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What made you play Animal Crossing New Leaf?


Jingle turned me into a carton of milk! Help!
Nov 26, 2018
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Tricolored Puppy Plush
Festive Bell
Green Christmas Stocking
Green Christmas Stocking
Tin Robot
Matryoshka Doll
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Matryoshka Doll
Tin Robot
What made you play Animal Crossing New Leaf? It was Animal Crossing Pocket Camp for me.
My uncle bought a bunch of ds games, including Animal Crossing :Wild World which I never understood how to play it. Resseti was annoying though. I gave up on Wild world for years untill Pocket camp came. I owned a 3ds for like Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Y so i was like "why not get Animal Crossing New Leaf."
TBT kinda helped me learn how to play, I was like a guest XD. Thanks TBT
I've owned and played AC:pG/AC GameCube and ACWW so I was excited for ACNL to be released. The series has been a staple for me since the GameCube days, and with each game I've had mostly positive experiences. Additionally, my experiences vastly improved when I discovered AC forums to fully participate in connecting with people globally (when I was playing PG and WW, I didn't know anyone IRL who had the games). :3
I had been a fan of the series for years beforehand and had hundreds of hours in City Folk. Since AC was (and still is) my favorite game series, naturally I had to buy it right on release date.
I got Wild World with my DS because I thought it sounded cute. I like games where I can just chill, as well as building or influencing my own little world, so the Animal Crossing games are very much my kind of thing. I didn't get New Leaf straight away when it came out because I'm always a bit behind when it comes to games and consoles, but when I did finally get a 3DS, it was the first game I bought. I was so excited to see all the improvements.
I kept street passing people and ACNL kept showing up as currently playing or favourite game. I always wondered why so many people were playing a children's game. That was always my impression when I saw it on store shelves, that it was a very childish game that would be fun for kids but too shallow and simplistic for adults. It really made me curious so I watched a few Let's Play videos on YouTube and I think what really sold me was the real time clock, the stores having schedules just like in real life. It was just such a unique concept to me! So I bought it digital and fell in love. I sometimes imagine what would have happened if I never bothered to look it up. It would just be a gem on a store shelf, a favourite that I would never experience just because it looked like a kid's game.. it makes me sad to think about how I could've missed out on something that's made me so happy over the years. I'm glad for the series of events that led me to it!
The series has been a staple for me
xD Omg rianne. So cute but it being staple for me too. Though, in my case I don't really play any other video games so NL is not just staple, to me.

So. I don't remember if this is the second time or third time that I talk about this, but I was a second character in someone's town - a girl who I used to take care of and now is my daughter. Before this happened, I had been feeling somewhat eh 'cause she skips like 30 years at times, and one day she chopped all the trees in personal island, which made me feel wtf 'cause bug hunting was my favorite routine at the time. So, I've decided to have my OWN town, which I did.
It's been still the topic I and this girl discuss at times - about who's bad. She says it's because of a player who I met in Japanese forum who's name was mcr, that I ended up coming to TBT and had been "way too enthusiastic" on ACNL - against which, my opinion is it's her bad that I ended up like this, it's because of her choipping all the trees on our island.
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The main reason I bought a 3ds was for New Leaf and Harvest Moon.
I've been a fan of both of them for years, so I knew from the jump when New Leaf was announced, I wanted to get it.

I still play on and off, but it's worn down for me as I've made many towns.
I played PG and WW as a kid a ton, at least hundreds of hours I would estimate. However, when I got a 3DS as an adult, I had no intention of playing New Leaf because I didn't want to commit to doing the daily tasks and end up feeling bad about not playing. Eventually though after playing Monster Hunter and Mario Kart, I started to get more and more tempted to buy New Leaf, and one day I bought it on the eShop impulsively. The game quickly became my most played and favorite as I just got caught up in that Animal Crossing magic... something about earning and discovering and designing and building is just so unbelievably captivating.

