Yeah I think it's more common on Easter here too I guess.. but yeah either way it was before I was 10-11 I'm sure lol
i rarely went. i think my sister and friend went in 2011 when we were 11 but i stayed at home..? i hadnt done it in a few years then either lol. pretty sure ive only been like 3-4 times in my life
2012. It got rained out in 2013 and then my mom didn't let me go from 2014 onward. I don't even think she wanted me to go in 2013 either, but it had been cancelled in my neighborhood that year due to the weather.
Last year! I didn't go this year since all of my other friends just wanted to chill and watch Tim Burton movies, but next year, I'm definitely dragging all of them.
this year lol, who doesn't like getting free candy? i know some people don't like it n that's cool but damn if ur tryna be a stick in the mud ur rly achieving it
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i went this year with my friend and her family lol. 20-30 year olds trick or treating. dressed up too. i just like the free candy but i think this year will be my last year.
middle school, i don't remember the exact age/year tho it was so long ago aha
yeah i stopped when people started telling me "kids only" or "10 and under" for candy ):
14 and a lady was rude to me about the fake piercings that went with my costume so I stopped at that house and never went again.
Trick-or-treating and actually getting candy, the last time was probably when I was 13 too. Going out with my younger sisters and cousins, I'd guess I was 17. Since then I've just been handing out candy, although this year no one came to our door. I suppose the kids who live here went to another neighbourhood as most of the houses on the street were dark.
More candy for us :p
Like 4-5 years ago when I was 16. You kinda feel you're too old when you reach a certain point, though its different for everyone.
I went when I was 17. I felt a bit old for it at that point, but my group of friends was also pretty good friends with a couple of the foreign exchange students at our school, and they'd never gotten to go trick-or-treating before, so we took them. It was a lot of fun to go with them and see them experience it for the first time.