What's the sickest you've ever been?


Nov 16, 2008
Weird Doll

oh right, i had pneumonia once for 3 months. in bed for three months ;) i had one of those moments in a tv show where you walk through your hallway and everything was fading and i almost passed out. fun times. bruised my ribs too, hurt to breathe. kids, finish your antibiotics. i thought it was gone, and it came back for another month.

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I read the title, and I thought you meant "sick" as in the "coolest" you've ever been. XD

I don't really get sick too much, to be honest. I can't really think of anything right now. I suppose the most injured I've ever been is with a broken left wrist in elementary school, which made it hard to write, since I'm left-handed.

The sickest I've ever been though? Probably having the fever for a day or two. I had wisdom teeth surgery last year, and was up and walking the same day, and had a baby tooth removed that was stuck in-between two adult teeth as well about a month ago, and was up and moving the same day as well
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I read the title, and I thought you meant "sick" as in the "coolest" you've ever been. XD

I don't really get sick too much, to be honest. I can't really think of anything right now. I suppose the most injured I've ever been is with a broken left wrist in elementary school, which made it hard to write, since I'm left-handed.

The sickest I've ever been though? Probably having the fever for a day or two. I had wisdom teeth surgery last year, and was up and walking the same day, and had a baby tooth removed that was stuck in-between two adult teeth as well about a month ago, and was up and moving the same day as well

you are cool buddy! *~stay healthy~*
i had the flu two years ago that put me down legit in bed for a week, the real deal flu, thought i might hafta go to the ER.

other than that i've been lucky with illnesses, it's the injuries that have gotten me in the past. i dislocated my kneecap playing football, that was pretty bad. also had two wrist operations that had long recoveries. i got a hyphema one time (bleeding inside the eyeball) and had to sit on the couch for a week wearing sunglasses. :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh my parents said there was a time as an infant they thought i had mumps but instead i had some bacterial infection in my lymph noes and the doctors had to make an incision and drain them so they wouldnt burst, but i had a scar from that on my jaw line growing up, i guess that was from being sick
I have a pretty good immune system and don't really get sick maybe once a year but one time I think last year I had the stomach flu or something I don't really know but I couldn't eat for 3 days because I would just get sick and throw everything up so I lived off of water and orange juice mainly for those 3 days. I was so weak after that and lost 10 pounds it was horrible.
I don't remember what it was called cause I was pretty young, but sometime in elementary school I was sick for a few months straight, I would wake up feeling ok, but as I went to school and was "active" by the middle of the day I'd be dying, would look like a porcelain doll all flushed and glazed eyes and I would go to the office and call my mom, nearly every single day, if I didn't go to the office I'd end up getting SENT to the office cause they could tell how bad I was looking. I had to get chest X-Rays and everything so it was fun stuff.

The BEST time I got sick, was I literally got a cold during the swine flu outbreak, my cold went away in 2 days of bed rest, but I still had to go to the hospital and was forced to miss like 10 days of school or something... Like they wouldn't let me back to school even though I was better, it was some precaution BS... XD it was great, a free vacation!
I was hit severely with something called Rapid Influenza B, which is a FUN version of Influenza (commonly known as The Flu). Basically I got slammed with every worst aspect of the flu at once within a 24 hour period. I was walking back to my dorm one night with a slight headache that turned into the most awful nausea I've ever experienced in my life - to the point where I upchucked right there on the lawn outside my dorm. I then became dizzy and had to stumble my way with the nausea and a pounding headache.

Next morning I woke up burning and feeling so damn tired. Like all I wanted to do was sleep.

Well to make a long story short I didn't receive any treatment because the school I went to wasn't your normal kind of school. You can't just come and go as you pleased.

So I had to endure two to three days with a 103.4 fever until the weekend where I finally went to the ER. God I was in rough shape. I was having fever hallucinations, vomiting, my back and neck were awfully sore, and I didn't want to do anything but sleep.

When I got to the ER they examined me and I remember the doctor staring at me with concern when she said "You are very lucky. If you had waited a few more days, I don't think you would have made it."

Yeah. I almost stopped existing. For you see it turns out due to lack of treatment my Rapid Influenza B had evolved into Pneumonia, and I being an Asthmatic, means I get screwed even harder from respiratory illnesses like Bronchitis and Pneumonia.