I only had one lull in my play for the 7 months I've played, and that was because when I unlocked the island, it seemed trivial to earn money any other way, and that almost ruined it for me. Now I am at the stage where I am motivated less by bells and more by unique items and donating to the museum, so it made playing worthwhile again. Also, discovering online play has been super refreshing!
When I got Wild World I used to play a bit but City Folk really got me started. I used to play it all the time but... looking at my town now I'm still wondering what was I doing as I literally have 10% of the encyclopedia, not that much bells and ugly villagers! Like idk I think I was just time travelling to every sunday i could in hopes to come accross a flea market because I loved them so much.
And of course when New Leaf came I bought it (didn't follow the hype though), I mean my best friend's dad bought it to me, and I played A LOT but quickly lost the game. :)
lol I kept seeing ACNL commercials a lot during the summer so I asked my mom to get it for me. I'm sad though because I could have gotten Wild World and City Folk because I had a DS and a Wii but I had no idea those games existed! And now Wild World is way too expensive to get.
xD Omg rianne. So cute but it being staple for me too. Though, in my case I don't really play any other video games so NL is not just staple, to me.

So. I don't remember if this is the second time or third time that I talk about this, but I was a second character in someone's town - a girl who I used to take care of and now is my daughter. Before this happened, I had been feeling somewhat eh 'cause she skips like 30 years at times, and one day she chopped all the trees in personal island, which made me feel wtf 'cause bug hunting was my favorite routine at the time. So, I've decided to have my OWN town, which I did.
It's been still the topic I and this girl discuss at times - about who's bad. She says it's because of a player who I met in Japanese forum who's name was mcr, that I ended up coming to TBT and had been "way too enthusiastic" on ACNL - against which, my opinion is it's her bad that I ended up like this, it's because of her choipping all the trees on our island.

I don't have any brothers or sisters okay---these little virtual/pixel animals were my friends as a kid. Especially since my school friends didn't come to my house ever haha. I don't even care if people don't consider it a "real" video game. It is my staple and a favorite! :3

& oh wow skipping 30 years in a AC game. o_____o Her reason for doing all that though xD This game makes us do silly things at times but it's all fun in the end. . .yes. . . /shifty eyes
City Folk actually got me in the whole series, despite the fact that I had a DS lite and WW came first. For some reason my dad bought CF to play on the Wii, and while watching him play I wanted him to make me a character so I could play also. I did eventually get a character but he also got me WW to play as my own. I absolutely fell in love with it, even thou I took such long breaks from it, re-made my town multiple times and made a bunch of different alts that idk who was friends with Wolfgang anymore. Somehow I heard NL was being released for the 3DS, another console I already owned. I played WW religiously up until the release date of NL in North America. Now I play NL when I can, since work keeps me busy sometimes.
I kept seeing commercials for ACNL. So I started watching a Let's Play of it to see if it was something I'd be into, and ended up falling in love with it.
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Had Wild World and liked it, got all the games that came out after that. The old games weren't nearly as good as New Leaf, though.
I had been playing City Folk a lot before it came out. I saw an advertisement for new leaf of my TV and asked my mom if we could get it. I got it and a 3ds for my birthday like a month later
My first Animal Crossing game was Wild World. Then it was GameCube. After that City Folk.

I went on an Animal Crossing hiatus since 2011 and didn’t get back into it since November of 2012. When I knew that Animal Crossing: New Leaf was coming soon, I had to continue playing City Folk to understand how Animal Crossing works. Then I got the game soon after.

Now, AC Switch will be coming soon and I will get it as soon as it comes out. I can wait on the release however.
I got New Leaf because I had played all the other AC games, so naturally I had to get it! But what got me into AC originally was watching my cousin play Wild World at a sleepover and thinking it seemed interesting.
I've been playing the AC games since 2005. Some friends on a The Sims 2 forum recommended AC:WW to me and I imported a copy from the USA before it came out here. I essentially just bought AC:NL because it was the newest release in the series.
I played Wild World on the Wii and loved it so when I got my 3DS I knew I wanted to buy AC as soon as possible. Bought it and have been happily enjoying it. My niece also loves it even though she doesn't quite know what to do haha I think she just finds it relaxing.
My cousin! She came over one day with her 3DS and was playing Acnl, up to that point I didn't even know that animal crossing existed! She let me create a character and I was hooked!
After that I got my own copy of acnl and my first 3DS~
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