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What's your biggest 'unpopular/controversial' opinion?

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-Genshin's story writing is actually mid tbh and Paimon made the storyline worse like do we need a squeaky sidekick?
Paimon's not "cute", she's annoying in my opinion.

-I cannot stand the smell of most perfume scents and the scent of alcohol. They're too strong for my taste.

-I unironically like "Looney Tunes: Back in Action" and "Megamind"
Big Mac sauce is so delicious and deserves to be on every burger.
This is common knowledge surely? 😍
Have you guys had mac sauce on a mcchicken??? it’s so amazing!!!

My unpopular opinions are as follows:
- Pineapple on pizza is a food sin.
- Most sports are dumb and most athletes are way overpaid.
- Taylor Swift is one of the most underrated songwriters of this lifetime.
- Popcorn smells and taste gross
- Chik-Fil-A sucks
- Burger King spicy chicken sandwich is ten fold at least twenty times better than popeyes spicy chicken sandwich.
- Fall and winter are superior to spring and summer.
- Rainy/stormy days are better than sunny days.
- Ketchup is disgusting
- Technology has done more good in the world than bad.
- Isabelle is the most annoying NPC in the AC universe.
@tiffanistarr I've actually never had a mcchicken lolol. I should try one at some point! But I can imagine that sauce going well with crispy chicken!
Have you guys had mac sauce on a mcchicken??? it’s so amazing!!!

My unpopular opinions are as follows:
- Pineapple on pizza is a food sin.
- Most sports are dumb and most athletes are way overpaid.
- Taylor Swift is one of the most underrated songwriters of this lifetime.
- Popcorn smells and taste gross
- Chik-Fil-A sucks
- Burger King spicy chicken sandwich is ten fold at least twenty times better than popeyes spicy chicken sandwich.
- Fall and winter are superior to spring and summer.
- Rainy/stormy days are better than sunny days.
- Ketchup is disgusting
- Technology has done more good in the world than bad.
- Isabelle is the most annoying NPC in the AC universe.
Oh my god, I’ve found someone that likes the colder seasons more than the hot seasons 😂😂 I like rainy days too.

Athletes are paid stupid amounts. A lot footballers over here are on £100k per week minimum, some going over £300k a week.

Can’t agree with the ketchup comment 😂

EDIT: Yes, I have had the sauce on a McChicken, it’s god tier.
a lot of people like school pep rallies because it lets them skip class but i’d rather not go and just follow my regular schedule. i think that pep rallies are completely useless, they do absolutely nothing for school spirit, half the people at my school don’t even like it here. the only thing that pep rallies are useful for is boosting the sport’s kids egos.

i actually like school uniforms. many people don’t like them because they’re uncomfortable, don’t let you show your own personality, and school authority is strict about following uniform rules but i like them because i don’t need to worry about what to wear every morning.

(sorry, i know that i’ve already posted here 3 times but this is fun 😂)
a lot of people like school pep rallies because it lets them skip class but i’d rather not go and just follow my regular schedule. i think that pep rallies are completely useless, they do absolutely nothing for school spirit, half the people at my school don’t even like it here. the only thing that pep rallies are useful for is boosting the sport’s kids egos.

i actually like school uniforms. many people don’t like them because they’re uncomfortable, don’t let you show your own personality, and school authority is strict about following uniform rules but i like them because i don’t need to worry about what to wear every morning.

(sorry, i know that i’ve already posted here 3 times but this is fun 😂)
I loved my school uniform when I was a kid. Green blazer, claret polo top, black trousers and black loafers 😂
-There's a lot of 'popular' fruit that I don't like - Banana, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, etc.

-I'm not a fan of orange juice. So acidic! >_<

-Summer is the worst season. I like winter so much more.

-Matt from Wii Sports is cool but also very overrated. Yeah, he's the Champion of two sports, but have you seen his stats in his other sports? He doesn't even have Pro status and he's one of the worst in Baseball and Tennis. 🤷‍♀️
-There's a lot of 'popular' fruit that I don't like - Banana, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, etc.

-I'm not a fan of orange juice. So acidic! >_<

-Summer is the worst season. I like winter so much more.

-Matt from Wii Sports is cool but also very overrated. Yeah, he's the Champion of two sports, but have you seen his stats in his other sports? He doesn't even have Pro status and he's one of the worst in Baseball and Tennis. 🤷‍♀️
Winter is so clear of summer. Just the atmosphere of a cold winters day is relaxing. Also the clothes look better in my opinion.

