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What's your biggest 'unpopular/controversial' opinion?

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Anime dubs are the best they've ever been and I honestly prefer them to subs now. Back around 2006-2010 kind of era, I didn't like dubs due to there only being ten VAs and the translations were awkward "Hi! How are you Saki-chan?" But nowadays there are so many budding VAs that are so talented and the writers do the scripts justice. Even their changes are epic. I hope this all keeps up!!
I agree. I rarely encounter newer dubs that are poorly voice acted or translated in weird ways. They've become a genuinely good alternative to subbed and they can make rewatching favorites more interesting.
- Spotify sucks. Why people even support that is beyond my ears and eyes...brain too perhaps.
totally agree ^ i dislike spotify mainly because i hate subscription services. in fact, i dislike streaming in general. i’d rather pay for my music outright then have to pay $10 a month (apple music)
K here are some of mine... some people might not like these but to each their own....
- The Nintendo Switch feels so overrated and overhyped to me the 3DS(The system itself + the gaming library) was so much better I can make a whole list of the switch's problems that the 3DS doesn't have. Edit real quick: forgot to mention of course the switch has good things the 3DS doesn't but yeah...
- I'm pretty sure I dislike regular pop music and the majority of it's sub genres as a whole, I am sure there is some good pop music out there but I am still yet to find pop music I like it's generally just so annoying to me

you can disagree with me but I'm not directing my opinions towards anyone
I loved the 3DS as a kid, ACNL was a part of my childhood!
K here are some of mine... some people might not like these but to each their own....
- The Nintendo Switch feels so overrated and overhyped to me the 3DS(The system itself + the gaming library) was so much better I can make a whole list of the switch's problems that the 3DS doesn't have. Edit real quick: forgot to mention of course the switch has good things the 3DS doesn't but yeah...
- I'm pretty sure I dislike regular pop music and the majority of it's sub genres as a whole, I am sure there is some good pop music out there but I am still yet to find pop music I like it's generally just so annoying to me

you can disagree with me but I'm not directing my opinions towards anyone
The Switch is cheaply made, end of story. It's really sad to see and I'm not even talking about the joycon drift which is a huge problem. How about how the dock scratches the screen of the Switch? Like what? Or how the joycons are $100CAD. Ridiculous. They feel crappy in my hand. If I hold it a certain way, I hear crack and pop noises. It just doesn't feel like it was made with high quality materials, especially to warrant that price.
i think that dominos pizza is gross, i had it once a few years ago and it didn’t taste right. i feel like they use too much cheese and not a lot of tomato sauce. im a papa johns kind of person.
my brother said "It was like grease in a pan"
I don't blame him because its so greasy. I didn't like their pizza either, it was just blah. I miss Papa Johns pizza, we have one not far away from us but it's been 5 years since we last ordered their pizza.
- Raisins are good. I'm surprised a lot of people dislike raisins. They're like little gummies.

- (Zhongli lovers do not read past this point I have warned you) Zhongli isn't even remotely hot? Like I don't hate him, but he looks like a 40-year-old history professor whose class I'd just fall asleep in. I like the fanart of him when he was Morax (like, the war era), but as he is right now he is just a middle-aged man. His personality and voice are really neat though.

- I didn't get the hype around Squid Game when it released. It's nothing super special, just another movie to add to the survival game genre. Imo it was so overhyped. I watched it just to understand the memes.

The Nintendo Switch feels so overrated and overhyped to me the 3DS(The system itself + the gaming library) was so much better I can make a whole list of the switch's problems that the 3DS doesn't have.
No no you are so right. I'm probably biased because I had much more free time as a kid, but the DS era was the best console era for me. I got to play a ton of really nice games and throughout the years I've been trying to get into more DS/3DS games through emulator. Games on Switch these days aren't worth the price tag for the enjoyment and time you get out of them. Heck, you're better off buying PC games at a lower price and better enjoyment.
- Raisins are good. I'm surprised a lot of people dislike raisins. They're like little gummies.

- (Zhongli lovers do not read past this point I have warned you) Zhongli isn't even remotely hot? Like I don't hate him, but he looks like a 40-year-old history professor whose class I'd just fall asleep in. I like the fanart of him when he was Morax (like, the war era), but as he is right now he is just a middle-aged man. His personality and voice are really neat though.

