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What's the last movie you've seen?

I saw the new Ghostbusters movie in the theater with my mom while enjoying a Slimer icee! I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to understand it because I haven’t seen any of the other movies. It was actually enjoyable and pretty easy to follow though!
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I watched two Disney films last night

Robin Hood 🏹 & Fox and the Hound 2 🦊
Aaaa I used to watch Fox and the Hound 2 all the time! I still remember these lyrics:
It’s lonely at the top!
When the lights go down and the cheerin’ stops
You got no real friends, no place to call home,
It’s all good doggie! No bone!
Star Wars Attack of the Clones. To address the two common criticisms of the movie:

- I didn’t think that Anakin was unbearably whiny. That might just be because I know how teenagers act. It was a little annoying sometimes, but he at least tolerable
- at first I was going to say that the romance felt obligatory, but it makes sense considering the story the prequels are trying to tell. It does start to feel forced when there’s around 30 minutes left of the movie

Actually, to be honest, this movie felt like a fever dream. I might have to rewatch it because when I watched it, it kind of just happened and now it’s just over. I think that it was very middle of the road, so it wasn’t really that good, but it wasn’t bad. 5/10

One thing I’m noticing is overuse of special effects. Before, they just used special effects when it was necessary or easier, but now they use it almost every set and scene.
watched anatomy of a fall on amazon prime a few days ago. not really my jam but i enjoyed watching it with my family nonetheless! i thought something was going to happen at the end but i really really misread the situation

more recently, watched the original mamma mia film on netflix. i'm an abba fan and i loved amanda seyfrieds' i have a dream but overall thought the plot was pretty weak
This is probably too old of a movie to talk about here with so many young people, but I watched Seven Samurai. Such a great Japanese movie by director Akira Kurosawa. If you don't mind old black and white movies with subtitles from the 1950's, it is a masterpiece of its time.

It influenced later remakes in the form of a couple of versions of Westerns, "The Magnificent Seven". Also very good movies.
I just finished watching Heavy Metal. I thought it was okay; It took me a while to understand the "plot" (didn't realize it was a compilation of short stories till halfway through) and there was a lot of violence and nudity for my liking. The soundtrack is good, though.
Devil in a Blue Dress.

Denzel Washington lead role. As always great acting from him. I didn't care for the plot. Followed the format of L.A Confidential but wasn't clicking and I was finding this convoluted.
Back on Friday the 12th, I saw Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz's 1984 movie The Toxic Avenger on that night's episode of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs. I'd previously seen the movie years ago so didn't have much to say about it. Odd, quirky, distateful, bad, fun. It's an experience.

Tonight I checked out Late Night with The Devil from directors Cameron and Colin Cairnes. Considering that it's set on Halloween, I probably should've turned back and waited to watch it in October during my horror movie marathon, but eh, I was in the mood to watch a movie and I kept hearing about this one so I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. I thought it was neat and I liked it but I guess I still don't see why it was hyped up. Was disappointed to hear about the use of some AI art in some of the interstitials but didn't notice them myself while watching. But yeah, otherwise, not a bad movie overall and I might watch it again sometime in the future but I'm not too crazy about it.
the last movie i saw in theatres was kung fu panda 4 with my friend :0)

the last one i watched at home was big hero 6, it's been quite some time since i last watched it! still such a great movie... still made me cry though 🫂
In theaters a few weeks ago I watched Love Lies Bleeding with @-Lumi- and at home we just watched The Passenger! They would've been a good double feature, they both took place in what I mistakenly thought was Texas and were violent and gay
Wish which I think was just okay. I had no real issue with the storytelling. My issues lie within Asha and how the writers made it seem like Magnifico was evil all along which I don’t think is true. First off everyone was perfectly happy without their greatest wish and lived in a literal utopia with no real dangers. Plus the grandfather even stated that he was perfectly happy with his life even without his wish and didn’t even need it to be happy. Even the physically handicapped could get amazing jobs that no other kingdom or fairy tale would ever give them from the start. Second issue I had was what if a person’s greatest gift was actually something nightmarish or truly evil? Magnifico might have actually been keeping those wishes safely locked up and refusing to grant them for a reason and now Asha is allowing them to run wild. I mean an orphan’s greatest wish could be for their family to come back to life which has major implications right there and so many ways that could be granted and go horribly wrong. For all we know such a wish could bring back the dead as zombies and destroy the entire world as a result. Or what if there was a truly evil person living in the kingdom whose greatest wish was to take over the entire world and turn it into a dystopian nightmare? Asha released all of the bubbled wishes and I can’t imagine that all of those wishes were pure.
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just finished watching a film called monsters (2010). was really groovy - the CGI was pretty mad considering the year that it released and the 2 leads had major chemistry with one another. was feeling tense during some moments for sure
On tonight's witchy, Walpurgisnacht-themed episode of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs, they showed director André Øvredal's 2016 movie The Autopsy of Jane Doe. I'd seen the movie previously, back closer to when it was released, and liked it back then. It's a cool movie and still holds up. I'm glad to have revisited it.
i kept seeing clips of it around so i decided to watch "hidden figures" and wow, would highly recommend it !
I saw Challengers last night! It was incredible 10/10 I never thought I'd be so enthralled by a tennis match
just finished watching crimson peak (2015) on blu-ray. it's a gothic romance film with a really stunning set and gorgeous costumes!! there are also interviews with the set designer and the art peoples about how they made the costumes and the house itself. was really great, solid recommend!
Last Sunday I felt like watching something, so I browsed Shudder's selection and randomly picked Suitable Flesh, a movie from last year by director Joe Lynch. It was all right. I'd describe it as a Lovecraftian Lifetime movie. It was a bit slow for a bit, but as it approached the end there were some cool effects.

Then on Friday night, this past week's episode of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs featured the 1988 movie Death Spa from director Michael Fischa. Pretty fun slasher b-movie. The ending of the movie was pretty abrupt, but yeah, otherwise pretty good.