Long story short I almost died. That's the most I've ever gotten sick.
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I think it was the time when I was really young and had laryngitis which made it so hard for me to breathe that I had to be taken to the hospital for extra air. My mom also mentioned that I was trying to breathe so hard that my chest looked dented.
I literally clicked on this thread with the intention of saying “this one time I did a kickflip” and then I chuckled when I saw the gif

Anyhow one time I was camping and I had a really bad cold and fever and it was freezing outside and I actually thought I was going to die because I hate camping
uhh one time when i was little i got sick, i dont remember what with, probably the flu or smth, but whatever it was caused me to throw up basically anything i consumed at all, even ice/water. i was taken to the children's hospital and put on an iv. i don't remember how long this lasted. i must've had an insane fever, too, i think that was another reason i was taken to the children's hospital.
I was on a cruise from Hobart to Melbourne; Hobart is cold, Melbourne is hot. The sudden temperature change made me soooo flu-y. It was ridiculous and ruined the second-half of the cruise for me. Ugh.
i get sick a lot but ive never been in danger
i was the most sick when i got urticaria from a virus a couple years back and i had to sleep one night without treatment when i first discovered the rash
In late 2010 I kept having these reoccurring stomach pains. They went away for the most part after about the end of that year but they didn't go away completely for most of 2011. However, by the late part of 2011, they were pretty much gone, and it's a mystery to me still today as to why they happened...
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The sickest I've been was back when I was about 8 or so, I can't remember too well.. but I had bronchitis. Every time I would drink water or take a deep breath I would vomit, it was awful. Apparently according to my mom, I fell asleep on the couch with my eyes open too during this time. It wasn't all bad though, I got to stay home from school and play Paper Mario TTYD :D

Another time was back in the Spring of 2010 when I got strep throat.. Gross content alert upcoming for a warning, don't keep reading if you get grossed out easily. I was spitting so much mucus it was horrible. I had to have a "spit cup" just to have something to release it all out in, when I was cured (I'm very bad at measurements) but my cup was filled nearly at least a couple of inches filled with mucus and saliva. We threw the cup out after that.
I had a gum infection when i believe i was 3 or 4. i was sick before and the doctor thought i had a bad fever or something, so they gave me this strong antibiotic which hurt my gums. i was overnight in the hospital for some time, taking gross medicine and stuff

another time when i was around 8 i had the stomach flu. every couple minutes i had to go to the bathroom with diarrhea, and sometimes i threw up so i didn't go to school for a while
I don't remember what exactly happened since I was very little, but apparently I had to be taken to the ER because my dad had gotten some water in my ears when he bathed me.

I was also very sickly when I was younger, due to me catching secondhand smoke from my dad. I'd gotten nosebleeds and all that because of it.
I had pneumonia when I was 12 and stayed a couple weeks in the hospital and I took me about a month of resting at home to get over it.
It was ROUGH.
I was hit severely with something called Rapid Influenza B, which is a FUN version of Influenza (commonly known as The Flu). Basically I got slammed with every worst aspect of the flu at once within a 24 hour period. I was walking back to my dorm one night with a slight headache that turned into the most awful nausea I've ever experienced in my life - to the point where I upchucked right there on the lawn outside my dorm. I then became dizzy and had to stumble my way with the nausea and a pounding headache.

Next morning I woke up burning and feeling so damn tired. Like all I wanted to do was sleep.

Well to make a long story short I didn't receive any treatment because the school I went to wasn't your normal kind of school. You can't just come and go as you pleased.

So I had to endure two to three days with a 103.4 fever until the weekend where I finally went to the ER. God I was in rough shape. I was having fever hallucinations, vomiting, my back and neck were awfully sore, and I didn't want to do anything but sleep.

When I got to the ER they examined me and I remember the doctor staring at me with concern when she said "You are very lucky. If you had waited a few more days, I don't think you would have made it."

Yeah. I almost stopped existing. For you see it turns out due to lack of treatment my Rapid Influenza B had evolved into Pneumonia, and I being an Asthmatic, means I get screwed even harder from respiratory illnesses like Bronchitis and Pneumonia.

Long story short I almost died. That's the most I've ever gotten sick.

Geez. That must of been crazy difficult to get through. I'm glad you're okay now though