- I didn't get the hype around Squid Game when it released. It's nothing super special, just another movie to add to the survival game genre. Imo it was so overhyped. I watched it just to understand the memes.

Omg Skarrrrrr my soul when I read this, just YES. I agree with all of these so much like you don't even know XD.


Uh let's see, my next controversial opinion is that crackers, cheese, and mayo together is good (unhealthy, but still good). :lemon:
- Raisins are good. I'm surprised a lot of people dislike raisins. They're like little gummies.
I love raisins! I can go through whole packs of them and not realise until I have 😂
Post automatically merged:

Omg Skarrrrrr my soul when I read this, just YES. I agree with all of these so much like you don't even know XD.


Uh let's see, my next controversial opinion is that crackers, cheese, and mayo together is good (unhealthy, but still good). :lemon:
Crackers, cheese without the mayo and we’re talking 😂
K here are some of mine... some people might not like these but to each their own....
- The Nintendo Switch feels so overrated and overhyped to me the 3DS(The system itself + the gaming library) was so much better I can make a whole list of the switch's problems that the 3DS doesn't have. Edit real quick: forgot to mention of course the switch has good things the 3DS doesn't but yeah...
agreed, i also feel like the switch has no personality. maybe im just nostalgic for the 3DS but what i mean by that is it doesn’t have things like a streetpass, themes and badges, or those AR games. i hate how nintendo charges money to go online now (which is a very popular opinion) and i hate how they’re probably never going to go back to free online on their future consoles like on the wii/DS/3DS because they realize they can charge an absurd amount of money.
agreed, i also feel like the switch has no personality. maybe im just nostalgic for the 3DS but what i mean by that is it doesn’t have things like a streetpass, themes and badges, or those AR games. i hate how nintendo charges money to go online now (which is a very popular opinion) and i hate how they’re probably never going to go back to free online on their future consoles like on the wii/DS/3DS because they realize they can charge an absurd amount of money.
If anything Nintendo should do a ‘game pass’ like PlayStation and Xbox have. Get Nintendo Online and a bunch of games + DLCs in one package.
Toasted bread sucks, fight me.

It's just too crunchy when you actually toast it and it imho it loses its breadiness(?). That and that I hate the amount of crumbs it makes on the bread itself so like-
Toasted bread sucks, fight me.

It's just too crunchy when you actually toast it and it imho it loses its breadiness(?). That and that I hate the amount of crumbs it makes on the bread itself so like-
I’m gonna have to fight you 😂

Toasted sandwiches are god tier food. Toasted ham sandwiches 😍
- Raisins are good. I'm surprised a lot of people dislike raisins. They're like little gummies.
i love raisins and a lot of people who claim they vehemently hate them are usually trying to be quirky/funny. some people dont like them due to texture which is valid, my bf is one of those people, but the amount of people who flip their lid over oatmeal raisin cookies and "being deceived its not chocolate" is asinine imo. issa dry grape my guy.

also opinion of my own: turkey bacon is infinitely better than regular bacon and people's obsession with bacon is super weird, but i think that was a 2010s internet thing and people dont act like that anymore. but it was so strange XD
Mac computers are awful. I don't like the interface and the mice are terrible to hold. That said, I do have to admit that the keyboards rock and are very comfy to type on.
Maybe my age is showing, but I hate the smart watches and this type of pants. It’s the cuff at the bottom that bothers me.

I also hate that these are the only styles that Amazon decide to show me.
Mac computers are awful. I don't like the interface and the mice are terrible to hold. That said, I do have to admit that the keyboards rock and are very comfy to type on.
I half agree and half disagree. I feel like there’s a lot of useless apps n stuff on macbooks BUT I love how convenient they are for school environments. They’re easy to carry since they’re light and I’ve also found that they seem to last longer than the other laptops I’ve tried.

And I 100% agree on the keyboard, it’s like the highlight of macbooks LOL
spaghetti is disgusting. i absolutely hate everything about it, i dislike the texture and it literally tastes like nothing, the tomato sauce doesn’t help.

also i hate yoga pants, leggings, or anything with spandex.
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