I love orange juice but prefer pineapple or apple juice.

Banana is my favourite fruit 😂
- Ed Sheeran is massively overrated, tons of songs written better than his.
- You should moisturise your face every morning.
- Weetabix is the god of cereal.
- Wearing pyjamas is overrated, much rather walk around the house in underwear or wear a onesie.
- Cyberpunk 2077 was actually good.
- American Football > Rugby
- Shouldn’t take paracetamol when you’re ill, let your body fight it itself. Better for you in the long run.
i actually like school uniforms. many people don’t like them because they’re uncomfortable, don’t let you show your own personality, and school authority is strict about following uniform rules but i like them because i don’t need to worry about what to wear every morning.
You can’t get made fun of for what you wear if you’re all wearing the same thing. That’s how I think of it. I didn’t have school uniforms, personally, but I don’t think I would have minded them. I just hope I wouldn’t have been forced into a skirt due to the “female dress code.”
-Banana pudding/yogurt is amazing, just behind peach
-Greek yogurt is too thick
-You don't need to use salt at the table
-That fake butter/oil/whatever it is that you put on your popcorn at the movies is awesome
-Sweet Chili Heat Doritos are overrated
-Summer is the best season
-Xbox controllers are so awkward to hold in your hand
-Same with N64 controllers when the game requires you to use the joystick
-The N64 is also overrated and hasn't aged well
-Mario Kart 64 is terrible and besides nostalgia, there's no good reason to go back to it
-Banana pudding/yogurt is amazing, just behind peach
-Greek yogurt is too thick
-You don't need to use salt at the table
-That fake butter/oil/whatever it is that you put on your popcorn at the movies is awesome
-Sweet Chili Heat Doritos are overrated
-Summer is the best season
-Xbox controllers are so awkward to hold in your hand
-Same with N64 controllers when the game requires you to use the joystick
-The N64 is also overrated and hasn't aged well
-Mario Kart 64 is terrible and besides nostalgia, there's no good reason to go back to it
I agree on Mario Kart 64. There are some interesting tracks, but the game has a lot of problems. The controls are slippery, the enemy A.I. is irritating, and the graphics are unpleasant to look at.

Also I agree most Nintendo 64 games are rough by today’s standards. Many of them have terrible camera controls that would’ve been fixed with a second analog stick. I’m surprised Nintendo didn’t make a reissue of the controller with that addition.

Here’s one I forgot to include. 90 seconds is way too short to be the standard for most game soundtracks. It’s just barely enough time to develop songs into something worth listening to. Unless the melody is really good I usually find game songs of that length to be too repetitive. In my opinion the average length of game songs should be 2 and a half minutes for instrumentals and 3-5 minutes for vocal tracks (other than the end credits). Of course it made sense with older games. Space on discs and cartridges were limited and developers wanted to include as many songs as possible. Now that games can be dozens of gigabytes large I don't see why composers still limit themselves to that length.
I’m against marriage in general. Nobody should get married. Why get the government involved? Plus, it’s too much hassle and paperwork if it doesn’t work out. Be in a committed relationship without getting married.

I hope this thread doesn’t get derailed, lol.
Personally, I love the idea of wearing a wedding dress and marriage seems good financially and for social security. Mostly the wedding dress for me though, lol. I totally get where you're coming from though!

Some of my opinions:

I like doing the dishes. Its therapeutic and a fun chore.

Speaking of marriage, having kids before marriage should not be stigmatized and people who have an issue with it or shame others for it need to mind their own business. I don't see a problem with it at all unless incest/rape/abuse is involved, but that can happen in a marriage too.

Its hard for me to have respect for famous singers who don't write their own music. If you don't sing good, play good, perform good( eh still), or write good why are you big in the industry. There are several indie artists that deserve far more credit and have more talent than the mainstream artists out there.

Melted cheese is disgusting texture wise and makes me gag.

I love pineapple on pizza.
- I hate extreme hot and cold weather (summer and winter)
- I would rather have cloudy, rainy days than sunny days
- Pineapple pizza is the best pizza
- Reptiles make excellent pets and are very cute
- I listen to new songs on repeat until I get tired of them (I really love the 1 hour versions on YT)
- I hate the smell of petrol
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