what's your favourite non-tradable collectible

the crescent-moon wand is also mine! it’s my #1 favourite collectible in general. i was around for the 2016 fair when it debuted, but 14 year old me was not at all creative enough to win one 😫 i refuse to leave the forums until i somehow get one, i am willing to commit crimes for it

my runner-up favourites are the rainbow moon jellyfish, rainbow frag, and rainbow crescent moon (i’m a sucker for rainbow collectibles 🙌🏻). the special snowflake is also very special to me as it’s the first event favourite/community voting winner collectible that i’ve won! a rainbow or holographic special snowflake would be so pretty
The Green Pinwheel, Crescent Moon Wand, and Tetris Grid are my top three.

I didn’t win the green pinwheel because I didn’t participate in the events enough.
I didn’t win the crescent moon wand because my entries weren’t enough to become staff favorites, and the raffles didn’t smile on me.
But I won the Tetris Grid, thanks to my Rubik’s Cube cake and finding enough staff favorites in the scavenger hunt.
Easily the Shooting Star. It's something I wasn't lucky enough to get during the 2020 Fair, and now all I can do is hope the stars align to give me one during the 12 Days of Collectibles one of these years.

Aside from it, I will mention that I do also enjoy the non-tradable collectibles I've won over the years (Golden Egg x2, Enchanted Bloom, Ocean Pearl, Special Snowflake), but still, none compare to the Shooting Star for me.
Really unpopular opinion: The non-tradable collectables aren't my cup of tea and I will avoid having one stuck in my inventory if possible. Please don't come @ me and no disrespect to the staff that works really hard to make them 🙏
My favorites would be the Pink Candy and Green Pinwheel.
Definitely the crescent moon wand and the shooting star. Absolutely stunning 🥺✨💜✨ unless the raffle gods are kind for once 🤞 I am not talented enough to win events (🎻 tiny violin plays sad song 😂)
Crescent Moon Glow Wand 🥺💖 I feel very lucky to have received mine in Oblivia's 12 Days of Collectibles raffle. 💜❤️💖
I think I'll have to say animated shooting star.
The snowflake.
But I also really like Tetris grid, Shooting star, and candy canes.
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My favorite non-tradable collectibles are probably the Golden Easter Egg, Dark Candy and Pink Candy. If I had to pick one of them, I guess the Golden Easter Egg.

I prefer more simplistic, realistic easter egg collectibles that look like something you can make at home. The Golden Easter Egg fits that bill well. The Golden Easter Egg is also a status symbol of being really good at the Easter Egg hunts here on the forums. I'll never be the first or fastest to collect all those eggs and won't ever earn a Golden Easter Egg, but hey, still love it.

As for the Dark Candy and the Pink Candy, I enjoy collecting all of the candy collectibles. The Dark Candy and Pink Candy are the only candy collectibles I don't have because they're event rewards. I almost got a Pink but unfortunately not. Maybe at least one of these are possible for me to acquire in the future, but not getting my hopes up, especially for the Dark Candy. Of the two, I prefer the Pink Candy I think; the Dark Candy looks too similar to the Wix Candy, though yes I'm aware the Dark Candy existed first.

The animated event rewards like the Crescent Moon Wand, Green Pinwheel, Shooting Star and Tetris Grid are cool but since I missed out on them ages ago they've kind of lost their appeal. Similarly, I love the Ancient Lantern and Dusty Scroll but they were before my time on the forums and the Dusty Scroll only returned once a few Halloweens ago, so they're kind of just neat curiosities to me more than anything.
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Of the ones I don't have.. Definitely these three for sure.
The moon wand! I also really like the tetris grid tho.
Moon wand is probably my favourite that I will forever scream at my younger self for not being able to ever, especially as I am trying to get all of the retro fair collectibles 😭 I am willing to bribe, beg or commit a crime to get it.

I was lucky enough to somehow win the Tetris grid raffle though! That is one of my other favourites.

And the shooting star is also beautiful.
I like the mote of flame collectibles.
The moon glow wand because it’s animated.
The animated Shooting Star collectible from 2020 fair.

Crescent Moon Glow Wand of the ones I don’t have 🤧
Crescent Moon wand is a staple for me, It somehow looks great in every lineup :alien:

My most sentimental untradable is my Blue Mote of Flame